Preparación para Auditor Lider e Interno ISO/IEC 27001

Masterclass ISO 27001

4.43 (1534 reviews)
IT Certification
Preparación para Auditor Lider e Interno ISO/IEC 27001
2.5 hours
Jul 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Comprender sobre Seguridad de la Información

Prepararse para examenes de Certificación de la Industria

Auditar e Implementar la ISO 27001

Why take this course?

ISO 27001 Auditoría - MasterClass

¡Bienvenido a la MasterClass de ISO 27001 Auditoría!

Este curso fue concebido inicialmente para proporcionar una sólida formación en auditoría de la norma ISO 27001, pero rápidamente evolucionó para incluir conceptos clave de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información.

Durante el emocionante evento UDEMY LIVE, donde nos reunimos con los instructores más destacados de Udemy, me di cuenta de que este curso podía ofrecer aún más. Por ello, me enorgullece presentar esta MasterClass de Seguridad de la Información, donde te llevaré a un nivel superior en tus conocimientos y habilidades en este apasionante campo.

Este curso está diseñado para ser accesible para cualquier persona interesada en conocer la norma ISO 27001. Si eres nuevo en el tema, aprenderás los requisitos y conceptos fundamentales. Pero si aspiras a ejercer el rol de auditor interno o Auditor Líder, este curso te preparará de manera exhaustiva.

Al completar este curso, tendrás la oportunidad de obtener certificaciones como Auditor, Auditor Líder de CertiProf y/o Consultor Implementador en Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información.

Es importante destacar que aunque los roles de auditor interno y auditor líder de ISO/IEC 27001 difieren en términos de a quién y dónde se realiza la auditoría, los fundamentos de la auditoría permanecen consistentes en ambos casos. Por lo tanto, este curso te preparará de manera integral para asumir ambas funciones con confianza.

CertiProf, la prestigiosa casa de certificación, ofrece los exámenes para ambas certificaciones, cada uno con sus propios niveles de complejidad y alcance. Sin embargo, con el contenido completo y actualizado de este curso, estarás listo para enfrentar y superar ambos exámenes con éxito.

Espero que la información proporcionada te ayude a tomar una decisión informada y que disfrutes al máximo esta MasterClass. Estoy emocionado de acompañarte en tu viaje hacia el dominio de la auditoría ISO 27001 y la Seguridad de la Información. ¡Comencemos juntos esta apasionante aventura!


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Our review

📚 **Course Overview:** The Global course rating for this course is a commendable 4.26, with recent reviews indicating a mix of positive and negative feedback from participants. The course aims to provide comprehensive material and resources for understanding the ISO 27001 standard, which is essential for individuals seeking to become Auditors Interno or Leaders in information security management systems (ISMS). **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** Many users found the course material to be very complete, offering a clear understanding of the ISO 27001 standard. - **Ease of Learning:** The course was praised for its well-explained content with ample supporting materials. - **Real-World Application:** Several reviews highlighted that the course provided valuable knowledge that could be directly applied to their professional roles in public sector organizations. - **Useful for Certification Preparation:** A number of users mentioned that the course was helpful in preparing for ISO 27001 certification exams. - **International Endorsement:** The fact that the course is supported by a university from the U.S. was seen as an added credibility to the content. - **Practical Insights:** Some users appreciated the practical insights offered, even though they suggested more examples and real-world scenarios could be beneficial. **Cons:** - **Video Editing:** There were frequent complaints about the intro and outro of each video being unnecessary and time-consuming, which detracted from the learning experience. - **Pace and Dynamic:** A few reviews pointed out that the course could benefit from a more dynamic pace and a more engaging approach to presenting material. - **Quality and Revision:** Some users were not satisfied with the quality of presentations and lack of revisions, which impacted their learning experience. - **Inadequate Coverage of Topics:** A significant number of reviews noted that the course lacked depth in certain areas, particularly in the application of concepts and the handling of practical exercises such as creating policies or checklists. - **Material Availability:** There were mixed opinions about the availability of additional study material and whether it was sufficient to prepare for the certification exam. - **Interactivity and Engagement:** The course was criticized for lacking interactivity and engagement with the content, which could be improved by offering more practical examples. - **Certification Promise:** A few users were disappointed that the promised university certificate was not delivered as part of completing the course. **Additional Notes:** - **Certificate Preparation:** Some users expressed concerns about whether the course fully prepares one for certification, emphasizing the need for more focused study on the exam's scenarios. - **Autopublicity and Content Quality:** A minor concern was raised about self-promotion within the course, but overall, the content quality was perceived as high, with well-prepared PDFs that are expected to be beneficial for learners. - **Expectation vs. Reality:** While the course promises a lot of information, some users felt it did not provide enough to ensure exam readiness. In conclusion, this course on ISO 27001 is generally well-received and offers valuable content for those looking to understand or certify in ISMS. However, to enhance its effectiveness, improvements could be made in terms of video editing, pacing, depth of coverage, interactivity, and ensuring that the material provided fully prepares individuals for certification exams.



Preparación para Auditor Lider e Interno ISO/IEC 27001 - Price chart


Preparación para Auditor Lider e Interno ISO/IEC 27001 - Ratings chart

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