
What you will learn
Why take this course?
🚀 ダイバーシティを組織に取り入れたい経営者・組織開発担当者へ🌟
🚀 【上級編】ダイバーシティは組織を強くする~「らしさ」を活かした組繑づくり~【実績15年・500社以上のプロが解説】
🎓 この講座では…
🔑 ナスダック上場企業に必要とされる2名以上のダイバーシティ役員を採用するだけでは、ダイバーシティな組織になるわけではありません。
🧠 経験豊富な指導者:河村
📈 本講座の特色
📚 カリキュラム
- はじめに:ダイバーシティの基礎理解
- なぜDEIが欠かせないのか?
- どうやって取り組めばいいのか?
- リーダーの想いが大事
- 全ての人を尊重し特別扱いするのがDEIの本質
- DEIは組織文化となります
- ディバーシティ推進チームを作る
- 対話の場を持つ
- 今すぐ始められること
- 実践に活かす【ワーク】
🤝 本講座で学べること
- DEIの導入が組織の成功にどのように影響を与えるか
- 組織文化にDEIを組み込む方法
- DEI推進チームの構築と管理
- DEI相互作用の場を提供する方法
- 今すぐ始められる具体的な実践ステップ
🚀 今すぐ登録!
📆 ご入席日程…
💡 ダイバーシティの実現が、今こそ始まる!
🚀 今日で登録!あなたの未来を切り開く一歩を踏み出しましょう!
Our review
Overall Course Rating: 3.86
Course Review
Promotion of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion): The course effectively highlighted the importance of respecting individual members within a team or organization, beyond just focusing on gender diversity or those with disabilities. This concept was found to be universally applicable and crucial for fostering an inclusive environment.
Practical Application in Corporate Strategy: Participants appreciated how the principles of DEI were related to organizational structure and their connection to corporate evaluation, especially from a non-executive standpoint. It provided a framework for understanding 'rahmen' (frame or structure) in business challenges.
Engaging Content and Real-World Examples: The course offered valuable insights and information sharing, which were highly appreciated by those not in HR but still interested in DEI initiatives. Participants requested more cases and practical data to support the explanations, making the content more digestible.
Relevance to Current Economic Challenges: The course content was deemed as not just focused on DEI, but also provided essential tools and strategies for organizations aiming to transform in response to economic challenges like Japan's chronic deflation.
Stimulating Innovation through Diversity: The discourse on diversity as a driver for innovation was well-received, emphasizing the potential for diverse perspectives to lead to breakthrough ideas that can help organizations thrive.
Communication within the Course Platform: Some participants noted a decrease in member interaction and communication within the course platform, suggesting more proactive efforts to foster discussions could enhance the learning experience.
Accessibility for All Employee Levels: The content was found to be more accessible for those not at the executive level, indicating that some advanced concepts might require further simplification to ensure clarity across all employee levels.
The course received a positive response overall, with participants finding the content on DEI's role in organizational transformation and innovation to be particularly insightful. The practical advice given for incorporating DEI principles into corporate strategies was beneficial, especially for those looking to promote these values within their teams or departments. However, there is room for improvement in terms of fostering communication among participants and making the content more accessible to employees at different levels within an organization. Overall, the course is considered a valuable resource for understanding the impact of DEI on modern business practices and for inspiring innovative solutions to current economic and diversification challenges faced by Japanese companies.


Enrollment distribution