Wiccan Deities, Angels, Familiars and Animals

A deep dive into the energies and entities that can be called in as part of magickal workings and ritual practices

4.90 (18 reviews)
Religion & Spirituality
Wiccan Deities, Angels, Familiars and Animals
4 hours
Feb 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

This course will give students a wonderful overview of Roman, Greek, Hindu, Celtic and Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.

A deeper understanding of the Triple Moon Goddess, the aspects and 3 stages of femininity being Maiden, Mother and Crone.

An introduction to the power of animal energies as used in Wicca including Familiars, Spirit and Power animals. An animal compendium exploring their magickality

A deep dive into invoking, summoning, stirring and inviting deities and other entities to be present during our magickal workings.

Why take this course?

Wiccan Deities, Angels, Familiars, and Animals: A Journey Through Energies and Entities

🚀 Course Headline: A deep dive into the energies and entities that can be called in as part of magickal workings and ritual practices.

🧙‍♀️ Course Description:

This packed course is meticulously designed to enrich your understanding and practice with Wiccan Deities, Angels, Familiars, Animals, and other entities and energies. It will guide you through the intricate world of magickal workings, offering profound insights into how these beings can be integrated into your daily life and ritual practices.

What You'll Explore:

  • Diverse Deities: Engage with 50 different Goddesses and Gods from Egyptian, Hindu, Greek, Roman, and Celtic cultures, gaining a foundational understanding of their roles, symbols, and significance.

    • Discover the most commonly used Wiccan deities across different traditions.
    • Learn to spark curiosity that leads to deeper exploration of specific gods and goddesses you resonate with.
  • The Triple Moon Goddess: Delve into the profound symbolism of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, and how Wicca honors each phase of femininity as a rite of passage.

  • Invoking and Summoning Deities and Entities: Understand the various methods to invoke and summon entities to enhance your magickal workings and daily practices.

    • Learn how to make your rituals more potent by calling upon these energies.
    • Gain knowledge on keeping your practice safe and effective while interacting with higher powers.
  • Angels and Angelic Realms: Explore the realm of angels, their hierarchies, and their roles in Wiccan practices.

  • Animal Energies: From Familiars to Power Animals, Totem Animals, and beyond, understand the significance and use of animals in magick and personal growth.

    • Conclude with an extensive Animal Compendium that details the energetic associations and attributes of 46 different animals.

What You'll Learn:

  • The historical context and mythology behind Wiccan deities from various cultures.
  • The role of angels in Wiccan practices and how to connect with them.
  • How to identify, choose, and work with Familiars, Power Animals, Totem Animals, and other animal spirits.
  • The importance of each phase of the Triple Moon Goddess and how it reflects the stages of femininity and life.
  • Techniques for safely and effectively invoking and summoning deities and entities in your practices.

📚 Key Modules:

  1. Deity Exploration: A comprehensive look at 50 deities across five different cultures.
  2. The Triple Moon Goddess: Insight into the feminine aspects of Wiccan deities.
  3. Invoking - Summoning Deities and other Entities: Techniques to invite divine assistance in your practices.
  4. Angels and Angelic Realms: Understanding the roles of angels within the Wiccan tradition.
  5. Animal Energies and Entities: A deep dive into the spiritual significance of animals and how they can be used as allies in magick.
  6. Animal Compendium: An extensive guide to 46 animals' energetic attributes and uses in Wiccan practices.

Join Us on This Magical Journey!

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the various energies and entities within Wiccan traditions and how to work with them effectively and respectfully. Whether for ritual, personal growth, or everyday magick, these lessons will empower you to connect more deeply with the natural and divine world around you.

🌟 Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey through the mystical realms of Wiccan energies and entities! 🌟


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May 6, 2024
The course covers a lot of information in more depth. The instructor was amazing, very easy to follow & understand. Thank you so much!
September 29, 2023
Took this course out of curiosity and was not disappointed. Trace has a very soothing voice that makes it very easy to listen to the materials being taught and she always finds a way to make it interesting. The course material itself is great - especially if you're a writer and a huge fan of mythology. The one and only thing I would probably change is the guided meditation bit. As someone who's just gotten back into meditation, I can say without exaggeration that people new to the practice will likely have a tough time sitting still for 23 minutes and keeping their minds clear. This is definitely a course worth taking and I highly recommend it!



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