Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search)

Wildfly 11 com Spring Boot, Mongo, Multiplas conexões, API REST, Spring Data, GridFS, Upload de grandes arquivos

4.40 (146 reviews)
Web Development
Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search)
1 428
2.5 hours
Jun 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

No final do curso você vai ser capaz de criar APIs REST em poucos minutos e com queries complexas utilizando apenas o Spring Data Repositories

Você poderá criar múltiplas conexões com o MongoDB e ainda será capaz de fazer upload de arquivos gigantescos utilizando o melhor do MongoDB(GridFS)

Você ainda poderá fazer buscas com full text search utilizando o Spring Data com o MongoDB

Why take this course?

🚀 Acelere seu Desenvolvimento com Spring Boot, Wildfly e MongoDB! 🌟

Curso Completo: Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e Full Text Search)

Descrição do Curso:

🚀 Introdução ao Spring Boot e MongoDB 🚀

  • Aprenda a configurar projetos robustos usando o Spring Boot. Este framework é a escolha definitiva para desenvolvimento rápido de aplicações Java.
  • Explore o poder do MongoDB, um banco de dados NoSQL altamente escalável, ideal para armazenar grandes quantidades de dados estruturados ou não.

🛠️ Tecnologias e Ferramentas 🛠️

  • Wildfly: Aprenda a explorar as funcionalidades avançadas do Wildfly, uma versão comuns do Jakarta EE (anteriormente conhecido como Java EE).
  • Spring Data: Dominie as abstrações fornecidas pelo Spring Data para interagir com bancos de dados de maneira eficiente e simplificada.

💻 Desenvolvimento Prático 💻

  • Crie APIs REST do zero utilizando o Spring Boot.
  • Gerencie múltiplas conexões com o MongoDB, garantindo a eficiência e a escalabilidade das suas aplicações.
  • Implemente o upload de arquivos grandes com segurança e eficiência através do GridFS.

🔍 Full Text Search 🔍

  • Aprenda a realizar buscas completas (Full Text Search) para encontrar documentos relevantes dentro dos dados armazenados no MongoDB.

👨‍🏫 Aulas Estruturadas e Projetos Práticos 👨‍🏫

  • Siga acompanhamento passo a passo com acompanhantes claros e instrutivos.
  • Aborde desafios real-world através de projetos práticos que irão consolidar o conhecimento adquirido.

🌍 Para quem busca inovar 🌍

  • Este curso é ideal para desenvolvedores Java interessados em aprimorar suas habilidades com Spring Boot e MongoDB.
  • Se você está procurando maneiras de otimizar o desempenho das suas APIs REST e gerenciar grandes volumes de dados, este é o curso que vai transformar seu modo de trabalhar!

O que você vai aprender:

  • Configuração e criação de aplicações Spring Boot.
  • Melhor uso do MongoDB para desenvolvimento de sistemas escaláveis.
  • Implementação de conexões múltiplas com o MongoDB.
  • Uso eficiente do GridFS para upload e gerenciamento de arquivos grandes.
  • Execução de queries complexas usando Spring Data Repositories.
  • Realização de buscas completas (Full Text Search) no MongoDB.

Prontos para desafiar o limite das suas habilidades com Java? 🚀➡️💻

Inscreva-se agora e transforme seu caminho na programação! 🌟✨


Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search) - Screenshot_01Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search) - Screenshot_02Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search) - Screenshot_03Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search) - Screenshot_04

Our review

🏅 Global Course Rating: 4.85/5.0

The course has received a high level of praise for its comprehensive coverage of the Spring Boot framework and related technologies. The instructor's domain expertise is acknowledged, with users appreciating the depth of knowledge and practical examples provided. Here's a breakdown of the feedback:

🌟 Pros:

  • Expertise: The instructor demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.
  • Didactic Skills: The professor is praised for the clarity and effectiveness with which they explain concepts.
  • Materials: Adequate materials are provided, including GitHub support for additional learning resources.
  • Practical Application: The course offers practical insights into applying MongoDB with Spring in real-world scenarios.
  • Engagement: The course keeps the learner engaged and is considered to have an ideal pace.
  • Supportive Community: There's a strong sense of community, with the instructor being responsive to questions and clarifications.

🤔 Cons:

  • Pacing: Some users found the speed at which concepts are presented to be fast, making it difficult to follow if one is new to implicit assumptions within the instruction.
  • Musical Background: The background music during the course sometimes distracts learners who prefer a quieter environment or who watch the videos at high speeds.
  • Project Structure: There's a suggestion for future improvement to incorporate a more coherent project that spans across multiple lessons, with a start and end point representing a real-world application.
  • Technical Updates: It's recommended to use the latest releases of Spring Boot to ensure the course content is up to date.
  • Accessibility: The course may be challenging for beginners or those who are less familiar with the concepts due to the speed and depth of the instruction.
  • Documentation: Some users suggested that additional examples, such as more complex queries or real-world scenarios, would enhance the learning experience.
  • Mlab URL Update: There's a request for consistency in resources used, with a note that the Mlab link provided had changed since the recording of the course.

📚 Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Implement a continuous project throughout the course to provide a more cohesive learning experience.
  • Consider offering future updates or additional aulas as new content becomes available.
  • Remove background music to ensure a focused learning environment.
  • Update the course with the latest versions of Spring Boot and MongoDB to maintain relevance.

In Summary:

The course is highly recommended for its comprehensive approach to teaching Spring Boot and MongoDB, with a clear emphasis on practical application. While it may be challenging for complete beginners or those looking for more step-by-step guidance, the high rating reflects the overall effectiveness of the course for those with some prior knowledge in these areas. Users are eagerly anticipating future content from the instructor and recommend the course as an excellent learning resource.

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