The Tiny Spiritual Classes - Some basics

Start unlocking your Spiritual Awareness.

4.60 (10 reviews)
Esoteric Practices
The Tiny Spiritual Classes - Some basics
1 130
1.5 hours
Apr 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Start receiving information regarding different spiritual abilities and how you could get started.

With awareness, you will start to develop your spiritual gifts, allowing betterment in your life.

Through practical exercises and reflection time, you will implement Spiritual growth in your day-to-day life.

Bring to your life fantastic tools like accessing the Akashic Records, your Spirit Guides, or even the Astral Plane.

Get an initial taste of different spiritual aspects that you could implement in your life.

Why take this course?

🌟 Course Title: The Tiny Spiritual Classes - Basic Insights 🚀

Course Headline: Start Unlocking Your Spiritual Awareness! ✨

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that could potentially change your life? 🌈 "The Tiny Spiritual Classes - Basic Insights" with Fernando Albert is here to guide you through the initial steps of awakening your spiritual awareness. This isn't just another course; it's a gateway to understanding the profound reality beyond our physical existence.

Understanding Your Human Experience: We are more than our bodies and our thoughts. We are souls navigating the human experience on Earth. Recognizing this can shift your perspective on life, allowing you to interact with the world in a deeply meaningful way. By tuning into the subtle energies around us and within us, we can start experiencing life differently—with greater clarity, intention, and connection.

What You Will Gain: With daily practice, you will notice immediate benefits. This course is straightforward and accessible. It doesn't require you to abandon your life or adhere to complex dogmas. Instead, it encourages you to shed preconceived notions, let go of the ego, and embrace a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

🔹 Spiritual Foundations: Discover the essential principles that will serve as your foundation for growth. 🔹 Empowerment and Protection: Learn how to connect with energy in a way that empowers and protects you. 🔹 Big-Picture Perspective: Start seeing the bigger picture, understanding things on a deeper level. 🔹 Self-Knowledge: Realize who you truly are at your core—the soul. 🔹 Karmic Connections: Understand how your relationships are intertwined with karma and how you can influence these connections positively. 🔹 Question Everything: Begin to explore life's mysteries, including the concept of time.

Why Choose This Course? 🌟 Personal Experience: Fernando shares his journey, providing practical steps to cultivate your spiritual self. 🌟 No Theories or Steps: This course cuts through the noise and focuses on what truly matters. 🌟 A Taste of Wisdom: While short in length, this course offers profound insights that you can apply immediately for tangible changes in your life.

Embarking on this path is simple yet profound. In less than an hour, you will gain a better understanding of life's intricacies. Remember, this is just the beginning. Your dedication and commitment are what will lead to significant transformations. These lessons are but a glimpse into the vast universe of spiritual wisdom waiting for you to explore.

With an open mind and a heart ready to receive, you will not only enjoy this course but also succeed in unlocking your spiritual awareness. Fernando invites you to let go of labels and unnecessary complexities, making space for light to enter your life.

Join us on this transformative journey and awaken the Spiritual Being within you! 🌟💫✨


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June 14, 2023
This is very good course for introducing someone and I would recomend it to people starting their spiritual quest...



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