
Windows Server 2022 administration course. Lecture and Sims

Learn how to expertly administer Windows Server 2022 with lecture and hands on simulations available 24/7

4.59 (3105 reviews)
Operating Systems
Windows Server 2022 administration course. Lecture and Sims
15 201
13 hours
Jan 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn the concepts and perform hands on activities needed to master Windows Server 2022

Gain a tremendous amount of knowledge involving Windows Server 2022 administrator

Learn using hands on simulations on how Windows Server 2022 is administered!

Learn how to set up your own test lab for practicing the concepts!

Why take this course?

由于您提供的内容是一个复杂的学习路径,我将分几个部分来详细解释每个主题。以下是针对Windows Server 2022的关键概念和步骤的概述:

DNS在Server 2022 AD中的理解

  1. DNS基础:DNS是互联网上名称解析的核心协议,它将域名(如www.example.com)映射到IP地址。
  2. 安装和集成DNS:在Windows Server上安装DNS角色,并确保其与AD DS正常集成以支持Active Directory环境中的名称解析。
  3. 使用DNS区域和记录:创建区域(类似于容器)以管理域内的记录,例如A记录、PTR记录和CNAME记录等。
  4. 使用转发器和条件转发:配置DNS服务器以从其他DNS服务器获取信息,或根据特定条件将查询导向特定的DNS服务器。

理解Windows Server 2022中的DHCP

  1. 设置DHCP服务器角色:在Windows Server上安装并配置DHCP服务器,以提供IP地址分配、动态主机配置协议(DHCP)和其他相关服务。
  2. 管理DHCP范围:创建并管理DHCP范围,这些范围定义了哪些客户端可以使用的IP地址池。
  3. 实现DHCP预订:为特定的DHCP客户端配置预订,确保它们在每次重启时都能获得相同的IP地址。
  4. 配置DHCP故障转移:使用DHCP故障转移来提供连续服务,即使一个DHCP服务器失败也可以有其他服务器接管其范围。

理解多域和站点在Windows Server 2022 AD中的概念

  1. Active Directory域信任:理解和配置域信任,以允许不同的Active Directory森林之间的安全、管理和操作数据的共享。
  2. 站点和复制:了解AD站点的概念,以及如何配置站点、链路(网络连接的集合)和子网来优化Ad replication(活动目录复制)。
  3. Active Directory复制:管理和监控AD复制操作,确保数据一致性和可用性。
  4. 启用全球目录服务器:配置全局目录服务器以提供全局 catalog的快速搜索功能。

使用Group Policy对象管理环境

  1. 组策略对象(GPOs)概念:理解GPOs是如何在Active Directory环境中用来管理配置设置和应用程序的。
  2. 应用组策略对象(GPOs):将GPOs应用到OU(组织单位)或用户/计算机 account,以实施不同的设置和策略。
  3. 应用组策略优先级:理解多个GPO如何在同一对象上相互影响,以及优先级的概念。
  4. 使用组策略偏好:配置GPOs以允许用户和计算机自定义某些设置,这些自定义设置将在下次登录时应用。


  1. 安装和配置Hyper-V:在Windows Server上安装并配置Hyper-V role以创建虚拟机。
  2. 管理虚拟硬盘(VHD/VHDX):使用VHD和VHDX文件来存储虚拟机的数据。
  3. 网络适配器:配置虚拟交换机和NIC teaming以优化虚拟机的网络性能。
  4. 使用PowerShell管理虚拟化:利用PowerShell cmdlet来自动化虚拟环境的部署、监控和维护。
  5. 配置NIC团队:为提高冗余和性能,将多个网络适配器组合在一起。
  6. 设置虚拟交换机:创建内部和外部虚拟交换机以管理虚拟机之间的网络通信。
  7. 配置VM的启动、存储和网络设置:确保虚拟机能够正常启动,存储数据并连接到网络。
  8. 配置故障转移:为虚拟机实施故障转移策略以确保服务的高可用性。
  9. 管理虚拟化环境的安全性:实施最佳的安全实践来保护虚拟机和宿主服务器。

对于每个这样复杂的主题,您需要深入了解Windows Server 2022的相关功能和最佳实践。建议通过官方文档、在线课程或实际实验来逐步学习和掌握这些技能。


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Our review

Course Overview and Review

Global Rating: 4.59/5
Recent Reviews Summary:


  • Comprehensive Content: The course offers a thorough understanding of Windows Server 2022 administration, suitable for both beginners and those with existing knowledge.
  • Deep Technical Insights: The lecturer provides clear explanations on complex topics like Domain Controllers, Active Directory, DNS, and more.
  • Practical Application: Lab practice sessions allow learners to apply what they've learned in a practical setting, which is highly valued by the course-takers.
  • Expertise of Instructor: John Christopher is commended for his deep knowledge of Windows Server technology and his clear explanations.
  • Engaging and Exciting: Many learners found the content engaging and enjoyed the learning experience.
  • Recommendation for IT Professionals: It is recommended for IT technicians, server administrators, and those beginning their Windows Server administration journey.
  • Useful Reference Material: The course videos are seen as a valuable point of reference for future use.
  • Positive Feedback: Learners express gratitude and satisfaction with the course, often recommending it to others.


  • Pacing Concerns: Some learners would like the lecturer to speak more slowly and repeat things several times for better comprehension.
  • Lab Installation Challenges: There are reports of difficulties with installing the software for lab practice, and some learners did not have the option to download the software to practice.
  • Audio Volume Issues: At least one learner had an issue with the audio being too low.
  • Technical Problems: Learners encountered issues such as enabling Hyper-V on their computers and PXE boot problems during lab exercises.
  • Desire for More Projects: Some learners are looking for more comprehensive projects, such as deploying, configuring, and securing a real Server example (File server, Domain server, etc.) using Azure Cloud.
  • Improvement Suggestions: A few learners suggest that the course could be improved with slower pacing, higher audio volume, and clearer instructions for software installation and troubleshooting steps.

Final Verdict:

The course on Windows Server 2022 Administration is highly regarded by learners, offering a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. However, there are areas where the course could be improved to enhance comprehension and technical ease, particularly in terms of pacing, downloadable lab materials, audio clarity, and detailed installation instructions. Despite these cons, the course remains an excellent resource for IT professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in Windows Server administration.



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Windows Server 2022 administration course. Lecture and Sims - Ratings chart

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