The Complete Mainframe Professional Course - 4 Courses in 1

The first step in learning about Mainframes. Covers COBOL, JCL, VSAM, TSO/ISPF, Unix System Services and CICS.

4.48 (8087 reviews)
The Complete Mainframe Professional Course - 4 Courses in 1
34 987
19.5 hours
Oct 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will learn to code COBOL programs

You will learn to code COBOL - CICS programs

You will master TSO and ISPF Commands on Mainframe computer that will help you in your day to day work and projects

You will learn how to code JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE programs

You will learn all the major ISPF commands and understand ISPF operations

Advanced TSO/ISPF commands are covered as well

You will learn all major VSAM topics such as creation of KSDS, RRDS, ESDS, LDS, Alternate index, REPRO etc

You will learn how to create datasets on a Mainframe and perform operations on them

You will be able to Install your own Mainframe Operating system emulator on your Personal Computer

You will also learn how to connect to a Mainframe

You will learn what a Mainframe is

Mainframe Manufacturers in the world today

The History of IBM Mainframes

Operating Systems used on Mainframe computers

Identify the various Mainframe Technologies.

Programming Languages used on Mainframes today

Different types of Processing done on a Mainframe

Learn about Industries where Mainframes are used

This will build a base to learn further about Application programming on Mainframes

Why take this course?

¡Claro! El curso que describes abarca una amplia gama de temas relacionados con el entorno de mainframe, que es un tipo de computadora utilizada principalmente por grandes empresas y organizaciones para procesar grandes volúmenes de datos de manera segura y eficiente. A continuación, te proporciono una descripción más detallada de lo que aprenderás en este curso:

  1. Introducción a los Mainframes: Aprenderás qué es un mainframe, su historia y por qué sigue siendo una parte crítica de la infraestructura de TI en muchas empresas.

  2. Tecnologías y términos asociados: Comprenderás los diferentes tipos de tecnologías y términos que están en uso dentro del entorno de mainframe, incluyendo los lenguajes de programación y sistemas operativos.

  3. Navegación y comandos de TSO/ISPF: Aprenderás cómo ejecutar comandos específicos de TSO (Time Sharing Option) y ISPF (Integrated Information Facility) para interactuar con el sistema mainframe, crear y manipular conjuntos de datos.

  4. Programación en COBOL: COBOL es uno de los lenguajes de programación más utilizados en los sistemas de mainframe. Aprenderás los conceptos básicos de COBOL, incluyendo la estructura de un programa COBOL y cómo escribir código para manejar transacciones de datos.

  5. JCL (Job Control Language): Este lenguaje se utiliza para controlar el ejecutable de un trabajo batch en un sistema de mainframe. Aprenderás a escribir y entender el JCL, que es fundamental para la ejecución correcta de los programas.

  6. VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method): VSAM es un tipo de gestor de bases de datos secundarias en sistemas mainframe. Aprenderás cómo funciona VSAM y cómo se utiliza para almacenar y acceder a grandes volúmenes de datos.

  7. CICS (Customer Information Control System): CICS es un entorno que permite la ejecución paralela de múltiples transacciones independientes. Aprenderás los conceptos básicos de CICS y cómo implementar y manejar mini-proyectos dentro de este entorno.

  8. Proyectos prácticos: El curso incluye varios proyectos prácticos, que te permitirán aplicar lo aprendido en contextos reales, incluyendo asignaciones en COBOL y mini-proyectos en CICS.

  9. Recursos adicionales y actualizaciones: El curso se mantiene actualizado con nuevos videos, recursos y artículos a lo largo del tiempo, asegurando que te keeps informado sobre las últimas tendencias y prácticas en mainframe.

  10. Soporte y comunidad: Puedes obtener apoyo directo de la plataforma o el instructor si tienes preguntas o inquietudes, y te unirás a miles de estudiantes que también están aprendiendo mainframe.

Al completar este curso, tendrás una base sólida en el entorno de mainframe y serás capaz de entender y operar dentro de este sistema poderoso. Además, te posicionarás como un candidato valioso para roles en TI que requieren habilidades de mainframe en empresas que dependen de estos sistemas para sus operaciones diarias.


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Our review

📂 Course Overview and Ratings:

The global course rating stands at 4.44, with all recent reviews indicating varying levels of satisfaction and areas for improvement. The course is generally perceived as informative and beneficial for beginners looking to understand or refresh their knowledge on mainframe systems, specifically focusing on COBOL, VSAM, DB2, and CICS.


  • Comprehensive Content: The course provides detailed and basic information that is missing in other training programs, covering a wide range of topics within the mainframe domain.

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Even individuals with no prior knowledge of mainframes can follow along, thanks to the step-by-step procedures provided.

  • Educational Approach: The course is praised for its clear and simple explanations, short lessons that cover topics thoroughly, and practical examples that facilitate understanding and application.

  • Real-world Application: The course also covers useful Windows utilities, which is a plus for learning mainframe systems in relation to real-world scenarios.

  • Practical Quizzes: The quizzes are appreciated for their effectiveness in testing the learner's understanding of the material.

  • Instructor Appreciation: Experienced COBOL instructors find the course's clarity and length of lessons to be beneficial, even adopting some of the teaching methods into their own classes.


  • Technical Issues: Some users have experienced technical difficulties, such as links to Chinese websites for software downloads and issues with emulator compatibility.

  • Course Completion: A few learners have faced challenges in completing the course due to technical glitches or incomplete tracking of assignment completion.

  • User Interface Concerns: The user interface receives mixed feedback, with some users finding it boring and suggesting a more interactive approach.

  • Video Quality: Some recordings have distracting quality issues that can be a hindrance to learning.

  • Language Issues: The translation of captions is criticized for being inaccurate, affecting the understanding of the content.

  • Content Depth: One user suggests the course might be more suited for an advanced level due to the sheer amount of information provided at a beginner's level.

  • Pronunciation and Teaching Style: A few users point out issues with the instructor's pronunciation, inflections in voice, and overall teaching energy.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • User Interface: Enhance interactivity within the course to make it more engaging, especially for hands-on learners.

  • Technical Consistency: Ensure that all links and software provided are functional and secure.

  • Tracking and Reporting: Improve the system that tracks assignment completion to avoid learner frustration.

  • Caption Accuracy: Provide accurate, high-quality captions or transcriptions for videos and audio content.

  • Content Structure: Review the balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application to ensure it is appropriate for the intended audience level.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, the course is highly recommended for beginners looking to explore mainframe systems, especially those interested in COBOL. With a few notable areas for improvement, the course remains a valuable resource with positive feedback outweighing the negative comments. Learners are encouraged to engage with the content actively and report any issues to enhance their learning experience.

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