Formation au Reiki

Reiki Usui

3.35 (87 reviews)
Esoteric Practices
Formation au Reiki
40 mins
Mar 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

L'histoire du Reiki

L'éthique du Reiki

Les 5 Principes du Reiki

Comment Invoquer le Reiki

Réaliser un auto traitement de Reiki pour vous même.

Réaliser une séance de Reiki pour votre entourage, vous pourrez aussi utiliser le reiki sur les animaux et les plantes

Réaliser un auto traitement Rapide pour vous et vos proches

L'Hygiène de vie pour pratiquer le Reiki

Why take this course?

Bienvenue dans le cours de Reiki niveau 1.

Veuillez noter que ce cours est spécialement conçu pour apprendre le Reiki niveau 1 rapidement et efficacement, idéal pour ceux qui recherchent une approche directe sans superflu.

Vous aurez une base solide pour pratiquer le Reiki niveau 1 en toute confiance, si vous apprenez et suivez les enseignements qui vous seront transmis durant votre formation.

Comme vous l'aurez compris, ce cours complet mais succinct est conçu pour toute personne désireuse de s'initier rapidement au Reiki niveau 1. Les initiations Reiki seront dispensées à distance et vous y aurez accès dès votre inscription.

Cette formation vous permettra de pratiquer le Reiki pour vous-même.

Vous apprendrez à vous connecter au Reiki, à réaliser un auto-traitement ainsi que les bases du Reiki pour être autonome en Reiki niveau 1.

Je vous guiderai dans la pratique d'un auto-traitement rapide, idéal pour les moments où le temps est compté.

Une fois initié, le Reiki deviendra un précieux allié dans divers domaines tels que le soulagement du stress, de la fatigue, le renforcement de la confiance en soi et le développement personnel.

En bonus, vous recevrez un diplôme de praticien en Reiki niveau 1, disponible en téléchargement et prêt à être imprimé.


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Our review

--- **Global Course Rating:** 3.35 **Overall Review:** The course has received a mixed response from learners. On the positive side, many students have found the course satisfactory, especially considering the reduced price and the clear explanations of fundamental concepts, as provided by the instructor Joy. The course's approach to Reiki basics has been commended for its simplicity and effectiveness. **Pros:** - Satisfactory course content for the price paid. - Clear explanations of basic concepts. - A concise and straightforward introduction to Reiki. - Encourages self-learning and curiosity for further practice. - Some learners found the course very helpful and educational, especially for those new to Reiki. **Cons:** - The segment on the 18 Reiki positions was deemed too brief and warranted more detail, as it is an important aspect of the practice. - The REIKI rapid session lacked sufficient explanation on methods to apply on chakras, and learners felt they did not fully grasp the techniques. - Some learners found the course's pace too fast, making it difficult to keep up and fully comprehend the content. - The introductory video was described as nice but too succinct, not allowing enough time for note-taking or full understanding. - A significant number of learners felt that the explanations were vague, overly brief, and insufficiently detailed, especially regarding the history and principles of Reiki. - Some learners expected more hands-on guidance and clarity on hand positions during practice, as opposed to abstract drawings. - A few learners encountered technical issues with video access or found the course's content inadequate and requested a refund. - The absence of a detailed video for the initiation process was seen as a major drawback, as it is a critical part of the Reiki training. **Learner Experiences:** - Some learners who had prior knowledge or experience with Reiki found the course useful and appreciated its no-nonsense approach. - A few learners expressed dissatisfaction due to the need to supplement their learning with external research, which they did not anticipate. - Learners with previous formal training in Reiki noted discrepancies between the course content and what they learned from a Master Reiki, highlighting the importance of using official manuals accompanying the courses. - Others were highly positive about the course, expressing their eagerness to learn more and practice the techniques taught. **Final Thoughts:** The course offers a solid introduction to Reiki for beginners but may require supplementary materials or additional guidance for a more comprehensive understanding of the practice. It is recommended for those looking for a concise and clear starting point in Reiki, with the caveat that learners should be prepared to do some external research to fill in the gaps. For those seeking a more in-depth or hands-on experience, further training may be necessary. Overall, the course appears to strike a balance between accessibility for beginners and the provision of enough information to encourage self-directed learning. --- **Note to Course Reviewers:** For future courses, it is recommended to ensure that all critical segments are covered in depth, considering the pacing and clarity of instructions. Additionally, providing a comprehensive video guide for key elements such as the initiation process would greatly enhance learner satisfaction and the overall learning experience. Addressing these concerns will likely improve the course's rating and learner satisfaction.



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Enrollment distribution

Formation au Reiki - Distribution chart

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