Cuidados essenciais com as suculentas

Aprenda mais sobre as plantas do momento e deixe o seu jardim muito mais bonito

4.55 (34 reviews)
Home Improvement
Cuidados essenciais com as suculentas
3 hours
Sep 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Regar suas plantas de uma forma consciente e eficiente

Elaborar um substrato com os componentes necessários

Conhecer as diferenças entre as suculentas e outras plantas

Fazer a adaptação com base em fatores ligados às plantas

Saber qual o melhor ambiente para a espécie de suculenta

Entender a importância da adubação e como fazê-la

Conhecer as principais pragas e doenças que podem acometer as suculentas

Aprender a lidar com pragas e doenças

Fazer a propagação das suculentas (mudas);

Why take this course?

O curso de cuidados essenciais com as suculentas foi criado para que o aluno posso compreender melhor o que são as suculentas e como cuidar dessas plantas. É um curso que abrange todos os pontos que um amante de suculentas precisa saber para ter sucesso com essas plantas que estão super na moda.

Ao terminar esse curso você irá:

· Regar suas plantas de uma forma consciente e eficiente, sabendo exatamente o que deve fazer;

· Elaborar um substrato com os componentes necessários;

· Identificar superficialmente se uma planta é suculenta;

· Conhecer as diferenças entre as suculentas e outras plantas;

· Fazer a adaptação com base em fatores ligados às plantas;

· Mudar a coloração da planta (quando aplicável);

· Saber qual o melhor ambiente para a espécie de suculenta;

· Entender a importância da adubação e como fazê-la;

· Conhecer as principais pragas e doenças que podem acometer as suculentas;

· Aprender a lidar com pragas;

· Aprender a lidar com fungos e bactérias;

· Fazer a propagação das suculentas (mudas);

· Entender sobre o metabolismo das suculentas.

Você será capaz de:

- Identificar os problemas que surgirem, como pragas e doenças, e aplicar medidas corretivas ou protetivas para eles;

- Cuidar das plantas de uma forma mais independente e consciente, conhecendo e entendendo o metabolismo e funcionamento das plantas;

- Propagar as suculentas a partir de estacas conhecendo os principais métodos.

Bônus do curso:

· Download de cheklist para alinhar o seu jardim aos conhecimentos aprendidos no curso;

· Download de receitas de substratos e de inseticidas/fungicidas naturais;

· Dicas sobre podas.

Our review

🌿 **Overall Course Review:** **Rating:** 4.55/5 The course has received high praise from recent reviewers, with an overwhelming majority rating it at the highest end of the scale. The consensus is that the course is informative, well-produced, and enriching for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts of cacti and succulents. **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** Reviewers appreciate the course's depth of knowledge, which covers both theoretical aspects and practical applications in the care and cultivation of cacti and succulent plants. - **Quality of Material:** The material presented in video form is commended for its quality, clarity, and for significantly enhancing participants' understanding of the subject matter. - **Educational Approach:** The course is praised for its objective approach to education, providing both the necessary scientific background and hands-on guidance. - **Engaging Instruction:** The way cacti care is introduced without requiring prior concrete knowledge makes the course intuitive and accessible. - **Visual Aids:** Illustrations and visual examples are highlighted for their effectiveness in teaching and understanding the subject. - **Expertise:** The course is noted to be produced by someone knowledgeable about the subject, which lends credibility and authority to the content. **Cons:** - While not a common complaint, some reviewers mention that even though they found the course helpful, they were already familiar with some of the material covered. This suggests that certain sections might be more beneficial for beginners. **Detailed Course Review Breakdown:** **Content and Structure:** - The course offers a comprehensive exploration of cacti and succulents, covering essential aspects from their biological processes to care techniques. - Real-world examples are used effectively to illustrate concepts, making complex ideas more relatable and easier to grasp. **Instructional Design:** - The instructional design is intuitive and well thought out, allowing learners with different levels of expertise to benefit from the course. - The course material, particularly the videos, is of high quality and aids in understanding the subject matter deeply. **Educational Value:** - Reviewers highlight that the course provides valuable knowledge both theoretically and practically, which can be applied immediately to the care of their own cacti and succulent collections. - The course is seen as a significant contributor to expanding participants' knowledge about these plants. **User Experience:** - The course is engaging and straightforward, making it an enjoyable learning experience for those interested in botany and plant care. - The course content is well-received for its objectivity and the balanced approach between theoretical knowledge and practical application. In conclusion, this course is highly recommended for anyone interested in cacti and succulents, from beginners looking to start their journey with these fascinating plants to experienced enthusiasts seeking to deepen their understanding and care techniques. The positive feedback and high rating indicate that the course not only meets but exceeds the expectations of its participants.



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