AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional-PracticeTests

Extensive Study Material For SAP-C02 Exam. REAL Certification Exam Questions With Detailed Explanation And References

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional-PracticeTests
247 questions
Apr 2024
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šŸŒŸ **Extensive Study Material For SAP-C02 Exam** šŸŒŸ Are you Getting ready for SAP-C02, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam? šŸŽ“ Then you have come to the right place! These practice tests are designed to help you Ace the certification exam with confidence. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» **Expert Authorship & Realistic Questions** These practice tests have been authored by Abhishek Kumar, an AWS infrastructure consultant with 11 years of experience in the Software Industry and a current expert holding both the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate and AWS Certified Security Specialist certifications. The questions are of the **same level and complexity as in the real AWS certification exam**, ensuring you're thoroughly prepared. All the questions come with a detailed explanation of the correct and incorrect options. If an answer is correct, an exhaustive explanation is provided along with a diagram to enhance your understanding. If an option is incorrect, a detailed explanation is provided to clarify why it's not the right choice, helping you learn from your mistakes. šŸ“š **Comprehensive Course Content** This course is designed in such a way that after completing it, you will not need any other further reading material or practice tests to clear the exam. It extensively covers all the topics of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional (SAP-C02) exam, ensuring you have a 360-degree understanding of the subject matter. šŸ§ **Sample Question** Let's test your knowledge with a sample question: A company uses a service to collect metadata from applications that the company hosts on-premises. Consumer devices such as TVs and internet radios access the applications. Many older devices do not support certain HTTP headers and exhibit errors when these headers are present in responses. The company has configured an on-premises load balancer to remove the unsupported headers from responses sent to older devices, which the company identified by the User-Agent headers. The company wants to migrate the service to AWS, adopt serverless technologies, and retain the ability to support older devices. The company has already migrated the applications into a set of AWS Lambda functions. **Which solution will meet these requirements?** A. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution for the metadata service. Create an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Configure the CloudFront distribution to forward requests to the ALB. Configure the ALB to invoke the correct Lambda function for each type of request. Create a CloudFront function to remove the problematic headers based on the value of the User-Agent header. B. Create an Amazon API Gateway REST API for the metadata service. Configure API Gateway to invoke the correct Lambda function for each type of request. Modify the default gateway responses to remove the problematic headers based on the value of the User-Agent header. C. Create an Amazon API Gateway HTTP API for the metadata service. Configure API Gateway to invoke the correct Lambda function for each type of request. Create a response mapping template to remove the problematic headers based on the value of the User-Agent. Associate the response data mapping with the HTTP API. D. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution for the metadata service. Create an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Configure the CloudFront distribution to forward requests to the ALB. Configure the ALB to invoke the correct Lambda function for each type of request. Create a Lambda@Edge function that will remove the problematic headers in response to viewer requests based on the value of the User-Agent header. šŸŽ“ **Prepare with Confidence** With Abhishek's expert guidance and our comprehensive study materials, you're well on your way to becoming AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certified. Good luck with your exam and happy learning! šŸš€šŸŽ‰


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