Stock Options Strategy: The CROC trade (low risk, pro level)

MYOPTIONSEDGE: A consistent and amazing strategy for monthly income VXX using options, protected from Vol explosions!

4.48 (183 reviews)
Investing & Trading
Stock Options Strategy: The CROC trade (low risk, pro level)
2 335
1.5 hours
Apr 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

A creative way of using options to short volatility and be protected from volatility explosions

An innovative income strategy that is not taught on options books

Understand a volatility selling trading strategy that is highly consistent

Achieve an expert level knowledge on volatility trading

Forget technical analysis and indicators that produce non-consistent results

Earn money; have an extra income

Why take this course?

¡Hola! Gracias por proporcionar una descripción detallada de tu curso de trading de opciones con énfasis en VXX. Parece ser un recurso valioso para los traders que buscan una estrategia consistentemente rentable y manejable, especialmente aquellos que ya han experimentado con otros tipos de activos como acciones, opciones de acciones y divisas.

Tu enfoque en la volatilidad y cómo se puede beneficiar y controlar los riesgos asociados es particularmente interesante. La naturaleza limitada del riesgo a largo plazo, junto con los beneficios de la decadencia de teta y el efecto roll yield, sugiere una estrategia bien pensada y equilibrada.

El hecho de que la estrategia puede ser implementada en cuentas de IRA es un plus adicional, ya que muchos traders buscan formas de integrar el trading de opciones dentro del marco de planificaciones de ahorros y pensiones.

Al mencionar que los futuros de VIX tienen una estructura de terminio (contango o backwardación) y cómo esto puede influir en las decisiones de comercio, estás proporcionando una comprensión más profunda de los factores que afectan la rentabilidad de las opciones de volatilidad.

También es importante señalar que este curso se mantendrá actualizado con futuras adiciones y soporte por correo electrónico, lo que es una excelente práctica para asegurar que los estudiantes tengan acceso a la información más reciente y puedan recibir apoyo si lo necesitan.

Finalmente, resaltar que este curso está diseñado para traders con diferentes niveles de experiencia, desde aquellos que están comenzando en el trading de opciones hasta aquellos que ya están activos pero buscan diversificar y mejorar su enfoque y estrategia.

Es claro que este curso puede ser una excelente adición a la educación de cualquier trader que busque expandir su conocimiento y técnicas en el trading de opciones, especialmente aquellos interesados en volatilidad como un activo principal. Con un enfoque en la diversificación y la rentabilidad a largo plazo, este curso podría ser un valioso recurso para cualquier persona interesada en mejorar su estrategia de trading.


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Our review

Course Review for "Mastering Options for Volatility Trading" with Pedro Branco

Introduction: The course "Mastering Options for Volatility Trading" by Pedro Branco has received an exceptional global rating of 5.00, with all recent reviews pointing to its effectiveness and educational value. The strategy presented in the course involves using options on VXX (Volatility Index Fund) to protect against volatility spikes and potentially profit from market conditions.


  • Strategic Insight: The instructor, Pedro Branco, provides a unique approach to using options that is not commonly taught, offering a fresh perspective to experienced traders.

  • Comprehensive Strategy: The course offers a well-organized strategy with clear guidelines for setting up, adjusting, and closing trades, which is highly appreciated by the users.

  • Risk Management: The strategy emphasizes risk control, making it suitable for traders who prefer lower-risk options trading.

  • Educational Value: Users have learned substantially from Pedro Branco's teachings and find his use of option greeks to be particularly insightful.

  • Practical Application: The course is practical, focusing on real-world application rather than theoretical concepts.

  • Academic Approach: Mr. Branco's presentations are thoughtful and intelligent, making complex trading concepts understandable.

  • Recommendation for Intermediate Traders: The course is recommended for traders who have a basic understanding of options, as it offers advanced techniques.

  • Innovative Use of Options: The strategy teaches an innovative way to apply options, which is both creative and effective for managing risk.

  • Backtesting: Some users appreciate the inclusion of backtests in different market conditions, providing evidence of the strategy's viability.

  • Real Trading Experience: A few users recommend experiencing Mr. Branco's trading live to complement the course.


  • Complexity in Implementation: Some users note that the adjustments within the strategy can be complex, and there is a need for more insight into determining the optimal timing for setting up positions.

  • Acoustic Challenges: A few reviews mention difficulties understanding the instructor due to acoustics rather than accent.

  • Fee Consideration: One user notes that fees when trading must be taken into account, as they can impact profitability.

  • Realistic Application Concerns: Another user questions the usability of the strategy in real trading conditions, suggesting it might be too complex for practical use.

  • Limited Risk/Reward Focus: The course may not cater to traders who prefer higher risk/reward profiles.

Overall Impression: The "Mastering Options for Volatility Trading" course is highly recommended for both intermediate and advanced traders looking for a new, sound strategy to manage volatility using options. While the strategy requires careful monitoring and a solid understanding of options, the educational content provided by Pedro Branco is of high quality and has been praised by users for its clarity and practicality. The course offers substantial value for those interested in learning a proven options trading strategy that is both innovative and defensive in nature.

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