
What you will learn
Why take this course?
🎓 【Java-JDBC】JDBCの基礎を学ぶならこれ! 🎉
【IT技術職を目指す方必見!】 Javaプログラミングの「データベース活用」の秘訣を学びましょう。JDBC、Javaソースコードからデータベースを操作するための強力な技術を身につけ、DAOパターンを駆使した効率的なデータベース処理ができるようになります。
📚 本コースは以下のような方に特にオススメです:
- 「ITエンジニアを目指している方」
- 「Javaからデータベースを操作する技術をさっと理解したい方」
- 「データベースを使った発展的なポートフォリオを作りたい方」
- 「過去に学習したが曖昧な知識に不安を持っている方」
- 「納得しながら学習を進めたい性分の方」
**🎬 YouTubeで公開されている動画との違い:
- コース内容の全編刷新
- Javaの有償化による更新(8/2023時点)
- 就職支援サービスを展開しております!
**🤝 コースのサポート体制:
🛠️ なぜこのコースを選べば?
- 実践的な例題を多数取り入れ: 理論だけではなく、実際のプロジェクトを通じてJDBCの使い方を学びます。
- 最新の知識を身につける: YouTubeで公開されている内容に更新情報を取り入れ、最新のJava技術とデータベース操作法を学びます。
- キャリア形成のサポート: 単なる知識の習得ではなく、就職・転職に向けた具体的なサポートが提供されています。
📅 コースの進め方
- 基礎から始める: 「Java講座#1」「Java講座#2(オブジェクト指向)」「SQL講座」を初心者から中級者までのレベルで受講することをお勧めします。
- JDBCコースに進む: このJDBCコースを通じて、Javaとデータベースの操作を実務で応用していきましょう。
- Q&Aスペースを活用する: 学習中に疑問点があれば、ウズウゼカレッジのQ&Aスペースで質問してみてください。
**🎓 就職・転職に向けたIT技術者の育成を目指します! あなたのキャリアを次のステップへと導くために、ウズウゼカレッジが全力でサポートいたします。この機会に乗り鞫下げてみませんか?
📣 ご質問やフィードバックはどうぞお気軽に!ウズウゼカレッジでは、皆さんの成功を一切支えます。

Our review
Overview of the Course
The course is highly praised for its detailed and clear explanation of Java and MySQL integration, with a particular emphasis on JDBC. It has received an overall rating of 4.25 from recent reviews and is commended for its ability to help students understand complex concepts without any difficulties. The course structure seems to be designed for those who have previously struggled with JDBC or other similar topics, offering them a chance to grasp the material comprehensively.
Pros of the Course
Thorough Explanations: The course provides detailed explanations that are easy to follow from start to finish. Students find that they can learn without encountering any issues.
Visual Aids: Visual examples and imagery are used effectively to illustrate concepts, making it easier for students to grasp the material.
Structured Learning: The course includes section-specific mini-tests that contribute to the solidification of knowledge and understanding.
Practical Application: Students appreciate the opportunity to apply what they've learned in comprehensive exercises, which helps to reinforce their learning and build confidence.
Foundational Approach: Unlike other materials that may rush through database access basics, this course starts with a strong foundation, ensuring students have a solid grasp of the fundamentals before moving on to more complex topics.
Real-World Relevance: The course covers real-world applications and takes a practical approach that aligns with industry standards, making it highly valuable for those looking to apply their skills in a professional setting.
Cons of the Course
Unnecessary Preparation: Some students point out that there is an excess of preliminary setup instruction videos (approximately 2 hours) that seem redundant, especially since the content could be understood from past series or through external resources.
Pace of Learning: While some find the course to be concise, others note that it moves quickly. Students with a less solid understanding of the basics from the fundamental courses might need to revisit those sections for a deeper understanding.
Course Experience Highlights
"Completely Understandable":" The course was praised for being comprehensible, even for those who had previously found JDBC difficult to learn.
Visual Aids: The visual imagery used in the course, particularly for JDBC explanations, was highlighted as a key factor that helped many students understand complex concepts more easily.
Comprehensive Exercises: Students felt that the comprehensive exercises provided at the end of the course allowed them to consolidate their knowledge and apply what they had learned, which in turn deepened their understanding.
Certificate Value: The certification process added value to the learning experience, although some students felt that the preliminary setup instructions could have been streamlined.
Continued Learning Path: The course is part of a series that seems to encourage continuous education, with several students indicating they are progressing through the entire sequence to ensure a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
In summary, this course offers a clear and comprehensive learning experience for those looking to understand Java integration with MySQL and JDBC. While there are some redundancies and a pace that may require students to review foundational concepts, the overall course design is effective in teaching real-world applicable skills, as evidenced by the positive reviews from its students.


Enrollment distribution