Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti

Vuoi imparare la programmazione ma non sai da dove iniziare? Ecco la soluzione, una serie di video pensati per te!

4.45 (2157 reviews)
Programming Languages
Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti
41 mins
Aug 2016
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Delle solide basi dei concetti chiave della programmazione

Conoscenze pratiche che ti accompagneranno per il resto della tua vita

Come utilizzare nel modo corretto la documentazione

Dei risultati concreti e misurabili fin dalle prime lezioni

Penserai come un informatico, affronterai i problemi in maniera più schematica

Utilizzerai il linguaggio Javascript per scrivere i tuoi progetti

Conoscerai gli strumenti necessari per sviluppare in maniera più produttiva

Sarai in grado di approfondire autonomamente strumenti avanzati basati su Javascript come Node.JS, Angular.JS, PhoneGap, Jquery e molti altri

Why take this course?

Corso di programmazione per principianti!

Considera questa serie di video come una guida alla programmazione a tutti i concetti più importanti. È un percorso per insegnarti realmente a programmare partendo dalle basi sino a farti arrivare a scrivere i tuoi primi codici funzionanti.

Se sai già programmare questo NON è il corso che fa par te!

È un corso per chi vuole iniziare a programmare da zero e tutte le lezioni sono state create appositamente con l'obiettivo di farti ottenere dei risultati reali e immediati, già dopo le prime lezioni potrai subito mettere in pratica le cose che hai imparato.

A differenza di altri corsi dove lo studente si limita a copiare passivamente il codice dell'insegnante in questo troverai tantissimi esercizi paratici (più di 20) e sai tu a doverli risolvere, sarai tu a scrivere il codice!

In più di 8 anni di lavoro ho capito che il segreto per imparare a programmare è solo uno: fare tantissima pratica ma anche avere una giusta traccia da seguire aiuta tantissimo, solo cosi potrai realmente imparare a programmare e ho strutturato questo corso cercando i sfruttare tutte le mio conoscenze per creare un percorso perfetto, creato su misura per te.

È tutto pronto, manchi solo tu!

Ti aspetto :)


Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti - Screenshot_01Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti - Screenshot_02Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti - Screenshot_03Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti - Screenshot_04

Our review

👩‍🏫 **Course Overview:** The online course titled [Course Name] is a foundational program designed to introduce students to JavaScript programming language. The course appears to be structured for beginners who have little to no prior knowledge of programming. It promises to cover the basics effectively and guide students through their first steps in learning JavaScript. **Pros:** - 🎓 **Well-Structured Content:** Many reviewers praised the course for its clear, step-by-step explanations and its linear approach, which is ideal for learners with no prior programming experience. - 🧠 **Easy to Understand:** The spelling out of concepts in a simple manner was appreciated by beginners who found the course to be a good starting point. - 🚀 **Fast Learning Curve:** Several students reported that they were able to accomplish real tasks and projects within the course, which was both gratifying and indicative of an efficient learning process. - 🛠️ **Practical Approach:** The course provides practical skills and foundational knowledge necessary for a future career in programming if continued with further studies. - 📚 **Additional Resources:** Some reviewers mentioned that after completing the course, they had access to additional resources which helped solidify their learning experience. **Cons:** - 🤔 **Unclear Expectations:** A few students were under the impression that the entire course content would be covered within Udemy, only to find out that they needed to continue on an external platform to complete the full curriculum. - 🐛 **Technical Issues:** Some learners encountered problems with setting up JavaScripting on MacOS and other platforms, which were not addressed within the course material. - ✂️ **Distracting Background Music:** One reviewer suggested removing background music from certain parts of the course, specifically Lezione 4, to enhance focus and learning effectiveness. - 🤫 **Overpromising:** There were concerns that the course was advertised as including all missions within Udemy, which turned out not to be the case. **General Feedback:** - The course is generally seen as a good introduction to JavaScript for beginners, with clear explanations and an efficient learning path. - Some students felt that the course did not cover as many base concepts as they had anticipated, based on the course description and other reviews. - Despite some drawbacks like unclear expectations and technical issues, the course is still considered valuable for those starting out in programming with JavaScript. - The instructor's ability to explain concepts was often highlighted as a strength of the course. **Rating:** Based on the reviews, the course likely rates around 4 to 4.5 stars, considering both its strengths in teaching foundational concepts and its weaknesses in terms of expectations and technical support. **Final Thoughts:** Overall, [Course Name] is a promising introduction to JavaScript for beginners. With clear explanations and practical guidance, it sets a solid foundation for those looking to learn programming. However, students should be aware of potential external requirements and technical challenges when engaging with the course content.



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Enrollment distribution

Imparare a programmare: Corso Javascript per principianti - Distribution chart

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