how does Comidoc work
What is this website?
We add online courses, mostly for free, in this place.
We do not host or sell courses; Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera and other websites do.
We add value to your learning experience by tracking discount and free coupons, free courses, etc., from those platforms.
What exactly are you guys?
We are a team of French developers based in Paris.
We develop websites for clients, mainly corporate or affiliate websites. We have focus on React - Tailwind - GraphQL stack.
We started the Comidoc.net website development 4 years ago, as an internal project, because we wanted to find a way to automate and share our discoveries of Udemy coupons with the rest of humankind, thirsty for knowledge; we believe in the universalization and democratization of information and education.
Do you work for profit?
Since the beginning, we are actually losing money each month; we made profits only on one ocassion: April, 2020, during the Covid worldwide lockdown! We do this mostly for our personal believes.
Why is this so? Because we are not a Wordpress website, with $10 hosting bills per month. We have several dedicated servers, big bandwidth, CDNs, bots, scrappers, ...
All of this tech stuff costs money. Our dev time is, of course, not billed; we do this as a side project.
We only rely on ads to cover our operational charges. We hope to reach breakheaven by 2022; but for this, we need to increase our audience and traffic ten-fold.
What is exactly your relationship with Udemy?
In the past we had an affiliate contract with Udemy. They revoqued it in November, 2020, at the beginning of the Black Friday!
So now we have zero links with them.
Do you gain any money whenever I buy a course via one of your links?
No, since november 2020 we have no more Udemy affiliate links. All the money goes to the instructor (and Udemy).
Our sole job is to connect you with them, and we survive with the publicty, as stated previously.
Once a coupon appears on your website, for how long is it valid?
Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum.
The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing).
Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reached (5 days).
What is this `"`1000 enrollments`"` from Udemy? Why was it enforced?
For a coupon, number of activation are now capped to 1000 max. This means that it can be activated only a 1000 times, and then it expires; or reach its expiration date; whatever happens first.
We suspect that some instructors abused in the past the system and created an artificial hype (thousands of new students in a shot time span) around the course they promoted, and by doing this, they messed-up the Udemy ranking algorithm.
Does the `"`1000 enrollments`"` limit apply for each website that posts the coupon, or is it universal for each coupon?
It is universal for each coupon ID. Nothing related to country or website makes any of this change.
How does your browser extension work?
The technology used is quite simple: when a user of this extension browses on udemy.com, we look in our database and provide a coupon in a popup if we have one.
Conversely, if a user uses a coupon on the Udemy site that we do not have, we will add it to the database and share it with our user community.
It also allows us to automatically deactivate expired coupons, and thus have a list that is always valid and in real time; in simple words, we always keep VERY FRESH leads.
This is a very virtuous community model: the more users we have of the extension, the more coupons we have to offer them.
What information is transmitted when using the browser extension?
When you browse Udemy courses pages, we only send the url visited to comidoc.net servers.
Personnal data (Udemy account, courses enrolled, courses whished,...) is never accessed.
You can choose wether you want the added coupons to be credited to your name, or remain anonymous.
What courses are posted on your Telegram or Twitter account?
Only free courses or courses where you have to pay nothing because of a valid 100% discount coupon.
I submitted a 100% free course but it is not showing on Telegram. Why is it?
Quiz only courses are excluded from Twitter/Telegram posts.
How can I know if my contribution worked, and how can I see my name on it?
If you use the browser extension and are a registered user, an email is sent to you when you discover a course (free/paid) or a coupon (100%off or discount).
If you use the submit form you have a summary at the end of the process.
Could you please help me to find a coupon for this course?
We have no contact with instructors, and only instructors can emit coupons.
You can try to directly contact the instructor finding his/her Twitter/Facebook, and ask him/her for a coupon, but at our level, we cannot help, sorry.
What do I gain from helping to post coupons?
You help people who do not have the money to study a topic.
In other words, you participate in spreading knowledge to the whole world, and thats a thing! You are helping to build a fairier and better society!