Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript 【以实战为基础】


4.75 (508 reviews)
Web Development
Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript  【以实战为基础】
24 hours
Oct 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn












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## 课程内容:

### 01-javascript基础 [基础]

- JS的引入

- JS的输出方式

- 定义变量

- 变量命名规则

- 基本运算符

- 字符串操作案例

- HTML操作

- 运算符操作

- 条件操作语句

- 随机数的产生

- 小游戏制作

### 02-数据类型 [基础]

- CheatSheet语法

- 选项卡效果

- 标识符&关键字&保留字

- typeof类型判断

- Undefined特殊数据类型

- Null特殊数据类型

- Boolean布尔类型

- Number数字类型

- String字符串类型

### 03-控制流 [基础]

- 运算符操作

- if判断语句

- switch选择语句

- do-while循环

- while循环

- do-while和while的循环区别

- for循环

- break和continue的区别

- 表格的快速生成案例

### 04-函数 [基础]

- 函数定义

- 函数参数

- 形参和实参

- 函数返回值

- 作用域

- 作用域分析【JS解析器】

### 05-数组 [基础]

- 数组定义

- 数组的操作

- 数组(作用域分析)

- 求和函数

- 多维数组

- 数组的复制

- 数组元素添加删除

- 直接插入排序

- 冒泡排序

### 06-自定义属性 [进阶]

- this指向问题

- this的活用

- 常见事件操作

- 图片简介信息案例

- 自定义属性

- 自定义属性简化代码操作

- this和自定义属性结合使用(聊天好友折叠效果)

- this和自定义属性结合使用(轮播图)

- this和自定义属性结合使用(新闻切换)

### 07-数组和字符串方法 [进阶]

- splice()方法

- splice()活用:数组去重

- join()和sort()方法

- 字符串操作

- indexOf实例

- substring()方法

- spit()方法

- 数组、字符串方法活用(搜索、删除)

### 08-定时器 [进阶]

- 定时器基本使用

- 定时器的使用——轮播图

- 汤姆猫简化版

- Date类型

- 倒计时功能

- 汤姆猫完整版

### 09-DOM操作 [进阶]

- window对象

- 节点元素获取

- 节点种类

- 下拉菜单

- 节点属性

- 层次节点属性

- attributes属性

- DOM操作

- 滚动列表案例

- 印钞机案例

- 商品评价案例

### 10-BOM操作 [进阶]

- BOM操作

- 窗口尺寸大小处理

- 各种元素大小处理

### 11-事件相关 [进阶]

- 焦点事件

- 事件对象

- 事件源

- 鼠标位置

- 基本拖拽效果

- 事件冒泡

- 输入框的提示列表案例

- 下拉菜单效果案例

- 分享案例案例

- 表格编辑案例

- 事件捕获

- 键盘事件

- 事件默认行为

- 拖拽原理

- 深入了解拖拽操作

### 12-运动效果 [进阶]

- 基本运动原理

- 匀速运动

- 淡入淡出效果

- 缓冲运动原理

- 缓冲运动实用

- 运动效果的封装

- 多个值变化封装

- 轮播图动画效果

- 碰撞运动

### 13-Ajax网络操作 [进阶]

- ajax作用

- ajax基本操作

- ajax之商品列表

- ajax封装

- get请求

- post请求

- ajax之商品列表分页操作

### 14-JSONP&Cookie [进阶]

- 跨域请求问题

- 跨域请求解决方案


- JSONP基本操作

- JSONP实战处理

- cookie认知

- cookie过期时间


Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript  【以实战为基础】 - Screenshot_01Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript  【以实战为基础】 - Screenshot_02Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript  【以实战为基础】 - Screenshot_03Web前端开发 - 玩转JavaScript  【以实战为基础】 - Screenshot_04

Our review

--- **Overall Course Review** The online course in question has garnered an impressive global rating of 4.75, with all recent reviews being positive. The course, likely focused on web development with JavaScript at its core, has been highly praised for its detailed and illustrative approach to teaching, particularly by making complex abstract concepts understandable even for beginners. **Pros:** - **Excellent Instruction Quality:** Reviewers highlight the instructor's ability to explain topics in a very detailed and visually appealing manner. The use of examples and instances makes the learning process more practical and easier to grasp. - **Responsive Instructor:** Students appreciate the instructor's willingness to answer questions, providing timely assistance when issues arise during the learning journey. - **Real-world Applications:** The course content is not just theoretical; it includes real-world applications, animations, and effects that demonstrate how JavaScript can be applied in interesting ways. - **Engaging Materials:** Some reviews even include code snippets, like the one for a simple interactive element, which shows the hands-on nature of the course. - **Clear Explanations:** Despite not delving deep into the principles behind certain concepts such as closures and object-oriented programming in JavaScript, the course provides a solid foundation for learning the basics of JavaScript. - **Community Support:** The sense of community within the learning platform is evident, with students supporting each other's learning journey and expressing gratitude towards the instructor. **Cons:** - **Prerequisite Knowledge:** Some reviewers mentioned that having prior knowledge of HTML and CSS would be beneficial before diving into more advanced topics covered in the course, as they are foundational for understanding the applications discussed. - **Advanced Topics Coverage:** While the course is great for beginners, it may not cover more complex topics such as JavaScript's advanced features or frameworks like NodeJS, Jade, and Express, which some students expressed a desire to learn about. **Course Features Highlighted in Reviews:** - **Detailed and Clear Explaination of Concepts:** The instructor is commended for the clarity and detail with which complex topics are explained. - **Interactive Learning Experience:** By providing real-world examples, such as implementing a function or visual effect, the course enhances the learning experience through interactivity. - **Timely Responsiveness to Student Queries:** The instructor is praised for being very responsive and helpful in resolving students' problems. - **Foundation for Further Learning:** Despite not covering all aspects of JavaScript, the course provides a solid foundation that is beneficial for students who wish to pursue more advanced topics later on. **Final Thoughts:** This course stands out for its comprehensive and engaging teaching style, making it an excellent choice for anyone starting their journey with JavaScript or web development. The positive feedback from students across different skill levels indicates the course's effectiveness in conveying complex concepts in a user-friendly manner. For those interested in advanced topics, there is anticipation for the instructor to extend their curriculum to include these areas. Overall, the course is highly recommended and has proven to be a valuable asset for learners looking to enhance their web development skills with JavaScript. --- **Note to Future Students:** This course is ideal for beginners as well as intermediate learners who are looking to solidify their understanding of JavaScript and its practical applications. If you're planning to delve into frameworks like NodeJS, Jade, and Express, or if you wish to work with environments such as Eclipse plugin or Visual Studio Code, keep an eye out for additional courses from the same instructor that cover these topics. Based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback, it's clear that this course will set a strong foundation and provide the tools necessary to embark on your JavaScript development journey.



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Enrollment distribution

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