
一位真神 - One True God


Religion & Spirituality
一位真神 - One True God
40 mins
Oct 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Basic and Important Introduction to Gods and Religions (对神和宗教的基本和重要介绍)

Observable miracles of the true God (观察真神的奇迹)

Recognition of the personal name of the true God (认可是个人的名字)

Recognition of the last prophet of the true God (承认真神的最后一位先知)

Explanations of the signs of the true God (真神征兆的解释)

Why take this course?

🧐 一位真神 - One True God 是否存在?这个问题沿着历史穿越,激起无数热烈的讨论与争议。在这个速成课程中,我们将通过自然界、生物和纯粹的物理奇迹来探索上帝的真实存在。


  • 自然解锁神秘:不依赖宗教文本,仅通过自然界的奇迹来感悟上帝。
  • 跨文化比较:了解世界各地对“God”的理解与描述,并从中寻找共同点。
  • 现代科技观察:利用21世纪的先进科技和相机技术,揭示自然界中的神圣力量。
  • 心智解剖:挑战假设,逐步打开对“一位真神”的理解与认识。


  1. 历史背景:探讨人类对“上帝”存在的长期迷思与争议。
  2. 现实挑战:深入了解由贫困、文竅不足、疾病等因素造成的全球性问题。
  3. 宗教领导者:分析宗教与精神领导者如何影响人类的行为与思想。
  4. 自然探索:通过观察自然界的创造和现象,寻找对“一位真神”存在的证据。
  5. 名字之网:通过谷歌等搜索工具,探讨不同文化中对上帝的呼唤与称呼。
  6. 理解与认识:利用21世纪的生物学与科技进步,清晰地感受“一位真神”的控制、力量和超自然的奇迹。


  • 针对中国观众:本课程内容准备与中国人士相关联,采用中英双语(中文字幕+英文口语),以确保信息的准确传达。
  • 易于理解:使用Google翻译将英文单词转换为中文,以便更广泛的受众能够轻松接触课程内容。

🌟 加入这个课程,开启对“一位真神”存在的深入探索之旅。揭开神秘的面纱,让自然世界成为你信仰与理解的窗口。 🌟

*** ENGLISH *** Is there any God? Are there many gods? Is there really a God? Does God exist? How many gods are there? Is there only one God? Are there two or more gods? These questions have been debated for centuries, and have often led to conflict and division among different cultures and religions. In this crash course, we will explore the existence of God through nature, creatures, and physical miracles that are beyond replication, as only the divine can perform them.

Key Takeaways

  • Unlocking the Mystery: By observing nature and its miracles, we challenge traditional perceptions and seek to understand the true nature of God.
  • Cultural Perspectives: We compare different cultural interpretations of God, from scriptural references to modern-day invocations.
  • Technological Insights: Utilizing 21st-century technology, we analyze how natural phenomena can reveal aspects of divine power and presence.
  • Mental Evolution: We encourage a shift in paradigm to better comprehend the concept of "one true God" and His role in our universe.

Course Content Outline

  1. Historical Context: Examining the long history of humanity's search for divine truth.
  2. Contemporary Issues: Understanding global challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and disease.
  3. Religious Leadership: Analyzing the influence of religious and spiritual leaders on society.
  4. Natural Investigation: Discovering evidence of God through the wonders of nature and its mechanisms.
  5. Divine Names: Exploring the names and titles invoked by different cultures for their understanding of God.
  6. Insightful Enlightenment: Drawing upon modern scientific advancements, especially in biology and camera technology, to gain a deeper appreciation for the one true God's control, power, and miracles.

Course Design Note

  • Target Audience: This course is tailored for Chinese-speaking audiences, with content presented in both English (spoken by the instructor) and Chinese (with subtitles).
  • Accessibility: By using Google Translate to convert English terms into Mandarin, the course ensures that a wider audience can engage with the material.

🌐 Embark on this journey of discovery and learning about the existence of "one true God." Let the natural world be your guide and the science of today your tool for understanding. 🌐

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