JavaScript Bootcamp - Build Real World Applications

JavaScript from basic to advanced level. Project - based JavaScript course. JavaScript ES6 guide. Including JSON & AJAX

4.55 (1537 reviews)
Web Development
JavaScript Bootcamp - Build Real World Applications
16.5 hours
May 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will start from the JavaScript fundamentals and go to an advanced level

You will get a deep understanding about how JavaScript works behind the scenes

You will be able to check your knowledge using lots of coding challenges and quizzes

You will learn how to manipulate on the web page using Document Object Model

You will be able to understand the most advanced topics such as function constructors, prototypes, first-class functions, closures and much much more

You will code and build the real-world application using object-oriented JavaScript and modular patterns

You will be able to get 24/7 support from the instructors

Why take this course?



If you want to start learning to program or you already have some basic knowledge, then you are in the right place. This course gives you a chance to take your knowledge to the next level. You will start from very basics and reach the most advanced level.

Let's actually talk about what the course covers...


JavaScript Basics / Intermediate:

You will learn about the very basics of this language, like how to write JavaScript, what kind of syntax it has. What kind of data types JavaScript uses, functions, conditionals, objects, loops, etc. At the end of the section, you will be able to build your very first basic JavaScript application -- 'Digital Clock', followed by the coding task and quiz.

JavaScript Behind The Scenes:

In this section, you will be able to learn how JavaScript works behind the scenes. If you want to be a real JavaScript developer then you definitely need to understand how the code actually works, how the JavaScript engine executes and runs the code under the hood. You will cover very important topics, such as the global execution context and global object, what is execution stack, scope, and scope chain, hoisting, the special keyword 'this' etc. At the end of the section, you will check your knowledge with a quiz.

Document Object Model (DOM):

You will learn how to manipulate individual and multiple elements, how to change the web page content, how to style the elements using JavaScript and much more. In this section, you will build your next project -- 'Note Manager', which will be more complex and interesting than the previous one.

Advanced JavaScript:

This is the section where you will feel confident in JavaScript because you will be able to learn and understand the most advanced concepts in JavaScript. You will cover the following topics: function constructors, prototypal inheritance, prototype chain, first-class functions, closures and much more...

Advanced JavaScript Project - Quiz Application:

When you reach this point, you will be able to build the most advanced real-world application using pure JavaScript. You will learn how to write a real-world app using object-oriented JavaScript, you will be familiar with how to organize, structure and make your code safer using JavaScript Patterns.

Next-Generation JavaScript:

At the end of the course, you will be able to get familiar with the latest updates of JavaScript. You will learn about the next version of JavaScript, ES6 or ECMAScript2015. You will cover the following topics: Get familiar with Array helpers, let/const block-level variable declarations, arrow functions, template strings, default parameters, spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring, classes and much much more...

JavaScript Interview Questions:

The last section of the course will help you to get ready for your JavaScript interview. In this part, you will meet commonly asked JavaScript questions on the interviews and the relevant answers on them.

Test your knowledge with lots of QUIZZES AND CODING TASKS!!!

24/7 Support From The Instructors!!!



JavaScript Essentials

How to Watch Lectures in High Quality
Section Introduction
Download Source Code
What Is JavaScript
How To Write JavaScript
JavaScript Syntax
Variables and Data Types - Part 1
Variables and Data Types - Part 2
Comparison Operators
Type Coercion
Conditional Statements
Else If Statement And Logical Operators
Coding Task 1
Coding Task 1 - Solution
JavaScript Essentials

From Basics To Intermediate JavaScript

Section Introduction
Functions - Part 1
Functions - Part 2
Arrays - Part 1
Arrays - Part 2
Objects - Part 1
Objects - Part 2
Loops - Part 1
Loops - Part 2
Date Object
Date Object - Digital Clock Project
Coding Task 2
Coding Task 2 - Solution
Intermediate JavaScript

JavaScript Behind The Scenes

Section Introduction
JavaScript Behind The Scenes - Introduction
Global Execution Context And Global Object
Execution Context And Execution Stack
Scope And Scope Chain
Objects VS Primitives
The Special Keyword 'this'
JavaScript Behind The Scenes

Document Object Model (DOM)

