Diventa Sistemista CISCO - Livello 1

Impara a risolvere problemi tipici di una rete dati

4.10 (81 reviews)
Network & Security
Diventa Sistemista CISCO - Livello 1
6 hours
Jul 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

A conoscere Modelli e protocolli di Rete;

A risolvere problemi tipici di una rete dati;

A utilizzare il simulatore di reti Cisco Packet Tracer;

A progettare, realizzare e amministrare reti informatiche complesse e ben articolate;

A configurare e gestire apparati Cisco come switch, router e bridge.

Why take this course?

Il corso Diventa Sistemista CISCO (Livello 1) si pone l’obiettivo di insegnare basi di networking e rudimenti di sicurezza informatica necessarie per intraprendere l’attività di Sistemista di Rete.

Il corso è strutturato in 6 Sezioni, ognuna composta da:

-video-lezioni esplicative;

-riassunti in formato pdf scaricabili e stampabili;

L’allievo potrà seguire comodamente i filmati dal proprio PC o ascoltarli su qualsiasi riproduttore audio.

I video sono inoltre visibili tramite il nostro sito senza scadenza, mentre tutto il resto del materiale comprese le lezioni audio sono interamente visibili durante le lezioni, il tutto una volta effettuato il pagamento.

Al termine del percorso, è possibile ricevere l’Attestato di Frequenza, come CORSO DIVENTA SISTEMISTA CISCO, previo completamento di tutte le lezioni.


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Our review

🏆 **Course Review: Overall Rating - 4.05** ### **Pros:** - **Structured Course**: The course is well-organized with clear explanations provided, allowing students to follow the content with ease. - **Comprehensive Material**: Practical and theoretical knowledge is covered effectively, with supplementary documents available for additional support. - **Italian Language Support**: Offering Italian language materials in a field where this is not commonly found is highly appreciated. - **Practical Application**: Real-life examples and the inclusion of hands-on practice are beneficial for students to understand the concepts taught. - **Positive Feedback**: Many users have reported finding the course very helpful, especially for beginners. ### **Cons:** - **Video Quality Issues**: Several reviews point out issues with low resolution videos and unreadable text, as well as poor audio quality that hinders learning. - **Technical Difficulties**: Some students have reported significant audio/video lag in certain videos, making it difficult to follow along. - **Lack of Introductory Content**: The absence of a comprehensive introduction is noted, with some users feeling lost as they are thrust into simulations without foundational knowledge. - **Communication Skills of Instructor**: A few reviews criticize the instructor's communication skills, suggesting that these could be improved for better learning outcomes. - **Quality of Visual Content**: The small print on the terminal screens in videos is hard to read, and the overall video quality is considered subpar. - **Technical Support Materials**: There are suggestions that the course would benefit from providing "Cisco Packet Tracer" files or similar tools upfront for students to use during simulations. ### **Conclusion:** This course offers valuable knowledge and resources, with a strong emphasis on both theory and practice. However, the quality of video content, particularly regarding visual clarity and audio fidelity, is a consistent point of contention among users. To maximize the benefits of this course, it may be advisable to supplement the provided materials with higher-quality videos or other resources for a better learning experience. The course could greatly improve by addressing these technical issues and ensuring that all students can access and understand the material presented without undue difficulties.



Diventa Sistemista CISCO - Livello 1 - Price chart


Diventa Sistemista CISCO - Livello 1 - Ratings chart

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