Sports Agents and the Athlete Management Business

An In-Depth Look at the Work of Sports Agents and What They do for Athletes to Get the Most Out of Their Careers.

4.62 (194 reviews)
Sports Agents and the Athlete Management Business
4 hours
Sep 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

The role of a sports agent

Skills needed to be a successful sports agent

How to successfully network

How agents build professional relationships

How to handle rejection in a professional manner

How sports agents recruit their first clients

Market analysis and its importance when recruiting and working with clients

How to assess the worth of a client

Managing the weaknesses and strengths of a client

How to manage client expectations

The value of confidence

How to provide useful career advice

What is PR and how it can be used to highlight the strengths of a client

How to avoid bad publicity

Working with the media to enhance your client’s reputation

Creating a brand for your clients

Advertising for sports agents

How endorsements and social media work

Financial management

Athlete salaries

How bonuses and incentives are used in athlete contracts

Contract law

Complying with agent regulations

Assisting clients with legal issues

How to handle conflicts of interest

Ethics of handling youth contracts

Ensuring clients are prepared for life after sport

How to negotiate

Managing risk in negotiation

Avoiding bad negotiation tactics

Why take this course?



  1. 认识体育代理人的角色 - 了解他们在体育产业中的作用和重要性。
  2. 学习基本知识 - 从事体育代理业前的教育和实践经验,包括大卫森巴嫩商业大学的高级教育diploma。
  3. 掌握网络建立的技巧 - 了解如何建立专业网络,这是一个体育代理人最宝贵的资产之一。
  4. 分析客户价值 - 学习如何评估市场情况以确定你的客户在当前环境中的价值。
  5. 培养与客户的良好关系 - 建立信任和透明度,这是成功代理工作的关键。
  6. 掌握公共关系策略 - 了解如何利用媒体提升你的客户名声。
  7. 开展市场营销活动 - 帮助客户创建个人品牌,吸引赞助商合作。
  8. 理解财务管理 - 掌握体育收入的基本原则、奖金和激励金等。
  9. 遵守法律规定 - 了解成为体育代理人所必须遵守的监制和合同法知。
  10. 考虑道德因素 - 处理与青少年、避免冲突以及支持退役运动员等道德问题。
  11. 掌握协商技巧和风险管理 - 了解如何在谈判中成功行事,以及如何处理风险。



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Our review

Course Review: The Business of Sports Agents

Overall Rating: 3.77/5


  • Industry Interest and Foundation: The course has sparked interest among learners who have been fascinated by the world of sports agents, as seen in references to "Jerry Maguire." It provides a solid foundation for understanding the role and responsibilities of a sports agent.

  • Informative Content: Learners have found the course to be very informative, with a wealth of good information and examples presented throughout the material.

  • Insight into Success Factors: The course helps in understanding what it takes to become a successful sport agent, including the necessary skills and the level of education required to assist you in this field.

  • Theoretical Framework: It offers a strong theoretical foundation, covering points that are well-known but presented in new contexts or circumstances. This theoretical grounding is essential for anyone looking to delve into sports management.

  • Highly Recommendable: The course has been described as highly recommendable, with many learners indicating they will explore more courses like this one and find it of great help as they begin their journey in the sports management industry.


  • Comprehensiveness: Some learners felt that the course fell short by omitting important aspects of the field. They expressed a need for more content, particularly additional material for market analysis and other critical tools.

  • Supporting Materials: There is a desire for more supportive materials to assist learners in developing their skills further, especially in practical applications such as market analysis.

  • Language Considerations: One learner mentioned feeling that "mucho" (a lot) was used in a context where "falta" (lack) might have been more appropriate, suggesting a potential language barrier or misunderstanding. This could imply that some content areas may not have been addressed as thoroughly as they should be.

General Feedback:

  • The course is highly engaging and informative for those with an interest in sports management and specifically in the role of a sports agent.

  • It provides a good balance between theoretical knowledge and practical insights, making it suitable for beginners looking to enter this field.

  • While the course is valuable, there are areas where it could be enhanced by including more comprehensive case studies, real-world examples, and additional tools for market analysis.

  • Overall, the course is a good starting point for anyone interested in the business side of sports and sports agency work.

In summary, "The Business of Sports Agents" is an informative and engaging course that offers valuable insights into the world of sports management. It is recommended for those looking to understand the role of a sports agent and the skills required to be successful in this field. However, there is room for improvement in terms of content comprehensiveness and the provision of additional resources for practical application.

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