AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Ultimate Practice Tests

AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exams (Updated July 2023)

3.75 (2 reviews)
IT Certification
AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Ultimate Practice Tests
363 questions
Jul 2023
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Gain a detailed understanding of AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator.

Why take this course?

Based on the job description you've provided, it sounds like you're looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding the skills and tasks required for an Azure Cloud Engineer role. The job involves a wide range of activities related to cloud infrastructure management, DevOps practices, and security compliance. Here's a detailed breakdown of the topics and how you can prepare for them: 1. **Understand Azure Fundamentals (20-30%)** - Microsoft Learn path "Azure Fundamentals" to grasp the basic concepts of Azure architecture, services, tools, and solution design. - Familiarize yourself with the Well-Architected Framework for Azure. 2. **Manage Azure Cloud Resources (30-40%)** - Gain proficiency in creating and managing Azure resources through the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. - Understand Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and how to deploy and manage resources using Bicep or ARM templates. - Learn about Azure services such as Azure Compute, Storage, Networking, and App Services. 3. **Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC)** - Master one or more IaC tools like ARM templates, Bicep, Terraform, or Ansible. 4. **Deploy and Manage Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)** - Understand how to create, configure, and manage VMs in Azure. - Learn about VM extensions, diagnostics, and performance monitoring. - Practice deploying and configuring VMs using various sizes and adding data disks as needed. 5. **Create and Configure Containers** - Get hands-on experience with Azure Container Instances (ACI), Azure Container Apps (ACA), and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). - Understand container orchestration, scaling, and networking within Azure. 6. **Work with Azure App Services** - Learn to create and manage App Service plans, configure scaling settings, and secure apps using custom domains and HTTPS. 7. **Configure Virtual Networking** - Understand the principles of virtual networks in Azure, including creating VNets, subnets, peering, IP addresses, routes, and DNS. - Learn to secure access using NSGs, ASGs, Bastion, service endpoints, private endpoints, and application gateways. 8. **Configure Load Balancing** - Gain experience with different load balancer types, including Application Gateway, internal/public load balancers, and troubleshooting connectivity issues. 9. **Monitor Azure Resources** - Learn to use Azure Monitor for virtual networking, Network Watcher, and VM insights for performance monitoring. - Set up monitoring, alerts, and actions for proactive health checks of resources. 10. **Implement Backup and Recovery Solutions** - Understand disaster recovery strategies using Azure Site Recovery and create backup policies. - Perform backup operations and understand how to restore services. - Review and analyze backup reports for compliance with organizational requirements. To prepare for this role, you should: - Take advantage of Microsoft's free learning resources on the Microsoft Learn platform. - Set up a lab environment using Azure credits or the Azure Free Account tier to practice deploying and managing Azure resources. - Use real-world scenarios to understand the practical application of these services. - Consider obtaining relevant certifications, such as the Azure Fundamentals certification as a starting point, followed by more specialized certifications like Azure Administrator Associate or Azure DevOps Engineer Expert. - Stay updated with the latest Azure features and best practices through documentation, webinars, and community forums. - Engage with the Azure community to share knowledge and experiences. Remember that becoming proficient in cloud engineering is a journey that involves continuous learning and hands-on practice. Start with the basics and progressively dive deeper into each area as you become more comfortable with the Azure ecosystem.



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