ChatGPT, Gemini, & LLM Masterclass - From an AI expert

ChatGPT, ChatGPT 4 & Gemini Prompt Engineering: 20X Productivity, Unlock Creativity, Supercharge Your Business & Career

4.60 (61 reviews)
ChatGPT, Gemini, & LLM Masterclass - From an AI expert
10 hours
Mar 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Master ChatGPT, Gemini, and other Large Language Models and build intuition around how they work, and how to use them efficiently

20X your productivity using ChatGPT, Gemini, and Chrome extensions

Learn prompt engineering to make ChatGPT and Gemini help you achieve more in life, business, career, and more

Generate impeccable content easily, efficiently, and at scale

Boost your side gigs and become a creation machine

Accelerate your business endeavours through ChatGPT for ideation, business planning, and execution

Transform your career, and get ahead of the pack by mastering the new technology of large language models

Do more with ChatGPT plugins and Gemini extensions

Use ChatGPT and Gemini to generate or debug code, or become more productive in your coding

Why take this course?

šŸŒŸ **ChatGPT, ChatGPT 4 & Gemini Prompt Engineering Masterclass** šŸŒŸ --- ### **Your Guide to the AI Revolution** In a world where generative AI like ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs) are setting the pace for innovation, it's crucial to master these technologies or risk being left behind. The **ChatGPT, Gemini & LLM Masterclass** is your gateway to harnessing the full potential of AI in productivity, creativity, and business. --- ### **Course Overview:** This course, meticulously designed by an AI & LLM expert, is a deep dive into understanding and utilizing ChatGPT, GPT 4, and Gemini to enhance your skills in the dynamic tech landscape. It's not just about learning to prompt effectively; it's about **building intuition** that will enable you to work with any emerging LLM models of the future. --- ### **Why This Course?** - **Intuitive Learning:** Develop a profound understanding of how ChatGPT, GPT 4, and Gemini function, and how they can be leveraged for a plethora of applications. - **Practical Mastery:** Master the practical uses of ChatGPT and Gemini, discerning when to employ each tool to achieve your goals efficiently. - **Prompt Engineering Toolkit:** Equip yourself with the essential tools for prompt engineering, unlocking your ability to direct these powerful models. - **Advanced Techniques:** Dive into advanced prompt patterns and techniques that will supercharge your productivity, whether you're summarizing texts, writing an essay, or building a sales funnel. --- ### **What You'll Learn:** 1. **Understanding Large Language Models:** Uncover the mysteries behind ChatGPT and Gemini, learning how they're constructed and function to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of AI. 2. **Practical Usage of ChatGPT & Gemini:** Discover the functionalities of these tools, distinguishing between their uses and mastering them swiftly. 3. **Fundamentals of Prompt Engineering:** Gain a foundational toolbox for crafting prompts that will direct LLMs to perform tasks as you wish. 4. **Efficient Prompt Patterns:** Learn the most effective prompt patterns to streamline your workflow and achieve more, faster. 5. **Access Anywhere:** Explore Chrome extensions that provide seamless ChatGPT and Gemini integration across all platforms and tools. 6. **Augmenting ChatGPT:** Understand how to use plugins to enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT, allowing for internet browsing, link utilization, arithmetic operations, trip planning, and more. --- ### **December 2023 Update:** - **Advanced Prompt Engineering:** Elevate your LLM interactions with advanced techniques that will push the boundaries of what's possible. - **Long Task Techniques:** Tackle lengthy tasks such as summarizing large documents, creating blogposts, or authoring books with newfound ease. - **Open AI APIs & Playground:** Begin building chatbots and learn about the latest assistant functionalities, including retrieval and function calling, with detailed walkthroughs and examples. --- ### **Your Journey Begins Here!** Are you ready to step into a new era of productivity and creativity? The **ChatGPT, Gemini & LLM Masterclass** is your bridge to the future, offering the knowledge and skills to stay competitive in a world where AI is at the forefront. šŸš€ --- Join us now and transform the way you work with technology. Embrace the power of ChatGPT, GPT 4, and Gemini. See you on the other side, where innovation awaits! šŸ“šāœØ

Our review

šŸ“š **Course Review for "Mastering Large Language Models (LLMs) with ChatGPT, Bard & More"** **Overview:** This comprehensive course delves into the intricacies of large language models (LLMs), specifically focusing on ChatGPT, Bard, and other similar technologies. It is designed to cater to both beginners and those looking to deepen their understanding of LLMs. The course is highly praised for its clarity, technical depth, and practical application. **Pros:** - **Instructor's Knowledge and Expertise:** Reviews consistently commend the instructor's deep knowledge of the subject matter. Many learners express that the instructor's explanations make complex concepts understandable and accessible. - **Technical yet Accessible:** The course strikes a balance between being technical without overwhelming the learner, making it suitable for a wide audience. - **Practical Approach:** Learners appreciate the course's hands-on approach, which allows them to not only learn about LLMs but also apply their knowledge in practice. - **Comprehensive Content:** The content is praised for being all-encompassing, covering not just the basics but also advanced concepts and real-world applications of LLMs. - **Clear Structure and Explanations:** Each section is clearly defined, making it easy to follow along and understand the material. Subsections like the chat assistant subsection are highlighted for their clarity and usefulness. - **Real-World Application:** The course helps learners develop intuition about how LLMs work, which is invaluable for practical use. - **Engaging and Informative:** Learners enjoy the professional and inspired teaching style, which makes AI lessons engaging and practical for daily tasks. - **Highly Recommended:** The course is recommended by several learners who find it an excellent introduction to LLMs and highly beneficial for leveraging ChatGPT and Bard in various applications. **Cons:** - **Platform Access Requirements:** Some learners face challenges with platform access, such as needing to pay for OpenAI services after a trial period. It is suggested that the course emphasizes hands-on practice more to enhance the learning experience. - **Theoretical Examples:** A few reviews mention that while theoretical videos are informative, they could be supplemented with practical chat examples to solidify understanding. - **Technical Depth Desire:** Although many find the course perfectly technical for their needs, a minority wish it were even more technical to delve deeper into certain aspects of LLMs. **Learner Feedback Summarized:** The overall sentiment is that this course is an outstanding resource for anyone interested in understanding and utilizing ChatGPT, Bard, and other LLMs. The practical examples, real-world applications, and expert guidance make it a standout among similar courses on the subject. While there are minor concerns regarding platform accessibility and additional technical depth, these do not overshadow the positive feedback received from the majority of learners. This course is considered well worth the investment for anyone looking to master LLMs. **Global Course Rating:** 4.64/5 **Final Thoughts:** This course is an invaluable asset for those seeking to understand and effectively use large language models. With its balanced approach, comprehensive content, and practical examples, it provides learners with the tools they need to succeed in leveraging AI for various tasks. The positive reviews indicate that this course not only meets but exceeds learner expectations, making it a top recommendation in the field of LLMs.



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