React in 10 Steps: Build a Complete Todo App from Scratch

A Comprehensive Guide to Building, Styling, Optimizing and Publishing a Todo App with React

5.00 (8 reviews)
Web Development
React in 10 Steps: Build a Complete Todo App from Scratch
2 hours
Jun 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

A deep understanding of React's core concepts and hooks.

Practical experience building a real-world application from scratch.

Skills to manage state efficiently in small to large applications.

Knowledge of best practices for performance optimization and code maintainability.

The ability to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces.

Familiarity with advanced tools and libraries like Redux and React Router.

Why take this course?

🚀 React in 10 Steps: Build a Complete Todo App from Scratch 🛠️

A Comprehensive Guide to Building, Styling, Optimizing, and Publishing a Todo App with React

👀 Dive into the World of React!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey through the React ecosystem? Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your React skills, this online course is your golden ticket to mastering one of the most sought-after JavaScript libraries out there. 🌟

What You'll Learn in "React in 10 Steps":

🚀 Step 1: Kickstart your journey by setting up your React project environment with Create React App, ensuring a smooth foundation for your Todo app development.

📝 Step 2-4: Gain the necessary skills to create and manage todos with add, delete, complete, and edit functionalities. These are the building blocks of any task management application!

🗂️ Step 5: Store your todos in local storage, allowing users to access their tasks across different sessions without losing any data.

🎨 Step 6: Elevate the user experience with advanced styling and animations, making your app not just functional but visually appealing.

🔍 Step 7-8: Make your Todo app more efficient by adding search and filter capabilities, enhancing the way users interact with their tasks.

Step 9: Optimize your application's performance using best practices, including memoization, to ensure a fast and responsive experience.

🚀 Step 10: Implement lazy loading to significantly improve the initial load times of your app.

🌍 Step 11: Navigate through different pages with React Router, providing a seamless browsing experience within your application.

🔐 Step 12: Master state management with Context API, ensuring your app's data is accessible and maintainable.

🛠️ Step 13-14: Integrate Redux and Redux Thunk to handle complex global state management and asynchronous operations with ease.

🌐 Step 15: Handle API calls, connecting your app with external services or databases for real-world data exchange.

Why This Course?

  • Hands-On Learning: By building a full Todo app, you'll apply what you learn in real-time, solidifying your understanding of React.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Each step is carefully outlined, making complex concepts easy to follow and understand.
  • Advanced Techniques: This course doesn't just cover the basics; it takes you through advanced styling, performance optimization, and state management.
  • Practical Skills: You'll come out of this course with not just knowledge but also practical skills that can be directly applied to real-world React development.
  • Prepare for More Complex Projects: Once you've mastered the Todo app, you'll have the foundation necessary to tackle larger and more complex React applications.

Who is this course for?

👩‍💻 Beginners: If you're new to React, this course will provide a solid grounding in the library.

🧠 Intermediate Developers: Enhance your skill set with advanced techniques and best practices that will elevate your React projects.

Enroll Now and Transform Your React Skills!

Join fellow developers on this coding adventure. Whether you're building your first app or enhancing your existing React knowledge, this course is designed to take you from "I'm just getting started" to "I've got this!" 🏆

Don't miss out on the opportunity to build a complete Todo app and become a React expert. Sign up for "React in 10 Steps: Build a Complete Todo App from Scratch" today and let's bring your coding journey to the next level! 🚀💻✨


June 17, 2024
Very good job, it was my first todo app and you make it easy to learn! I can't wait for the next one!
June 15, 2024
I recently completed the 'React in 10 Steps: Build a Complete Todo App from Scratch' course, and it has been an absolutely fantastic learning experience! The step-by-step approach made complex concepts like state management, performance optimization, and routing easy to grasp. The instructor's clear explanations and practical examples helped me understand not just how to build a Todo app, but also how to apply best practices in React development. The course covers a wide range of topics, from basic component structure to advanced state management using Context API and Redux, and even dives into handling side effects with Redux Thunk. Each section builds on the previous one, ensuring a smooth learning curve. I particularly appreciated the focus on performance optimization and best practices, which are crucial for any serious developer. Deploying the app using GitHub Pages and Netlify was the perfect way to wrap up the course, giving me hands-on experience in making my projects live. The use of modern tools and techniques like React.memo, useCallback, lazy loading, and React Router has greatly improved my React skills and confidence. I highly recommend it!
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