PMP Exam Prep 2023 l PMP Practice Tests l PMBOK®7 + PMBOK®6

300 Situational and Scenario-based Questions + Detailed Explanation l Based on: PMBOK®7 + PMBOK®6 + Agile Practice Guide

3.95 (19 reviews)
Project Management
PMP Exam Prep 2023 l PMP Practice Tests l PMBOK®7 + PMBOK®6
300 questions
Jan 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

300 Situational Questions Like Real PMP® Exam: With NO Repetition, Cover 3 Domains (People-Process-Business Environment) l Predictive, agile, hybrid approaches

Questions are Close to the Real PMP® Exam and Unique with "NO Repetition"

Detailed Explanation for each question based on: PMBOK® 7th Edition, PMBOK® 6th Edition and Agile Practice Guide

PMBOK® and Agile Practice Guide Referencing

Why take this course?

This course is based on: PMBOK® 7th Edition, PMBOK® 6th Edition and Agile Practice Guide.


Why take this course?

After taking this course you will have a clear idea of your readiness for the real PMP® exam and you will be able to identify and focus on your weakness.


This course includes:

Total of 300 Situational and Scenario-based Questions Like Real PMP® Exam:

Unique with no repetitions

Cover 3 Domains:

     - People: emphasizing the soft skills you need to lead a project team in today's changing environment.

     - Process: reinforcing the technical aspects of successfully managing projects.

     - Business Environment: highlighting the connection between projects and organizational strategy.

Include Predictive, Agile, and Hybrid approaches. (50% - 50% )

Detailed Explanation for each question based on: PMBOK® 7th Edition, PMBOK® 6th Edition and Agile Practice Guide.

(The page number referring to the PMBOK® 7th Edition, PMBOK® 6th Edition and Agile Practice Guide is indicated in the explanation).


Course structure:

This course is designed by Domain, to allow you to identify your weak points by domain, in order to improve them.

So you will have 6 sets of questions:

•Domain l : People (Set 1: 50 Questions)

•Domain l : People (Set 2: 50 Questions)

•Domain ll : Process (Set 1: 50 Questions)

•Domain ll : Process (Set 2: 50 Questions)

•Domain lll : Business Environment (Set 1: 50 Questions)

•Domain lll : Business Environment (Set 2: 50 Questions)


The best way to pass the PMP® exam is "To Practice".

So, I highly recommend to do all Practice Tests of this course several times until achieve score above 90% in each.

After Enrolling, if you need further clarification or have any questions, I'm here to help !

Send me a private message and I will respond to your requests.

I'll be happy to provide you with the necessary support and assistance.

Finally, Good luck !!!

PMI® and PMP® are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


December 19, 2021
This PMP Prep Course is one of the best I have found. It helped me a lot in the preparation for my exam. A lot of scenario based question and most effectively the results are bifurcated in domains which provide more clarity on the nature of questions from specific domain where we want to focus more. Thank you.
June 24, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. I liked its scenario questions, especially the Agile ones. I think that the structuring of the course by domain (People - Process - Business Environment) is a better way to identify my weaknesses in order to improve them. PMBOK 6th edition and AGILE guide (Page Number) references for each explanation are very helpful to me. I liked. I highly recommend this course !! Many thanks to the instructor for this course. Really, I wish more questions like this.



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