Understanding Value Keys In Landscape Painting
Learn to set the mood of the scene you paint!

What you will learn
Understanding about value key of any painting.
How value keys defines the mood of the painting.
How to paint landscapes with just 3 colours + white
A simple 3 step process that simplifies painting process
Why take this course?
🎨 Course Title: Understanding Value Keys In Landscape Painting
đź“š Course Headline: Learn to Set the Mood of the Scene You Paint!
Welcome to the World of Values, by Mandar Marathe!
Hey there, Art Enthusiasts!
I'm Mandar Marathe, and I'm thrilled to guide you through the intriguing journey of "Understanding Value Keys In Landscape Painting." This course is a treasure trove for beginners and an excellent refresher for seasoned artists looking to refine their skills.
The Essence of Value Key:
In simplest terms, the value key of a painting refers to the range of lightness and darkness present in your artwork. It's about how deeply saturated the shadows are or how brilliantly the highlights gleam. This fundamental aspect sets the overall tone and mood of your landscape painting.
Playing with Contrast:
Imagine a stormy scene—the values are low, with muted lights and deep shadows. Now, envision a bright, sunny day—the contrast is high, with vivid light areas and deep dark shadows. This is the power of value keys at play!
Artistic Freedom:
As artists, we're not bound by the exactness of reality. We have the creative liberty to choose the value key that best conveys our intended emotion or atmosphere in our paintings.
The Impact of Value Keys:
By strategically altering the value key, you can transform a serene landscape into an eerie, moody scene, or vice versa. This is a powerful tool to direct the viewer's emotions and create a lasting impression.
Hands-On Demonstrations:
I'll walk you through three distinct versions of the same landscape painting, each with its own value key, demonstrating how dramatically it can affect the overall mood of the scene.
Medium Flexibility:
While I'll be using watercolour and gouache in these demonstrations, feel free to apply these concepts using any medium you prefer—oils, acrylics, or even digital art!
Color Mixing Mastery:
I'll show you how to mix colors effectively, using a limited palette to complete your paintings. This will boost your confidence in color theory and help you create vibrant, harmonious landscapes.
Your Assignment:
Using the provided reference photo, you'll paint two versions of the same landscape—one in high key and another in low key. This project is designed to reinforce what you've learned and allow you to experiment with your newfound understanding of value keys.
Achieving Artistic Freedom:
Upon completing this class, you'll be equipped with the skills to interpret scenes through your unique lens, creating art that's both authentic and impactful, all while mastering the use of value keys to set the desired mood.
I'm excited to have you join me on this artistic adventure! Let's embark on this creative journey together and unlock the secrets of setting the mood in landscape painting through the power of value keys.
Let's create something magnificent! 🌄✨