一生お金に困らない心理学:お金と心の関係について 、メンタルジム The Change理論その2.1

What you will learn
Why take this course?
このテキストは、The Changeの代表者である小楠健志とトレーナーである片田智也についての説明です。これらの人物は、心理カウンセリング、キャリアコンサルティング、そして心理的な回復や成長に関する知識や技術を持つ専門家で、The Changeプログラムの開発に取り組んでおります。
- 小楠健志は、元格闘技修斗世界で2位に立つ映画監督として知られていますが、現在はNPO法人ジコサポ日本の創始者で、インフラを構築するためThe Changeを設立しています。
- 片田智也は、心理カウンセラーとキャリアコンサルタントとして活動しており、ベンチャー企業の経営に関わる経験があります。視覚障害者となった経験から、自己克服と成長の知識を深め、メンタルヘルス研修講師としても活動しています。
The Changeプログラムは、個人のメンタルヘルスに関する体系的かつ有効な仕組みを提供しようとするものであり、日本の自治体こころの健康相談や厚生労働省のストレスチェック制度の心理相談などに関与しています。
この情報は、The Changeが提供するプログラムが経済の歴史やお金の成り立ちとは直接関連しないかもしれませんが、個人のメンタルヘルスやキャリア開発が経済的な意味合いにどのように影響を与えるかについての洞察を提供する可能性があります。個人の健康とウェルビーイングは、経済的な活動の効率性や創造力にも重要な要素です。

Our review
GroupLayout and Course Rating: The global course rating stands at a commendable 4.15 out of 5. Recent reviews from learners have consistently rated the course highly, reflecting its impact and value.
Course Overview: This online course delves into the intricate relationship between finance and psychology, offering unique insights into how financial transactions can be understood through psychological principles. The course is structured to encourage both novice and experienced learners to engage with the material from different perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of its core concepts.
- Engaging Content: Reviews highlight that the course content is not only interesting but also deeply engaging, sparking curiosity and reflection on the subject matter.
- Real-World Applications: Learners have found the course to be practical, with several sharing experiences where the principles learned directly applied to their real-life financial decisions and interactions.
- Healthy Financial Perspectives: The course emphasizes a healthy approach to money, with many users commenting on how it has improved their understanding and relationship with finance.
- Insightful Psychological Understandings: Users appreciate the course for providing valuable insights into psychological concepts and how they relate to financial decision-making.
- Encouraging Attitude Towards Money: The course inspires a sense of responsibility and mindfulness towards financial dealings, which can lead to more informed and beneficial transactions.
- No Specific Drawbacks: Given the positive feedback from recent reviews, there are no major drawbacks reported that significantly detract from the overall learning experience. However, it's worth noting that individual learner experiences may vary as the course deals with complex topics that require personal reflection and adaptation to one's own financial situation.
Course Testimonials:
Repeated Exposure: A learner shares their experience of revisiting the course, highlighting how it brings new insights and angles each time, gradually leading them to understand the core concepts more profoundly. They also mention the enlightening explanation of the concept presented in the course, which they found particularly valuable.
Strong Recommendation: A learner expresses their high satisfaction with the course, emphasizing its uniqueness and how it provides a solid foundation for understanding the exchange of value without direct monetary transaction, such as skill-for-skill exchanges.
Security and Comfort: Another learner found comfort and security in learning about the principles presented in the course, particularly through the lens of becoming a Prime Member. This perspective led to a deeper appreciation for the course's content.
Empathetic Learning Experience: A learner reflects on the importance of continuous giving as a way to ensure future support when needed and expresses gratitude for the empathetic approach of the course, which has inspired them to continue their learning journey.
Mind-Opening Insights: Lastly, a user was intrigued by the potential link between finance and psychology and found the course to be mind-opening. They are eager to learn more and express gratitude for the enlightening experience.
In conclusion, this course stands out for its ability to bridge the gap between financial literacy and psychological understanding. Its comprehensive approach to teaching these subjects has garnered high praise from learners across various backgrounds. Whether you're looking to improve your financial acumen or gain insights into human behavior, this course offers a unique perspective that is both enlightening and practically applicable.


Enrollment distribution