


4.74 (29 reviews)
Self Esteem
43 mins
Dec 2021
last update
regular price

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_コースタイト: 「日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座」

キャッチヘッドライン: 「当たり前の日常が、幸せと感謝溢れるかけがえのない日々に変わる!綾香 浦野先生が指導する、2500年続く仏教・禅の奥義を実践し、自分と向き合い、幸せな生き方へと導きます!」

はじめに: 悩みがちで落ち込む日々。そんな自分から脱出し、自分で自分を整える、いつでも自分らしく輝く生き方へと変わりたいあなたへ。このコースでは、仏教・禅の深い教えを、分かりやすく解説し、自分の整え方を身につける手助けがあります。

コースのご紹介: この講座では、仏教・禅の長い歴史として発信された教えを、現代生活に適応して、自分の心の平和と幸せを手入れできる方法を学びます。落ち込む時間が激減、日々が幸せ・感謝の色で豊かに変わります。


  1. 仏教・禅とは?

    • 仏教・禅の基礎を解説し、その哲学と実践がどのように現代生活への応用可能かを掘り下げます。
  2. 悩み・苦しみのしくみ

    • 自分の心に生まれる悩みや苦しみの本質を理解し、その背後にある感情の動きを学びます。
  3. 自分と向き合う方法

    • 自分と向き合うための基本的な技術を学び、心の平和を維持する方法を実践していきます。
  4. 自分と向き合い、整える【実践】

    • 簡単ワークを使用しながら、仏教の教ieleや禅語を活用して、自分の心を整える実践を行います。これはコース内で何度も繰り返せる部分です。


  • 現代生活においって、心の平和を保つことは重要です。
  • 仏教・禅の教えは、悩みやストレスから自由な自分へと導くための有効な手段です。
  • 簡単ワークを通じて、実践的に学んだ内容を日常生活に適用し、持続可能な幸せな生き方を実現できます。

【注目!】 この講座は、仏教・禅の奥義を分かりやすく解説し、自分の心を整えるための具体的な方法を学べる、実践型のコースです。 単に理論だけを学ぶのではなく、日々を豊かにするための具体的な技術を身につけていきましょう。

お待ちしていただいた【簡単ワーク】 このワークは、何度も繰り返し使用できるモジュール型のシナリオベースのアクティビティです。自分の心に迫られる状況に対処するための具体的な手助けを提供し、実生活で直面する問題に対処する力を育てます。

綾香 浦野先生からのメッセージ: 「自分の内面を探求し、平和と幸せを見つけ出す旅を始めませんか?仏教・禅の奥義を、現代生活に適合させた形でご自宫的に学びなさらい。心の健康が身の健康と同じように重要視する時代を迎えています。この講座が、あなたの人生を豊かなものに変える一歩となれば嬉しいです。」

この講座は、自分の内面を理解し、平和と幸せを手入れできるための道を拡け'願う' 綾香 浦野先生と共に行きましょう。今日から始めるこの一歩は、あなたの人生を変える第一歩かもしれません。


日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Screenshot_01日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Screenshot_02日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Screenshot_03日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Screenshot_04

Our review

Global Course Rating: 4.65 / 5

Overall Review: The online course on [Course Title] has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from recent participants, with a focus on its practical approach and accessible explanation of Zen principles. Below is a comprehensive review synthesizing the feedback from various learners:


  • Practical Application: Many users appreciated that the course provided not just theoretical knowledge but also practical exercises to apply what was learned directly into their daily lives. This hands-on approach facilitated immediate integration of the Zen concepts taught.

  • Accessibility and Clarity: The course content was praised for its clarity and simplicity, making complex Zen ideas understandable and applicable even for those without prior knowledge or experience with the subject.

  • Engaging Format: The audio format of the course was particularly well-received as it allowed learners to listen and integrate the teachings throughout their day, especially when accompanied by work tasks.

  • Impactful Learning: Participants reported a significant change in their perception and handling of daily life, with several noting a reduction in unnecessary worries and a clearer approach to decision-making.

  • Tailored for Beginners and Experienced Practitioners Alike: The course was found beneficial for both those who were new to Zen and those looking to deepen their practice.

  • Supportive Guidance: The instructor's voice was described as soothing, making the learning experience comfortable and supportive.


  • Duration of Content: A few learners mentioned that they wished there were more options to replay sections, as they felt one listen-through might not be enough to fully absorb all the teachings, especially since understanding might come in layers over time.

  • Repetition Desired: Some users expressed a desire for repetition within the course, as they found that revisiting the material multiple times would reinforce their learning and help internalize the principles taught.


  • "A Warm Embrace of Zen": One learner expressed gratitude for the warm and understandable explanation of Zen, which significantly changed their perspective on daily life and relationships within the family and at work.

  • "A Must for Daily Life": Another participant highlighted that the course offered numerous insights and practical tips that are indispensable for anyone looking to lead a calmer, more intentional life.

  • "Clear and Concise Material": A learner noted that the course material was both clear and concise, making it an ideal resource for those who have difficulty with complex or unfamiliar terminology associated with Zen practice.

  • "A Voice That Heals": The instructor's voice was commended for its healing qualities, which contributed to a smooth learning experience.

  • Versatility in Application: The course was deemed versatile as it not only helped in managing daily work but also in improving the quality of life by encouraging reflection on one's routines and behaviors.

Final Thoughts: The [Course Title] is highly recommended for individuals interested in Zen, especially those who are looking to integrate its principles into their professional and personal lives. The course's practical approach, clear explanations, and supportive instruction make it an exceptional learning tool for anyone aiming to reduce unnecessary worries and live a more mindful, harmonious life.

Note to Future Learners: This course is designed to help you explore the depth of Zen philosophy and integrate its principles into your daily activities. Whether you're seeking answers to life's challenges or simply wish to enhance your understanding of Zen, this course offers valuable insights. Remember to approach the material with an open mind, and consider revisiting key concepts as needed to fully grasp their significance in your life.



日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Price chart


日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

日日是好日!禅で叶える幸せな生き方【簡単ワーク付】自分の整え方講座 - Distribution chart
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