Técnicas de estudo para provas de Concursos e Certificação

Potencialize sua aprovação usando ferramentas que reforçam a fixação do aprendizado

4.65 (142 reviews)
Memory & Study Skills
Técnicas de estudo para provas de Concursos e  Certificação
3 hours
Jan 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Conhecimento das principais técnicas para otimizar o aprendizado

Melhor priorização dos estudos

Conhecimento de um plano de estudo real

Melhor uso da Inteligência Emociona e PNL nos estudos

Melhorar a motivação para estudo diário

Why take this course?

Esse curso apresenta dicas e recomendações práticas para acelerar a preparação e aprovação em diversos tipos de provas: Concurso, certificação, vestibulares, etc.

Sugiro fortemente assistir ao vídeo de apresentação para maiores detalhes do conteúdo e dinâmica utilizada.

Destaco abaixo o conteúdo das 24 videoaulas com base em pesquisas científicas e minha experiência como professor em graduação, certificação, MBA, concursos, certificação e workshops corporativos:

1. Apresentação do curso

2. Formas de reter o conhecimento

3. Quanto tempo para aprovação

4. Como evitar a curva do esquecimento

5. Diferença entre escrever e digitar

6. Diferença entre livro físico e digitl

7. Pilares do aprendizado efetivo

8. Exemplo de plano de estudo diário com prioridades

9. Descanso para fixar conhecimento

10. Dicas para questões e simulados

11. Adapte as técnicas que funcionam melhor para você

12. Como estudar assuntos decorebas com Anki

13. Dicas para priorizar estudo com técnica de Pareto

14. Exemplo do concurso do TRT para priorização dos assuntos

15. Estudo diário reforça aprendizado incremental

16. A participação da família na sua jornada

17. Atividade física ativa o cérebro e melhora fixação das matérias

18. Dicas para motivação diária

19. Como o PNL e Inteligência Emocional pode aumentar sua resiliência

20. Adapte seu plano aos imprevistos

21. Dicas para a reta final de preparação

22. Foco no Edital e Guia de Preparação

23. Recomendações durante a realização da prova

24. Mensagem final


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Our review

👋 **Overview of the Course "Estudo Efetivo para Concurso Público"** The online course **"Estudo Efetivo para Concurso Público"** has been well-received by its participants, with a global rating of **4.65** and recent reviews only reinforcing its value. Students have found the course to be both informative and practical, offering valuable insights into effective study techniques for concurso público examinations. ### 🌟 **Pros:** - **Expertise and Clarity**: The instructor is praised for their expertise in the subject matter and for delivering content in a clear and detailed manner. Students appreciate the practical advice and examples provided that aid in the learning process. - **Practical Tips and Real-World Examples**: The course includes practical tips and real-world examples, making abstract concepts more concrete by relating them to everyday life events. This approach has been particularly appreciated by students who have found these analogies helpful. - **Effective Learning Techniques**: Students reported that the strategies taught in the course are valuable and applicable, with many noting the immediate application of the techniques to their own study routines. - **Engaging Content**: The use of audio recordings and well-structured text with summaries has been highlighted as an effective learning tool, enhancing comprehension and retention of information. - **Motivation and Direction**: The course provides a clear structure for study planning, which is essential for students preparing for competitive exams. ### 🚫 **Cons:** - **Advanced Content**: Some students who are already at an advanced level in their studies did not find the content to be entirely new or challenging, suggesting that it might be more suited to beginners. - **Technical Issues**: There were mentions of errors in the subtitles (legends) which could potentially hinder the learning experience for those who rely on them. The platform issues have been addressed and improved upon, indicating a responsive approach to student feedback. - **Study Pace and Depth**: A few students felt that the course did not delve deeply enough into certain topics or moved too quickly, which could be a concern for students looking for in-depth coverage of specific areas. ### 🔍 **Additional Notes:** - **Accessibility**: The course seems to be designed with inclusivity in mind, considering the provision of subtitles and other engaging formats. - **Room for Improvement**: There is a suggestion that the course could benefit from more advanced content or additional videos to cater to students at various levels of proficiency. ### 📈 **Conclusion:** Overall, the **"Estudo Efetivo para Concurso Público"** course has been positively received by most students, who have found it to be a valuable resource for learning effective study techniques and preparing for concurso público examinations. The balance of practical advice, real-world applications, and clear instruction makes this course stand out as a beneficial tool for those looking to improve their academic performance. The feedback indicates that while the course is excellent for beginners and intermediate students, it may also be enriched by including more advanced content or addressing technical issues to ensure accessibility and an optimal learning environment for all students. --- **Note to Future Students:** This review is based on user feedback and experiences. It is recommended that you consider your own level of expertise and study needs when selecting this course, as it may vary in relevance and depth depending on your individual requirements.



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Técnicas de estudo para provas de Concursos e  Certificação - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Técnicas de estudo para provas de Concursos e  Certificação - Distribution chart

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