Figma Design de interfaces do zero ao profissional 2024

Aprenda a criar interface (UI) protótipos de sites e aplicativos com Figma do ABSOLUTO ZERO com projetos reais

4.76 (3758 reviews)
Design Tools
Figma Design de interfaces do zero ao profissional 2024
15.5 hours
May 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Criar interfaces responsivas para qualquer dispositivo (mobile ou desktop)

Criar interfaces profissionais, desde todo processo ao protótipo final

Criar guia de estilo completo desde paleta de cores, componentes, tipografias.

Conceitos de design de interface e usabilidade. Tanto UI - UX.

Criar protótipos interativos de baixa e alta fidelidade.

Why take this course?

🚀 **Curso Intensivo de Figma UI Design: Do Iniciante ao Profissional** 🎓 GroupLayout: - **Introdução ao Figma**: Entenda o ambiente e as principais funcionalidades. - Interface do Figma: Dashboard, File, Pages e Assets. - Criação de protótipos básicos e organização dos arquivos. 🔥 **Fundamentos de Design de UI com Figma**: - Conceitos iniciais de Design de Interface (UI). - Princípios básicos de usabilidade e experiência do usuário (UX). - Layout responsivo: como criar interfaces que se adaptam a diferentes dispositivos. 🎨 **Técnicas Avançadas em Design de UI**: - **Layouts Profissionais**: Aprenda a estruturar telas de forma eficiente. - Guia de Estilos: Crie paletas de cores, defina tipografia e reutilize componentes. - Hierarquia Visual: Organize elementos para uma visualização clara e atraente. 🛠️ **Ferramentas e Funcionalidades do Figma**: - **Design System**: Construa um sistema de design reutilizável e consistente. - Wireframes: Transforme suas ideias em wireframes para basear o projeto. - Interações e Prototipagem: Crie interações, animações e protótipos interativos. - Grids: Organize seus elementos utilizando as ferramentas de grade do Figma. 📋 **Formulários e Formas**: - Crie formulários acessíveis e otimizados para UX. - Entenda como projetar diferentes tipos de formas, botões e inputs. 🚀 **Projeto Prático com Figma**: - Aplicação de todo o conhecimento adquirido em um projeto real. - De zero para o lançamento de um protótipo funcional de um aplicativo ou site. 🔍 **Atualizações e Melhores Práticas**: - Mantenha-se atualizado com as últimas tendências e melhores práticas em design de UI. - Aprenda a adaptar seu design para diferentes plataformas e dispositivos. 🚀 **Conclusão do Curso**: Preparado para transformar sua carreira e se destacar como Designer de Interface com Figma? Nos espera para embarcar nessa jornada em que você vai criar, aprender e evoluir seu talento. Inscreva-se e faça parte deste curso transformador! 🎉💻✨


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Our review

🌟 **Overview of the Course "Dominando o Figma para Design de UI/UX"** 🌟 **Rating:** 4.75 out of 5 stars based on recent reviews. --- ### Pros: - **Engaging Content:** The course content is reported to be engaging and immersive, with many reviewers expressing a sense of progress and mastery over the Figma tool after completing the lessons. - **Beginner-Friendly:** Many students who entered with no prior knowledge of Figma or design principles found the course suitable for beginners. - **Comprehensive Curriculum:** The course is described as "complete," providing a thorough understanding of Figma and UI/UX design principles. - **Clear and Concise Instructions:** The instructor, Matheus, is praised for his clear explanations that make the learning process straightforward and easy to follow. - **Diverse Learning Materials:** Reviewers appreciate the variety of practical examples provided throughout the course, which are said to enhance learning. - **Responsive Support:** Some students mentioned the professor addressing their questions proactively before they had even asked, indicating a high level of engagement and support from the instructor. - **Flexible Learning Pace:** The course allows learners to go back to content as needed to reinforce learning and ensure comprehension. - **Bonus Content:** A few reviews noted that after completing the course, additional content was made available, adding even more value to the educational experience. --- ### Cons: - **Initial Uncertainty:** Some learners who were new to the field felt apprehensive at the start due to the topic being outside their familiarity with technology (TI). - **Certification Concern:** One student was initially worried about not receiving a certificate upon completing the course, but this concern was alleviated when extra content was offered instead of a certificate. --- ### General Feedback: The feedback for the "Dominando o Figma para Design de UI/UX" course is overwhelmingly positive. The course is appreciated for its ability to take learners from zero knowledge to a place where they feel more confident in using Figma for UI/UX design. The didactic quality of the course, along with the instructor's approachable teaching style, has been commended by many students. The course is seen as a valuable resource not only for beginners but also for developers looking to expand their skill set. --- ### Testimonials: - "I came into this course without knowing anything about Figma, and now I feel like I can really use it professionally. This curso is top-notch!" - "The instructor's didactic is excellent; he addresses potential questions before we even think of them. Highly recommend this course to anyone interested in UI/UX design." - "This was more than just a course; it felt like a complete transition into the world of UX/UI. The additional content after completing the course was an unexpected and welcomed surprise!" --- ### Final Thoughts: The "Dominando o Figma para Design de UI/UX" course is highly recommended for individuals looking to learn Figma, especially those with no prior design experience. The positive reception across a range of reviews suggests that the course successfully meets its educational goals and provides significant value to its learners. It's clear that Matheus has designed a curriculum that not only teaches technical skills but also instills confidence in using one of the leading tools in UI/UX design.



Figma Design de interfaces do zero ao profissional 2024 - Price chart


Figma Design de interfaces do zero ao profissional 2024 - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Figma Design de interfaces do zero ao profissional 2024 - Distribution chart

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