Survival Guide: When Sh!!T Hits the Fan (SHTF) Preparedness

Survival Guide : Keep you, your family and those you love Alive After Man-Made Disasters, Natural Disasters & Keep you

3.40 (29 reviews)
Self Defense
Survival Guide: When Sh!!T Hits the Fan (SHTF) Preparedness
4 hours
Nov 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

How to navigate using a magnetic compass and topography (landmarks and other terrain features) as well as other old-school survival techniques

How to make proper blood budget friendly dietary choices without breaking the bank buying name brand dehydrated survival food

How a needle and thread can be worth their weight in gold. When it comes to making small repairs in clothing, shelter, and even traps and fishing nets

How to make and use simple traps and weapons such as snares, fishing spears and blow guns, to supplement your existing food supply

How to find the best sleeping bag and shelter for your environment while still saving money

How to construct simple, primitive shelters using basic natural and man-made materials to keep you out of the elements

How to purify water, simply, quickly and effectively

How to start a fire using centuries-old tried and true methods when you really need the heat

Why take this course?

It seems like you've crafted a compelling promotional text for a Udemy course on survival skills, emphasizing the value of traditional methods in a modern context. The course appears to cover various topics such as navigation using a compass, budget-friendly diet choices, making traps and weapons, constructing shelters, water purification, and firestarting techniques. Your message is designed to create urgency and highlight the practicality of these skills in emergency situations. You also emphasize the affordability, reliability, and ease of learning these skills. Additionally, you reassure potential students with a 30-day money-back guarantee, aiming to alleviate any concerns about investment risk. To ensure this message is effective for the intended audience, consider the following: 1. **Target Audience**: Make sure the course content aligns with the interests and needs of your target audience. Are they survival enthusiasts, preppers, or people looking to learn outdoor skills? 2. **Course Structure**: Outline the structure of the course clearly, providing a breakdown of each module or lesson so potential students know exactly what to expect. 3. **Credibility**: If you are the instructor, establish your expertise and credibility in the survival and preparedness field. Share any relevant certifications, experience, or background that will reassure students of the course's quality. 4. **Engagement**: Consider how interactive elements like quizzes, assignments, or community forums could enhance learning and engagement within the course. 5. **Up-to-Date Content**: Ensure that the survival techniques taught are current and based on best practices. Survival skills evolve with new technologies and research, so staying up to date is crucial. 6. **Promotional Strategy**: If you're promoting this course through various channels (social media, email marketing, etc.), tailor your message to fit the platform and the audience's preferences on each channel. 7. **Feedback and Reviews**: Encourage students who take the course to leave reviews that can help future students make informed decisions about enrolling. Remember that the key to a successful promotional campaign is to convey the value of the course in a way that resonates with your audience, addresses their concerns, and reassures them of the quality and effectiveness of what they're learning.

Our review

📚 **Course Review: Preparedness for Disaster Survival** **Introduction:** The course "Preparedness for Disaster Survival" offers a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for and survive various types of disasters. It is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle themselves in critical situations, regardless of their economic status. The course includes both theoretical information and practical tips, making it accessible to a wide range of learners. **Pros:** - **Practical Advice:** The course provides clear, actionable advice on creating a survival kit on a budget, which is a significant strength for those who may not have the financial resources to invest heavily in prepping. - **Real-World Application:** It emphasizes the importance of practical knowledge, such as finding and using affordable survival gear, shopping for food supplies, and understanding the cost of bug out bags. - **Comprehensive Content:** The course covers both home preparedness and away preparedness, ensuring that learners are well-equipped in various scenarios. - **Quality Information:** Many recent reviews praise the quality of information provided, noting its usefulness for beginners and experienced preppers alike. - **Clear Instruction:** The instructor's clear and concise delivery, with pauses for note-taking, is appreciated by learners who find this approach conducive to their learning experience. - **Cost-Effectiveness:** It stands out as a more affordable option compared to other courses, which is a significant advantage for those on a tight budget. **Cons:** - **Lack of Visual Demonstrations:** Some learners express a desire for more visual content, such as videos and pictures, especially in the earlier lessons which are heavily based on PowerPoint slides. - **Insufficient Detail in Certain Areas:** The course is critiqued for not providing enough detailed demonstrations on essential skills like water purification and food storage, which could be crucial in a survival situation. - **Error in First Aid Information:** One reviewer points out an error in the first aid kit section, where "anti-coagulant" was incorrectly suggested as an item to prevent blood clotting, which is actually contrary to its intended use. - **Basic Content for Experienced Preppers:** Some advanced preppers may find the content too basic, especially if they have read extensive survival literature or already possess a Bug Out Bag (BOB). **Overall Opinion:** The "Preparedness for Disaster Survival" course is highly regarded for its practicality and affordability. It serves as an excellent introduction to disaster preparedness for beginners and offers valuable tips for experienced preppers on how to save money while preparing. The course's structure, covering both home and away scenarios, provides a thorough overview of what one might need to know in the event of a disaster. However, learners looking for detailed visual demonstrations may be slightly disappointed with the current format. **Conclusion:** In summary, this course is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to prepare for a range of disasters without breaking the bank. The quality and practicality of its content are commendable; however, there is room for improvement in terms of providing more visual aids and detailed instructions on critical survival skills. Overall, it's a strong course that could be even more impactful with some enhancements.



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