Learn 4 truths that can change your life

Down to earth, understandable, practical and attainable truths that can improve your life?

4.90 (548 reviews)
Religion & Spirituality
Learn 4 truths that can change your life
1.5 hours
Aug 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Lecture 1 shares a deeper insight into what wealth really means in life.

Lecture 2 clarifies the importance of passion in achieving success in life.

Lecture 3 clearly explains how conditioning negatively affects our every day lives and what we can do about it.

Lecture 4 finally reveals the importance of honesty and how it affects everything in your life.

Why take this course?

🌟 Unlock the Power of Life-Changing Truths with Wolfgang Riebe's "Learn 4 Truths that can Change Your Life" 🌟

Course Overview: Over 26,000+ students have embarked on a transformative journey with this course, and you're invited to join them! Dive into a world where truth meets practicality. Wolfgang Riebe, an instructor renowned for his straight-talking, humorous, and insightful approach, will guide you through four fundamental truths that have the potential to revolutionize your life.

Real Student Reviews:

  • "He speaks the truth, we all think about material stuff not until it's almost too late." 🀯
  • "I started with high expectations and was consistently rewarded with satisfying insights at each stage. The course content, presentation, engagementβ€”all top-notch!" 🌈
  • "Absolutely, Wolfgang makes the videos with humor, fun, and is right on target about how the world is trying to make our lives better." πŸ˜„
  • "I enjoyed the course. It was a good kick in the pants for me personally." πŸ’ͺ
  • "He was good, honest, and definitely worth listening to. He has the knowledge to back up what he's saying." 🎯
  • "Thank you, Wolfgang, for your very human take on this amazing subject. Here's hoping that you can open the eyes of the 'Sheeple.'" πŸ‘€
  • "Amazing! Felt like a personal conversation. Learned a lot about my everyday mistakes and how to recover from them. Thank you for this great gift!" 🎁
  • "Outstanding course! The information was very useful, informative, well presented, and pleasant to experience. I enjoyed both the presentation and the material immensely. A big thank you for such a well-developed course!" πŸŽ‰
  • "Dynamo!!! Hit the nail on the head. This guy is young to have learned so much! Wow!! I love it!!" 🎩

Course Content Breakdown: The course is divided into four insightful videos:

  • Abundance (17 min)
  • Passion (17 min)
  • Conditioning (17 min)
  • Honesty (17 min)

Each video is a journey into understanding the essence of life's truths. By completing all videos, you will have invested approximately 75 minutes to potentially transform your outlook on life. Plus, you'll receive a downloadable PDF e-Book of the course for your reference!

About Wolfgang Riebe: Wolfgang is not just a course instructor; he practices what he preaches. He shares his experiences and knowledge freely, as a testament to his belief in authenticity and the power of practical wisdom. This course is Wolfgang's way of giving back and sharing his vision of life candidly.

Who is this course for? This course is crafted for those who are ready to hear the unvarnished truth and are looking to make meaningful changes in their lives. It's a call to step away from political correctness and entitlement towards a more open, honest, and impactful existence. Remember, it's a free courseβ€”a voluntary choice to engage with content that challenges the status quo.

Join thousands of others who have taken this leap towards self-discovery and a better understanding of life. Embrace the truths that Wolfgang Riebe offers with his unique blend of straight-forward, no-holds-barred approach to personal growth. Trust that his heartfelt message is delivered with the intention to help you navigate through the complexities of this world.

Enroll now and unlock the potential within you! πŸš€πŸŒ±βœ¨


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Our review

🌟 Global Course Rating: 4.50/5

Overview of Reviews

The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from learners, with many praising the instructor, Wolfgang Riebe, for his engaging delivery, humor, and ability to convey profound truths in a relatable manner. The course content is appreciated for its relevance and the insight it provides into personal growth and mindset improvement.


  • Engaging & Humorous Delivery: Learners find Wolfgang's presentation style enjoyable, humorous, and easy to listen to. His ability to make complex ideas understandable is highly commended.

  • Impactful Content: The course material is deemed to be insightful, with many learners reporting a change in their mindset or perspective on various aspects of life such as wealth, family, health, and personal passion.

  • Real-World Application: The concepts taught in the course are seen as practical and applicable to real-life situations, providing valuable tools for self-reflection and improvement.

  • Inspirational & Motivational: Many learners mention that the course has inspired them to make positive changes in their lives and has motivated them to pursue their passions with vigor.

  • Passionate Presentation: Wolfgang's genuine enthusiasm for the subject matter resonates with learners, making the content more impactful.


  • Session Length Preference: A few learners suggest shortening the lecture sessions to 10 minutes each for a more concise learning experience.

  • Desire for More Specific Information: Some reviews indicate a desire for more in-depth information, particularly on finding one's passion or specific strategies for change.

Learner Experiences

The course has been described as a "kick in the pants" and a source of "food for thought." Many learners express gratitude for the course, with some going as far as to say it's the best inspirational course they have ever encountered. The influence of Wolfgang Riebe is seen as transformative, with several learners attributing significant personal growth to the insights gained from the course.


  • "Absolutely [Wolfgang] makes the videos with humor, fun and is right about how the world is and trying to make people's lives better." - Learner from Canada

  • "It was good as expected, not different from the rest. Just an added presenter energy that was well accepted." - Satisfied Learner

  • "Since I watched his videos, I have learned so much about what I really want in this life that God has given me." - Learner Jane Courtois

General Feedback

The overall sentiment towards the course is one of high regard. Learners appreciate the course's ability to remind them of truths they knew but hadn't fully embraced. The humor and real-world wisdom provided by Wolfgang Riebe are seen as unique strengths of this course.

Key Takeaways

  • Impactful Wisdom: The course offers valuable life lessons that resonate with learners, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Entertaining & Engaging: Wolfgang's charismatic personality and engaging delivery make the content accessible and enjoyable.

  • Highly Recommended: Many learners recommend this course to others looking for guidance on personal development or a new perspective on life.

Room for Improvement

While the course is highly rated, some learners suggest that condensing the lectures into shorter sessions might enhance the learning experience for those with shorter attention spans. Additionally, while the content is appreciated, some learners express a desire for more detailed instruction on specific personal growth strategies.


  • Adjust Session Length: Offer some of the longer lecture sessions in two shorter parts to cater to different learning preferences.

  • Provide More Detailed Guidance: Include additional resources or sections that delve deeper into certain topics, particularly on personal passion discovery and implementation.

Final Verdict: This course is a standout for its engaging delivery, insightful content, and positive impact on learners' lives. With a few minor adjustments, it could be an even more versatile and effective tool for personal growth.



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