Build a Space Shooter game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Design and Build a cool Space Shooter game with Clickteam Fusion 2.5

4.55 (54 reviews)
Game Development
Build a Space Shooter game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5
4 hours
Oct 2017
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Build your very own custom Space Shooter game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5

How to write a custom movement engine

How to design a one-frame game engine

How Fast Loops and ForEach Loops work

How to Save and Load games

Build a cross-platform compatible space shooter game

Why take this course?

🎉 Build a Space Shooter Game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 🎉

Course Headline:

Design and Build a Cool Space Shooter Game with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 🚀

Course Description:

Dive into the exciting world of game development with our comprehensive online course, designed to guide you through the process of creating a captivating Space Shooter game using Clickteam Fusion 2.5. This powerful, industry-standard tool is widely used by both Indie Game Developers and Large companies alike, making it an ideal choice for aspiring developers of all levels.

What You Will Learn:

As you progress through this course, you'll gain a deep understanding of:

  • Game Development Concepts: Gain insights into the fundamental principles that underpin engaging gameplay.
  • Custom Movements and Firing Modes: Master creating unique movements for your player and enemies, and implement diverse firing mechanisms to add excitement to your game.
  • New Game Design Approach: Explore a fresh perspective on game design that will elevate your development skills and help you create more intuitive and polished games.

Course Highlights:

  • Interactive Learning: Engage with the Course Forum where you can discuss topics, ask questions, and share experiences with fellow learners.
  • Tailored for All Levels: While the course is designed to cater to beginners, it offers a new game design approach that will challenge even experienced Clickteam Fusion 2.5 users.
  • Advanced Techniques: If you're already familiar with Clickteam Fusion 2.5, this course will introduce you to advanced techniques that will push your game design and development to new heights.

Skills You Will Master:

By completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Import Characters & Enemies: Learn how to efficiently bring characters and enemies into your game.
  • Create Engaging Mechanics: Develop a custom player movement engine and create dynamic enemy interactions with their own targets and ship controllers.
  • Design Professional Levels: Craft stunning levels, including a dynamic starfield or nebula playarea that captivates players.
  • Incorporate User Interface Elements: Design engaging title screens and implement a basic save and load system for player progress.

Additional Learning Resources:

The course doesn't end once you've completed the lessons. We are committed to your growth as a game developer, which is why we will continue to add new content, ideas, and tutorial videos to help you further develop and refine your Space Shooter game.

Get Started Today!

Embark on your journey to becoming a skilled game developer with "Build a Space Shooter Game in Clickteam Fusion 2.5." Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course from OneClick Training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create your own Space Shooter masterpiece.

🎮 Join us now and turn your game development dreams into reality! 🎮


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Our review

🌟 Overview and Rating 🌟

The course on Clickteam Fusion has received a global rating of 4.55 out of 5, with all recent reviews being positive to a certain extent. The main points of feedback revolve around the pacing of the course, the clarity of instruction, and the overall educational value.


  • Innovative Teaching Approach: Several reviewers appreciated Danny James' unique teaching style and found it beneficial for their learning experience, particularly as experienced video game designers, artists, and programmers.

  • Solid Educational Content: Despite some issues with pacing, the course successfully helps students create a basic shooter game and even provides extra features, which is highly valued by learners.

  • New Tips for Experienced Users: Long-time Clickteam Fusion users found the course valuable for learning new tips and tricks that enhanced their understanding of the engine's capabilities.

  • Good Communication: The instructor was commended for their responsiveness to student questions, which played a significant role in the positive feedback received.

  • Multilingual Support: Some students highlighted the need for translation to cater to non-English speakers, indicating that the course has a diverse audience.


  • Pacing Issues: A recurring complaint is Danny's rushed pacing. Many students felt that he moved too quickly through the material, making it difficult for new designers and programmers to keep up. This was consistent feedback across multiple reviews.

  • Lack of Detailed Explanations: The instructor was criticized for performing steps without clear explanations, which required viewers to pay close attention or rewind frequently to understand what was being demonstrated.

  • Accessibility Concerns: Some students pointed out that the course's pace and approach might be too quick for beginners, suggesting that they had to watch segments multiple times to fully grasp the content.

General Feedback:

  • Language and Presentation: Danny James was advised to "SLOW THE HECK DOWN" by one student, emphasizing the importance of clarity and patience in an instructional course.

  • Overall Experience: The course was described as "interesting" and "fun," but the rapid pace could be challenging for those not from Danny's nationality or those who are new to Clickteam Fusion.

  • Recommendations for Improvement: Several students suggested that an expansion of the intermediate course into other game design areas or the development of new courses would be beneficial.

In conclusion, while the course has received high marks overall, there is a clear consensus on the need for Danny James to adjust his pacing to ensure that all students can effectively learn from the material presented. With some improvements in this area, the course could be an even more valuable resource for aspiring Clickteam Fusion developers at all levels of expertise.



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Enrollment distribution

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