From JavaScript to Typescript: A Beginners Guide

This course will cover the basics of typescript, typescript functions, interface, type, class, and generics.

Web Development
From JavaScript to Typescript: A Beginners Guide
7 hours
Mar 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn TypeScript's core concepts and operations.

Understanding the concepts of TypeScript Interfaces and Type.

Learn the basics of TypeScript Function and Classes.

Master typescript basics with short amount of time.

To understand the distinction between Modules and Typescript Namespace.

JavaScript Fundamentals of Variables and Datatypes

Overlook of javascript conversion types

Learn about javascript operator(Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical)

Javascript conditional statement and looping statement

Javascript Function and advanced function concepts like Callback, IIFE and Closure

Javascript Object and Es6 Class

Javascript Es6 concepts (arrow function, foreach, filter, map, find, default, rest and spread parameter).)

Why take this course?

šŸŽ“ **From JavaScript to TypeScript: A Beginner's Guide** **Course Title:** From JavaScript to TypeScript: A Beginner's Guide --- ### **Introduction to the Course** In this comprehensive course, you will embark on a journey from the familiar grounds of JavaScript to the robust and feature-rich world of TypeScript. TypeScript, as a superset of JavaScript, is designed to bring type-safe coding with an optionally typed style that makes it an excellent choice for beginners and advanced developers alike. --- ### **What You'll Learn:** #### **TypeScript Fundamentals:** - **Typescript Variable Declarations** šŸ”¹ Understand how to declare variables in TypeScript with static types. - **Typescript Datatypes** šŸ”¹ Explore the rich set of primitive and complex datatypes available in TypeScript. - **Typescript Function Definitions** šŸ”¹ Learn how to define functions, their types, and use them effectively. - **Typescript Interfaces** šŸ”¹ Discover how interfaces help in defining the structure of objects and ensuring they adhere to a given shape. - **Typescript Types** šŸ”¹ Master the usage of built-in types, union types, and type guards for precise type handling. - **Typescript Classes** šŸ”¹ Understand how TypeScript enhances JavaScript classes with additional features like static and abstract methods. - **Typescript Generics** šŸ”¹ Utilize generics to create reusable and flexible components that work with any data type. - **Typescript Namespaces** šŸ”¹ Learn how to organize code into namespaces to avoid naming conflicts and improve maintainability. #### **JavaScript Core Concepts:** - **Javascript Variables** šŸ”¹ Grasp the different types of variables and their scopes in JavaScript. - **String Manipulation** šŸ”¹ Master string operations, template literals, and built-in string methods. - **Array Handling** šŸ”¹ Learn how to work with arrays, their methods for manipulation, and advanced array techniques. - **Booleans and Logic** šŸ”¹ Understand the use of boolean values and logical operators in JavaScript. - **Null and Undefined** šŸ”¹ Differentiate between `null` and `undefined` and handle them effectively. - **Implicit and Explicit Conversion** šŸ”¹ Get to know how JavaScript handles type conversion between different data types. - **Arithmetic, Assignment, and Comparison Operators** šŸ”¹ Learn the mathematical and assignment operators that JavaScript provides. - **Conditional Statements** šŸ”¹ Understand various conditional statements and their usage in decision making. - **Loops** šŸ”¹ Master looping structures like `for`, `while`, and `do...while` to iterate over data. - **Functions** šŸ”¹ Explore JavaScript functions, arrow functions, function expressions, and their nuances. - **Objects** šŸ”¹ Dive into creating and manipulating objects, including object destructuring and shorthand methods. - **JavaScript ES6** šŸ”¹ Discover modern JavaScript features that simplify coding, such as let/const, classes, modules, template literals, and more. --- ### **Why Learn TypeScript and JavaScript?** šŸš€ **Better Code Quality:** - TypeScript performs error checking at compile-time, reducing runtime errors and improving overall code quality. šŸ¤ **Enhanced Development Experience:** - With TypeScript's features like type inference, interfaces, and classes, writing and maintaining large codes is a breeze. šŸ¤« **Improved Collaboration:** - TypeScript allows for precise documentation of code, which is incredibly beneficial when working with others. šŸ—ļø **Scalability for Large Projects:** - TypeScript is ideal for projects that require a scalable architecture and maintainability. šŸŒ **Relevance in the Job Market:** - JavaScript is ubiquitous, and TypeScript, as its advanced counterpart, is increasingly sought after by employers. šŸ“š **Staying Current with Industry Trends:** - Learning TypeScript will keep you at the forefront of web development, enabling you to utilize the latest features and frameworks. --- **Why This Course?** This course is tailored for beginners as well as experienced developers who wish to transition from JavaScript to TypeScript. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical examples, this course will empower you with the skills needed to navigate the TypeScript ecosystem confidently. Enroll now and unlock the full potential of your programming skills! šŸš€šŸŽ‰ --- ### **Instructor Bio:** Your instructor for this course is a seasoned software developer with over a decade of experience in web technologies. With a passion for teaching, they have dedicated themselves to guiding learners from all walks of life through the complexities of modern programming languages, with a focus on JavaScript and TypeScript.

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