Section Introduction
DOM - Introduction
Get Ready
Get and Manipulate On Individual Element - Part 1
Get and Manipulate On Individual Element - Part 2
Get and Manipulate On Multiple Elements - Part 1
Get and Manipulate On Multiple Elements - Part 2
Get and Manipulate On Multiple Elements - Part 3
DOM Styles
DOM Styles And Classes
Events - Part 1
Events - Part 2
Events - Part 3
Get And Set Attributes
DOM Navigation
Creating Elements
Project - Coding Task 3
Project - Coding Task 3 - Solution
Project - Edit And Delete Items - Part 1
Project - Edit And Delete Items - Part 2
Project - Hide Notes
Project - Search Filter
Document Object Model (DOM)

Advanced JavaScript

Section Introduction
Everything Is An Object
Function Constructor
Prototype - Object Function
Function Constructors And Prototypes
First - Class Functions - Part 1
First - Class Functions - Part 2
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
call(), apply() and bind()
Advanced JavaScript


JSON Introduction

Project - The Quiz Application

Section Introduction
Project Overview
Get Ready
Module Pattern
Browser Local Storage
Add Questions - Part 1
Add Questions - Part 2
Add Questions - Part 3
Add Questions - Part 4
Add Inputs Dynamically
Create Question List
Edit Questions
Update Questions - Part 1
Update Questions - Part 2
Delete Questions
Clear Question List
Display Questions
Display Progress
Check Answer
Instant Answer
Proceed The Quiz
Add Person
Get Full Name
Final Result
Create Result List
Delete Result
Clear Results

Next Generation JavaScript

Section Introduction
Array Helpers - forEach()
Array Helpers - map()
Array Helpers - filter() / find()
Array Helpers - every() / some()
Array Helpers - reduce()
let / const Variable Declarations
Template Strings
Arrow Functions - Part 1
Arrow Functions - Part 2
Arrays In ES6
Default Parameters
Spread Operator
Rest Parameter
Map and Set

JavaScript Interview Questions

Section Introduction
Interview Questions


Bonus Lecture: Check Out


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Our review

🌟 **Overall Course Review** 🌟 **Pros:** - 🎓 **Comprehensive Content**: The course offers in-depth explanations that cover various JavaScript concepts and practical applications. - 🚀 **Clear Instructions**: George, the instructor, is praised for his ability to stay focused on the topic and provide clear, concise instruction without unnecessary storytelling. - 🛠️ **Hands-On Learning**: The course includes quizzes and projects that help students understand the practical use of JavaScript. - ✨ **High Engagement**: Students find the content engaging, well-structured, and presented properly, making it an efficient learning tool. - 📈 **Real-World Applications**: The course demonstrates how to apply JavaScript in real-world scenarios effectively. - 💡 **Ideal for Refresher**: Suitable for both beginners and those looking to refresh their knowledge of JavaScript. - ✅ **Value for Money**: Most students agree that they got a lot of value for their investment, especially if they plan to use the concepts in building applications or preparing for interviews. - 💬 **Responsive Instructor**: The instructor is responsive to questions, providing quick and helpful answers. **Cons:** - 🕫️ **Outdated Content**: Some students point out that the course uses outdated ES5 syntax instead of more modern ES6+ features. - 🛠️ **Advanced Projects**: The project complexity might be high for beginners, as some find the quiz app and other advanced projects challenging without prior foundational knowledge. - ⏱️ **Length of Course**: A few students mention that the course is too long and could be condensed for quicker learning, especially if combined with other introductory courses. - 🧠 **Pacing**: Some students find the pace of the course a bit fast, requiring them to rewatch certain parts to fully grasp the concepts. - 🛠️ **Update Desired**: There's a suggestion for an update to the course content, including more modern examples and potentially adding a website with an admin panel for a more comprehensive project. **Student Testimonials:** - "I was really struggling with JavaScript until I found this course. It explains everything in detail and is very clear." - "Thank you for showing us how to make beautiful websites! Your examples were amazing." - "I would not suggest this for beginners, but for someone who just finished a bootcamp or other JS classes, it's perfect." - "I've learnt too much and I'll definitely come back to rewatch some parts. Highly recommend!" **Conclusion:** Overall, this JavaScript course is highly praised for its depth of coverage and clarity in instruction. It is recommended for students who have a foundational understanding of JavaScript or have completed other introductory courses. The course may require some prior knowledge to fully benefit from the advanced projects and the pacing might be too quick for complete beginners. However, for those looking to deepen their understanding of JavaScript and prepare for building applications or conducting interviews, this course is an excellent choice. An update incorporating more modern examples and a project with a higher level of complexity, such as an admin panel, would further enhance the student learning experience.


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4/14/202050% OFF



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