
What you will learn
Why take this course?
🌟 [VisualStudioでGit&GitHubを使ってソースコードを管理する方法【C#】] 🌟
Gitの基本操作 {.bold}
- Commit, Push, Pullなどの基本的なGit操作をVisualStudioで実践します。
- ソース管理の基礎を牢について学び、プロジェクトの変更履歴を効果的に管理できるようになります。
GitHubでのチーム開発 {.bold}
- Branching、Merging、Conflict Resolutionなどの重要な操作を学びます。
- GitHub上でのコラボレーションや, 同様のプロジェクトを異なるブランチで実験する方法を理解します。
フォークとプルリクエスト {.bold}
- GitHub上でのコードのレビュープロセスを学びます。
- ForkingやPull Requestを使って、チームリーダーからのフィードバックを受け取り、あなたのコードが他の開発者によって承認される方法を習得します。
初心者も理解できる {.bold}
- GitやGitHubの経験がない方でも、基本から始めて徐々に操作能力を身につけていくことができます。
詳しい情報を求める方へ {.bold}
- 既にGitやGitHubの知識を持っており、さらに詳細な情報を探している方は、他の参考書などと斫合することをお勧めします。
実践的な学習 {.bold}
- 実際のプロジェクトを通じて学び、理論だけでなく、実際のコード操作にもついて学ぶことができます。
チーム開発への準備 {.bold}
- 現代の開発環境では、遠隔处に仲間と協力することがよくあります。GitHubを使うことで、このようなリモートでのチーム開発を効率的に進めるスキルを身につけることができます。
コミュニティへの参加 {.bold}
- GitHubは単なるソース管理ツールを超えて、開発者コミュニティを形成するプラットフォームでもあります。このコースで学んだ知識を活かし、より広いコミュニティに参加し、学び、共有する機会を見つけることができます。
Our review
Course Overview
The course has received a high rating of 4.53 from recent reviews, indicating that it effectively addresses the complex topic of source code management using Git and GitHub, particularly for those with prior experience using other tools like TFS or SVN. The reviews highlight the course's clarity and its success in making the transition to Git and GitHub understandable even for novices.
Comprehensive Understanding: The course provides a thorough explanation of git management within Visual Studio, which is particularly beneficial for those with a background in C# development and who have struggled with understanding distributed system version control.
Educational Approach: The instructional approach is praised for being clear and understandable, making the learning process smooth and effective. The use of practical examples while operating through the interface adds to the learners' grasp of the concepts.
Real-World Application: The course emphasizes real-world application, which is a stepping stone for beginner programmers and developers to apply what they've learned in their professional environments.
Support for Visual Studio Users: Several reviewers mentioned that the course was particularly helpful for those using Visual Studio, including solving specific issues related to transitioning from SVN to Git.
Easy to Follow: The course is described as easy to follow, even for individuals who feel they are a decade behind in their technical knowledge. It successfully demystifies distributed system version control like GitHub, which has become almost ubiquitous in software development.
Resource Availability: Some reviewers felt that there was a lack of resources such as videos or books on specific topics before taking the course, making them rely heavily on peer advice and self-directed exploration.
Target Audience: The course may be most beneficial to those already familiar with software development concepts and looking to expand their knowledge into Git and GitHub. Newcomers to programming might find it challenging without prerequisite knowledge.
Additional Requests from Learners
- ASP.Net Web Application Development: Several learners expressed a desire for the course to include tutorials on building web applications using ASP.Net, as this would further enhance the learning experience for those looking to integrate Git and GitHub into more complex projects.
Overall, this course is highly recommended for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of source code management with Git and GitHub, especially within the context of Visual Studio and C# development. It is particularly praised for its clarity and practical examples that cater to both beginners and experienced developers alike. The course could be improved by offering more foundational resources for learners starting from scratch and by potentially expanding its scope to cover web application development using ASP.Net.


Enrollment distribution