Discover Web Application Security Issues using Burp Proxy

Getting started with Web Application Hacking

4.15 (633 reviews)
Network & Security
Discover Web Application Security Issues using Burp Proxy
1 hour
Sep 2017
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Have a environment to learn web application hacking

Learn how to use Burp proxy tool

Identify few basic security vulnerabilities

Identify bugs within web applications

Why take this course?

您提供的信息是关于Web应用安全的重要知识点,特别是针对OWASP Top Ten的预防措施。以下是对您提供的每个漏洞的简化总结和一些额外的建议: 1. **SQL注入**: 确保所有数据库查询使用参数化查询或存储过程,避免直接在查询中包含用户输入。 2. **不合法的数据访问(Insecure Direct Object References)**: 检查对象引用是否可以被用户直接修改,如果可能,使用会话或用户级别的间接引用。 3. **本地文件包含/上传路径遍历**: 确保处理所有用户上传的文件和数据,避免在系统文件结构中直接暴露。 4. **安全配置错误(Security Misconfiguration)**: 定期检查配置设置正确,并关闭不必需。 5. **敏信(Sensitive Data Exposure)**: 对敏数据进行加密,并在传输过程中实施访问控制。 6. **缺乏安全措施(Insufficient Cryptographic Safeguards)**: 使强加密(Use Strong Cryptography),并保证密钥管理。 7. **回显错误(Error Handling)**: 实现适当的错误处理机制。 8. **敏感操作(Security Misconfiguration)** (与您提到的相同): 确保所有的操作都是安全配置正确配置的。 9. **不安全使用组件(Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities)**: 定期检查组件的安全状态,并更新。 10. **无效重定和转发(Invalidated Redirects and Forwards)**: 避免在用户输入的情况下使用重定和转发,并确保所有的重定目标都是安全的。 为您提供的信息,我将进一步简化它们的含义,并提出一些额外的建议: - **SQL注入**: 使用现代Web框架(如Django或Spring Boot),因这些框架通常已经内置了参数化查询。 - **本地文件包含/上传路径遍历**: 使用文件上传API,如Amazon S3或Google Cloud Storage,这些服务通常提供安全的存储和访问机制。 - **安全配置错误**: 利用现代Web应用程序(如Django或Spring Boot)的内置配置选项,以确保安全配置的正确性。 - **本地敏感数据暴露**: 采取适当的隐私措施,如数据加密和访问控制。 - **缺乏安全措施**: 使用现代Web应用程序(如Django或Spring Boot)中内置了加密工具和库。 - **错误处理**: 实现适当的错误处理机制,如异常处理和错误日志记录。 - **安全配置正确性**: 使用现代Web应用程序(如Django或Spring Boot)中内置了参数化配置选项,以确保安全配置的正确性。 请注意,这些建议是针对OWASP Top Ten的预防措施。在实际的Web应用程序时,您应该根据您的技术栈和业务需求来选择最合适的方法和工具。此外,确保所有的安全测试和验证都是成功的(Principle of Least Privilege, or PLP),以防止不必需的最小权限。 最后,请记住,您的Web应用程序的安全是一个持续进展的过程,需要不断地监控、评估和更新。随着技术的发展和威害(如黑客攻击)的日益递,您可能需要定期更新您的应用程序以保持安全。 请记住,您的Web应用程序的安全是一个需要不断地监控、评估和更新的过程,这是为了防止不必需的最小权限(Principle of Least Privilege, or PLP)。随着技术的发展和黑客攻击(如Crypto注入)的日势,您可能需要定期更新您的应用程序以保持安全。 请记住,您的Web应用程序的安全是一个需要不断地监控、评估和更新的过程,这是为了防止不必需的最小权限(Principle of Least Privilege, or PLP)。随着技术的发展和黑客攻击(如Crypto注入)的日势,您可能需要定期更新您的应用程序以保持安全。


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Our review

--- ### **Course Review for "Learning Burp Suite with WAED"** #### **Overview:** The course has received a global rating of 4.15, with all recent reviews indicating a positive reception, especially in terms of the clarity and practicality of the content related to Burp Suite. However, some recurring issues have been noted that could potentially improve the learner experience. #### **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** The course provides clear, concise explanations and relevant examples, allowing learners to grasp a significant amount of information within an hour presentation ([Content #7](#)). - **Practical Application:** Learners have found the course enlightening, with hands-on practice that includes using Burp Suite's proxy and tools like Repeater and Intruder ([Content #6, #8](#), [Content #10](#)). - **Structured Learning Path:** The course is described as a practical and efficient introduction to web application security testing with Burp Suite, with no time wasted ([Content #9](#), [Content #13](#)). - **Positive Feedback for Instruction Style:** Rajganesh Panurangan's teaching style has been appreciated for being precise and clear, making the complex topics understandable ([Content #7, #14](#)). - **Anticipation of Further Learning:** The course leaves learners looking forward to the next parts, indicating a structured and comprehensive learning experience ([Content #8](#), [Content #11](#)). #### **Cons:** - **Outdated or Unavailable Resources:** Some learners encountered issues with download links that led to non-functional resources due to domain expiration, highlighting the need for updated or alternative resources ([Content #3, #12](#)). - **Installation Process:** There has been criticism regarding the time spent on tool installation, particularly the WAED iso image, which may not be utilized extensively in the course examples ([Content #2, #5](#)). - **Limited Scope of Tools Used:** The course focuses primarily on a subset of Burp Suite features and tools, with less emphasis on others, such as Comparer or Spider ([Content #10](#)). - **Instructional Redundancy:** Some learners felt that the instructor spent unnecessary time introducing himself rather than describing the main points of the course ([Content #16](#)). #### **Additional Notes:** - The course is identified as great for beginners and those interested in web application hacking, but it may not cover all the basics comprehensively ([Content #15](#)). - The feedback suggests that the course would be beneficial even if it were a paid offering, indicating its perceived value ([Content #14](#)). #### **Final Thoughts:** The "Learning Burp Suite with WAED" course offers valuable insights into web application security testing and the use of Burp Suite. With a solid foundation laid out in this first part, learners are encouraged to continue their journey with the subsequent parts of the course. The course benefits from Rajganesh Panurangan's clear teaching style and practical approach but could improve by ensuring all resources are up-to-date and relevant, and by potentially streamlining or expanding the installation and tool usage portions of the curriculum. --- **Note:** This review synthesizes feedback from various learners to provide a balanced perspective on the course's strengths and areas for improvement. It is recommended that the course creator addresses the issues related to outdated resources and considers revising sections where time spent on installation could be better allocated to tool utilization.



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