Formación ciudadana y liderazgo

Programa desarrollado para el Consejo de Rectores Laicos Masónicos de Chile

4.35 (279 reviews)
Formación ciudadana y liderazgo
7 hours
Aug 2015
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Elaboración de unidades didácticas para el desarrollo de la formación ciudadana y liderazgo

Definir estrategias de evaluación formativa aplicables a la formación ciudadana y el liderazgo

Crear contenidos específicos aplicables transversalmente

Definir estrategias didácticas para el aprendizaje de la formación ciudadana y liderazgo

Why take this course?

El curso comprende un análisis de lo que significa la formación ciudadana y liderazgo, y el desarrollo de los objetivos, contenidos, actividades didácticas, y evaluación formativa que se pueden implementar en los Colegios que forman parte del Consejo de Rectores Laicos Masónicos de Chile. La educación, más que ningún otro ámbito, tiene como una de sus funciones cruciales la de formar ciudadanos. Es decir, desarrollar en las personas la creencia en el ideal democrático y promover su puesta en práctica. Tiene como intención propia Constituir los espacios y organizar los tiempos en que tiene lugar la primera de las experiencias común a toda la sociedad. La educación puede contribuir, decisivamente o no, a construir las capacidades intelectuales y morales que son fundamento de la capacidad de acción política ciudadana de la sociedad. Es decir, de reflexión y acción sobre sí misma: sus problemas más apremiantes, sus fines, y los significados que la cohesionan. A partir de la orientaciones del curso, se espera que los docentes de los Colegios puedan implementar sus propios desarrollos didácticos necesarios para concretar la formación ciudadana y liderazgo de los estudiantes.


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Our review

🌟 **Global Course Rating:** 4.35 Based on the recent reviews, students have found the course to be exceptionally enriching and practical in various aspects of their personal and professional lives. Below is a synthesized review of the course, highlighting its strengths and areas for improvement. **Pros:** - 🏫 **Comprehensive Content:** The course provides thorough coverage on responsibilities at the citizen level, family dynamics, and schooling, effectively linking theory to practical application. - 🚀 **Real-World Application:** Many students have noted the immediate applicability of the information in a professional context, emphasizing its relevance in their daily work. - 🤝 **Engaging and Reflective:** The course's content is well-explained with interactive questions that stimulate interest and reflection on the topic, supported by engaging graphics and concise text. - 💎 **Novel Approach:** Students have highlighted the innovative aspects of the course, offering valuable problem-solving techniques for various scenarios. - 🌱 **Life Skills:** The principles and values taught are seen as directly applicable to students' daily lives, with commitments made to practice them continuously. - 🧠 **Foundational Knowledge:** The course is described as a general foundation that connects theory with practical skills, evidently beneficial in numerous life contexts. - 🤝 **Professional Development:** The curriculum is considered highly suitable for addressing the current challenges and equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to face them. - 🌍 **Relevance to Current World Issues:** The course content is deemed highly relevant and up-to-date, reflecting global issues of today's world. **Cons:** - 🎓 **Less Playful Elements:** Some students found the course to be somewhat lacking in playful or gamified elements, despite its high theoretical quality. They suggest incorporating more interactive and engaging activities to make the learning process more enjoyable. - 🤔 **Focus on Education vs. Citizenship:** A few reviews pointed out that while the course is educational, it may need to shift focus slightly towards the qualities of a citizen, beyond ethical behavior and schooling. - 🛠️ **Technical Issues with Certification:** One student reported difficulties in completing the course for certification purposes, highlighting the need for technical support in this area. **Additional Notes:** - 🤔 **Citizenship Focus Recommendation:** Some students suggest that the course could better define what constitutes a citizen and how one's actions reflect their role as a citizen. - 📘 **Repeatability for Certification:** There was an instance where a student who completed the course twice faced issues with obtaining certification, indicating that this might be a process that needs review to ensure all students can receive due recognition for their efforts. - 💖 **Personal Reflection and Growth:** The course has prompted personal reflection on how educators manage topics that are often overlooked but significantly impact students' development. **Final Thoughts:** The Formation Ciudadana course is highly rated by its students, with a wealth of positive feedback praising its depth, relevance, and the potential for direct application in both personal and professional settings. While there are a few areas for improvement, particularly around engaging more playful learning methods and clarifying the focus on citizenship, overall the course is considered an asset to those in education and beyond, offering valuable insights into the role of a citizen in today's world.



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