
Instalações Sanitárias Prediais

Dimensionamento de sistemas de instalações de esgoto em uma edificação.

4.38 (39 reviews)
Instalações Sanitárias Prediais
2 hours
Aug 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Dimensionar fossa séptica

Dimensionar sumidouro

Dimensionar filtro anaeróbico

Dimensionar tubulações esgoto

Dimensionar tubos de queda

Dimensionar coletores e sub-coletores

Dimensionar caixas de gordura

Why take this course?

GroupLayout: Course Overview

🚀 Why This Course? With the intricate nature of sanitary installations often hidden from view, there's a common underestimation of their critical importance in construction projects. All too frequently, these systems are improvised or rushed, using subpar materials and unqualified labor—leading to compromised quality and a host of potential issues.

💧 The Impact of Negligence

  • Statistics Speak: Studies reveal that an astonishing 75% of construction-related health issues stem from problems with sanitary installations in buildings, with about 40% of these originating from design flaws.
  • Financial Burden: The cost to repair issues in completed projects can reach up to 5% of the total construction costs—a significant expense that could have been avoided with proper planning and execution.

👷‍♂️ Understanding Execution Challenges Many on-site difficulties stem from a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the sanitary project plans by those involved in the construction process. This leads to suboptimal system performance and increased maintenance costs over time.

📚 Curriculum Highlights

  • Comprehensive Coverage: This course covers the fundamental concepts and principles necessary for designing sanitary installations in buildings, with a focus on practical application.
  • Brazilian Standards: We delve into the specific norms of Brazil that govern this essential field, ensuring your designs are not only functional but also compliant.

🛠️ Learning Objectives By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand the critical role of sanitary installations in building safety and functionality.
  • Gain expertise in interpreting and executing sanitary project plans accurately.
  • Be equipped with the knowledge to comply with Brazilian standards for sanitary installations.
  • Learn how to minimize repair costs by designing robust systems from the outset.

🎓 Course Breakdown

  • Introduction to Sanitary Installation Design: Key concepts and principles of sanitary installations.
    • Understanding the components and layout of a sanitary system.
    • The importance of design in preventing future issues.
  • Brazilian Regulations: Detailed overview of the standards that govern sanitary installations.
    • NBR 16428 (Sanitary Installations) and other relevant norms.
  • Designing for Efficiency: Techniques and best practices for efficient system design.
    • Calculating pipe sizes, slopes, and capacities.
    • Material selection and installation techniques.
  • Real-world Applications: Case studies and practical examples to reinforce learning.
    • Analyzing common mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • Final Assessment: A chance to test your knowledge and skills in a real-world scenario.
    • Interactive quizzes and project simulations.

💡 Who Should Take This Course?

  • Architects and engineers involved in the construction of buildings.
  • Plumbers and sanitary workers seeking to enhance their technical understanding.
  • Construction managers looking to oversee sanitary installation projects more effectively.
  • Any professional interested in mastering the design and implementation of sanitary installations.

📅 Enrollment is Now Open! Secure your spot today and elevate your expertise in sanitary installations for buildings. Let's build safer, more efficient, and compliant structures together! 🏗️♻️

Ready to dive into the world of sanitary installation design? Join us now and transform the way you approach this critical aspect of construction! 🌟 #ConstructionEducation #SanitaryDesign #BuildingSafety #ProfessionalDevelopment #InstalaçõesSanitáriasPrediais


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August 27, 2024
A norma NBR-7229 foi cancelada e necessita de atualização para NBR-17076 (ABNT, 2024). Alguns conceitos importantes sobre sifonagem e, como evitá-los, poderia ter sido abordado. Também poderia ter sido abordada a concepção de caixas coletoras situadas abaixo do nível de lançamento, uso de sifões-expert que está em bastante em alta nas construções atuais, além de soluções considerando a separação de ramais no caso de sistemas de reúso. Algumas concepções dos ramais de esgoto e descarga nos projetos mostrados possuem solução que podem levar a patologias nos Sistemas Prediais de Esgoto Sanitário. De qualquer forma, o curso aborda os conceitos básicos da norma vigente para esgoto predial, que pode ser importante para a preparação de novos profissionais que interessem pelo tema.
May 28, 2024
Os materiais didáticos utilizados não são apresentados da melhor maneira deixando a desejar os materiais de apoio, aulas incompletados como vemos a falta de finalização do curso onde parece estar incompleto
June 29, 2021
Segundo curso que faço do instrutor Walisson e farei outros. Bastante didático e sem enrolação no conteúdo. Recomendo a todos!



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