Terapias com Tambores e Cristais

Thaty Tambor Xamânico

4.60 (135 reviews)
Esoteric Practices
Terapias com Tambores e Cristais
1.5 hours
Apr 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Aprenderão uma abordagem terapêutica, com o uso da sonoridade do tambor e a potencialização dos cristais; nas práticas xamânicas busca-se o encontro do homem com seu propósito de vida. É o reconectar com sua sabedoria interior, o ancoramento do poder pessoal, a limpeza dos corpos energéticos e a harmonização plena do Ser, despertando a consciência no aspecto espiritual e a sua relação com a natureza no meio em que vive. É buscar a firmeza necessária para realizarmos nossas ações cotidianas na totalidade, onde a alma e coração estejam presentes, permitindo transcender nossas sombras e evoluirmos com sabedoria utilizando nossa energia interna de forma inteligente e equilibrada

Why take this course?

Nas práticas xamânicas busca-se o encontro do homem com seu propósito de vida. É o reconectar com sua sabedoria interior, o ancoramento do poder pessoal, a limpeza dos corpos energéticos e a harmonização plena do Ser, despertando a consciência no aspecto espiritual e a sua relação com a natureza no meio em que vive. É buscar a firmeza necessária para realizarmos nossas ações cotidianas na totalidade, onde a alma e coração estejam presentes, permitindo transcender nossas sombras e evoluirmos com sabedoria utilizando nossa energia interna de forma inteligente e equilibrada.

A terapia promove um bem-estar de forma natural, respeitando seu ritmo, seus ciclos, restabelecendo o fluxo de energia vital, aumentando a frequência de vibração dos campos energéticos, dissolvendo as energias intrusas.

Desta forma, as terapias restabelecem os fluxos de energia, permitindo que a força vital desempenhe novamente seu papel de proteção e nutrição do organismo. O Universo xamânico possui diversos simbolismos e técnicas profundas que enriquecem nossas vidas através de ensinamentos básicos como:

· Respeito ao Planeta que nos acolhe, é a conexão profunda com a Mãe Terra, Pachamama.

· Respeito pelo próximo, pois para os nativos todos somos irmãos.

· Respeito a energia criadora o Pai-Céu, o grande mistério.

· Agradecer e abençoar constantemente, pois essas práticas geram curas nas nossas vidas.

· Manter-se conectados com os quatro bálsamos de cura; o contar histórias, o canto, a dança e o silêncio.

Assim as práticas xamânicas, possibilitam uma jornada de total integração com o caminho sagrado, ativando o poder pessoal, permitindo acessarmos os quatros arquétipos: o Guerreiro, o Curador, o Visionário e o Mestre, transformando assim nossa existência.

Entre as diversas terapias xamânicas abordaremos em especial a terapia de alinhamento dos chakras fazendo a junção dos cristais com tambores.


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Our review

--- **Course Review for Xamanismo Terapêutico** **Introduction:** The course on Xamanismo Terapêutico has garnered an impressive global rating of 4.60, with all recent reviews being positive. The feedback from participants underscores the effectiveness and valuable knowledge imparted by the course instructor. Below is a synthesis of the key points from these reviews. **Pros:** - **Exceptional Content Delivery**: Many participants found the content to be passed clearly and objectively, leaving them desiring more knowledge. - **Practical and Accessible**: The course was described as very practical with explanations that were easy to understand, making complex concepts accessible. - **Comprehensive and Engaging**: The material presented was considered excellent, and the hands-on approach during the practical demonstration of the course was essential for learning retention. - **High-Quality Presentation**: The visual quality of the content was praised, despite some editing and stability issues in the videos. - **Competent Instructor**: The instructor's communication skills and experience with drums and crystals were highlighted as commendable. - **Positive Impact**: Participants reported that the knowledge gained will provide significant support for their work in healing body and soul. - **Community Feedback**: There was a strong sense of community and gratitude among participants, with many expressing their excitement to apply the techniques learned. **Cons:** - **Incomplete Coverage**: Some aspects of the course were felt to be incomplete, such as not fully explaining the correspondence between chakras and endocrine glands or omitting the Sanskrit names of each chakra. - **Questionable Content**: A few participants took issue with certain parts of the course, including an introduction that oversimplified psychology and an anamnese section that posed questions about psychological disorders, which some found inappropriate for a general audience. - **Pace of Learning**: One participant noted that despite the course being short, it was enough to cover the content without any perceived lack thereof. However, they mentioned anticipating a follow-up question to further clarify the material. **Overall Experience:** The overall experience of the course was met with immense gratitude and positive reviews. Participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn about Xamanismo Terapêutico and the enlightening experience it provided. Many participants have indicated their intention to explore more courses, with one participant already feeling equipped to apply what they've learned to their practice. **Conclusion:** In conclusion, the course on Xamanismo Terapêutico has been highly successful, with a wealth of positive feedback from participants who found it informative, practical, and engaging. While there are some areas for improvement, particularly in terms of completeness and content accuracy, the course overall has been well-received and is recommended for those interested in therapy and shamanism. The instructor's dedication to sharing this ancient knowledge was widely commended, and participants look forward to future learning opportunities with anticipation. **Recommendation:** We highly recommend this course to anyone interested in the therapeutic aspects of Xamanismo, especially for those who have prior knowledge or experience with shamanic practices. It is a valuable addition to one's repertoire of healing techniques and offers a unique perspective on therapeutic methods.



Terapias com Tambores e Cristais - Price chart


Terapias com Tambores e Cristais - Ratings chart

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Terapias com Tambores e Cristais - Distribution chart

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