Reiki angelical

What you will learn
Os anjos estão aqui para ajudar a orientar no desenvolvimento humano, elevar e proteger as pessoas.
Ele melhora a conexão entre o praticante de Reiki e seu próprio guardião angelical, que pode ajudar com curas.
Remove os blocos negativos e formas de pensamentos em torno daqueles que são impedidos de receber orientação angélica
As energias do Sistema Guardian Angel Reiki são protetoras e gentis.
Se você não tem um anjo da guarda pessoal, você passará a ter após ser sintonizado.
Why take this course?
🚀 Descubra o Poder do Reiki Anjo Guardião 🛡️ oppon a journey into the ethereal realm with Reiki Anjo Guardião, an online course that will elevate your understanding and practice of healing energies. Let's explore the mystical world of angels and how they intertwine with our lives through the gentle art of Reiki.
Sobre os Anjos:
👼 Os Seres Celestiais - Anglos are considered the highest vibrational beings that exist, unlike humans and animals who are encarnated spirits or energy. They serve as guides, protectors, and facilitators of our spiritual and personal evolution. An Anjo da Guarda is your personal guardian angel – a celestialbeing dedicated to watching over your well- being.
O Companheiro Celestial em Suas Vidas ✨
- Mais de Um Cuidador: While it's commonly believed everyone has one guardian angel, the reality is some people may have more than one throughout their lives or transition from one to another as their life journey unfolds.
- Diversidade Espiritual: Not everyone communicates with angels. Some individuals connect effortlessly with other types of divine entities like "ascended masters" or guiding spirits, which might explain why some new channels rarely or never mention guardian angels in their work.
🔮 Perda de Conexões e Influências Negativas
- Desligamento Espiritual: Life events and negative energy can sometimes disrupt the connection with your guardian angel. If you feel disconnected or sense malevolent energies, it might be a sign that you need to realign with the light.
- Sem Cuidador Angélico: In extreme cases, individuals may have distanced themselves so far from the light that they no longer have a guardian angel, as they have become a source of darkness themselves.
Benefícios do Reiki Anjo Guardião:
- Conexão Aprimorada - Deepen your connection with your personal guardian angel, facilitating healing and guidance.
- Energia Angélica Personalizada - Offer your clients a direct experience of angelic energy tailored just for them, providing comfort and peace.
- Liberação de Blocos Negativos - Remove negative blocks and thoughts that may prevent you from receiving divine guidance.
- Chamada de um Novo Anjo da Guarda - Attract a new guardian angel into your life or the life of someone else, even if they already have one or seem to lack a celestial guide.
🌟 As Energias do Sistema Reiki Anjo Guardião:
- Protegidores e Tenderos - The energies of the Guardian Angel Reiki system are protective and gentle, easy to use and completely safe. They cannot harm anyone and will connect you only with the highest energy for your greatest good.
Join us on this transformative journey where spirituality and healing converge. Learn how to work with the powerful and compassionate energies of the Reiki Anjo Guardião and elevate your life, just as countless others have. Embrace the light, connect with your guardian angel, and start your path to inner peace and well-being today! 🕊️✨
Ready to embark on this spiritual adventure? Enroll in Reiki Anjo Guardião now and unlock the divine energies that surround us all. Your journey towards harmony and light awaits!