Gehirngerechtes lernen

Prüfungen bestehen, gigantisches Wissen aufbauen

3.85 (143 reviews)
Test Prep
Gehirngerechtes lernen
2 hours
Jan 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Nimm mit der halben Anstrengung das doppelte auf

Katapultiert dein Wissen ins Langzeitgedächtnis

Trickse deinen internen Spamfilter aus

Sekt oder Selters?

Lass dich nicht täuschen - kenne dein Umfeld

Ich will Spaß, ich will Spaß - mache das Lernen zum Spiel

Why take this course?

Verschwende deine kostbare Energie nicht, sondern optimiere deine Lerneffizienz!

Wir könnten so viel erreichen, aber was machen wir stattdessen? Wir verschwenden wertvolle Lebenszeit mit ineffizienten Techniken, die uns nichts bringen. Außerdem quält man sich durch den Stoff und hofft nur, dass der ganze Spuk so schnell wie möglich vorbei ist.

Aber stell dir vor du könntest das Wissen, das du dir aneignen willst, in kürzester Zeit und sogar mit Spaß erlernen.

Genau das ist mein Ziel! Du sollst mit so wenige Aufwand wie möglich überragende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Ich möchte, dass wir alle den Spaß am Lernen wieder entdecken.

Deswegen erfährst du hier Lerntechniken, mit denen du die eigene Lernleistung massiv steigern kannst.

Sei einzigartig!

Eine  zweijährige Weiterbildung entspannt nebenberuflich in sechs Monaten schaffen? Von Note fünf auf Note eins? Oder einfach nur eine Fähigkeit, die dich und dein Umfeld weiter bringt, in Rekordzeit meistern?

Das  alles ist möglich und zwar für jeden. Lass dir von niemandem erzählen,  dass das für dich nicht geht. Du hast eine der kompliziertesten Sprachen gelernt, sonst könntest du diesen deutschen Text nicht lesen. Also kann dein Gehirn komplexe Dinge verarbeiten, denn die meisten Sachen sind weniger kompliziert als die deutsche Sprache.

Sprenge also die angeblichen Grenzen, die dir in der Schule gezeigt wurden und werde ein echter High-Performer!

Durch diese einzigartige Kombination aus Motivationstechniken,  Meta-Lernmethoden und den perfekten Lernbedingungen bekommst du ein schlagkräftiges Paket für deinen Erfolg.

Our review

📚 **Course Review Summary** **Overall Rating:** 3.64 **Pros:** - The course provided useful information and was found to be practical and easy to understand, with some users highlighting the clarity and simplicity of the examples given. - Many users appreciated the engaging teaching style that made learning enjoyable and retaining knowledge easier. - The course covered a comprehensive range of topics related to learning types and memory palaces, often presenting familiar concepts from new and practical perspectives. - A significant number of users reported that the course significantly improved their approach to learning and even changed their perception of education, with some awarding it 5 stars for its innovative approach and entertainment value. - The learning cards were well-received for their quality and usefulness in the learning process. - The course was praised for its comprehensive coverage of the subject matter and its clear structure, making the content verifiable and understandable. **Cons:** - Some users found it challenging to establish a connection with the course instructor and felt that the format was more like listening to a podcast rather than participating in a video course. - A few users pointed out that some sections of the course could be more concise and that certain parts felt repetitive or less credible due to an overuse of colloquial language. - The visual representation of the spoken language with a border around images was perceived as distracting and did not enhance understanding as intended. - A few users expected more in-depth practical examples and felt that some sections were too general, almost as if they had already been covered by basic Google searches. - There were concerns about the accuracy of some information presented in the course, with at least one user mentioning specific studies that contradicted some of the claims made. - The course was deemed too long in parts, and some users felt that certain points could be condensed to save time. - A few users noted issues with the voice quality, which they found either too loud or slightly grating, but generally agreed it was good enough for comprehension. **Additional Notes:** - The course's approach to learning types and memory palaces is well-documented and based on cognitive science research. However, some users felt that the content did not delve deeply enough into these topics or address more complex concepts such as the impact of rewards on motivation (Growth Mindset). - The instructor's personality was a positive aspect for many users, who found them likable and engaging. - The course's potential to help learners understand and apply the principles of learning types and memory techniques is clear, but it may not be suitable for those seeking in-depth academic analysis or who are already well-versed in these areas. In conclusion, while the course has received generally positive reviews for its engaging content and practical application of learning principles, there are areas where it could be improved, particularly in terms of content depth and accuracy, as well as addressing more complex topics in the field of cognitive science. Users with diverse levels of prior knowledge may find varying degrees of value in this course.



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