
Principios SOLID y Clean Code

Fundamentos de la arquitectura y desarrollo de software.

4.76 (5257 reviews)
Data Science
Principios SOLID y Clean Code
24 885
6.5 hours
Aug 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Aprender a escribir un código limpio.

Aprender sobre la deuda técnica.

Prevención de la deuda técnica.

6 Codesmells principales y otros no tan comunes.

Principios SOLID.

Why take this course?

🎉 Curso Completo: Principios SOLID y Clean Code 👩‍💻💻

¡Descubre el Arte de la Programación Limpia y Mantenable!

¡Bienvenido a un mundo donde tu código no solo funciona, sino que inspira confianza y facilita la colaboración!

¿Qué Es Este Curso?

Este curso está diseñado para convertirte en un maestro de la arquitectura y desarrollo de software. Aprenderás los 5 Principios SOLID esenciales que son la piedra angular para escribir código que sea fácil de entender, mantener y ampliar. Además, te familiarizarás con las prácticas de codificación limpia, o "Clean Code", una metodología que promueve un código claro y eficiente.

Los Principios SOLID Desglosados

  • S – Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) 🎯
    • Cada clase o módulo debe tener una sola responsabilidad.
  • O – Open/Closed Principle (OCP) 🛠️
    • Las entidades deben estar abiertas a la extensión, pero cerradas a la modificación.
  • L – Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) 🦜
    • Los objetos en un programa deben ser reemplazables por instancias de sus subtipos sin alterar la lógica del programa.
  • I – Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) 🔮
    • Las entidades cliente no deben depender de interfaces que no usan.
  • D – Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) ↔️
    • Las entidades de alto nivel no deben depender de las entidades de bajo nivel. Ambas deben depender de abstracciones.

Evita la Deuda Técnica

Antes de sumergirnos en los principios SOLID, discutiremos la concepto de deuda técnica y cómo una mala calidad del código puede acarrear una pesada carga al futuro. Aprenderás a reconocer las trampas comunes que llevan a esta deuda y cómo evitarlas.

Por Qué Estudiar Clean Code?

  • Comunicación Clara: Tu código debería ser legible, como si fuera un buen libro de historia.
  • Facilidad de Mantenimiento: Debe ser fácil para cualquier desarrollador entender y modificar tu código.
  • Ampliabilidad: Deberías poder expandir tu código sin grandes esfuerzos de reestructuración.
  • Colaboración Efectiva: Otros desarrolladores, incluso aquellos que no están familiarizados con tu trabajo, deben poder contribuir fácilmente.

¿Qué Aprenderás?

  • Comprender los Principios SOLID y cómo aplicarlos en el día a día de desarrollo.
  • Aplicar las Mejores Prácticas para escribir un código limpio y mantenable.
  • Evitar la Deuda Técnica al identificar y corregir patrones dañinos.
  • Mejorar el Diseño de tu Código para que sea fácil de mantener y expandir.
  • Elegancia en la Programación: Descubre cómo un código bien escrito puede ser hermosa y funcional al mismo tiempo.

¡Únete a Este Viaje Towards Better Code!

Inscríbete hoy mismo y comienza a transformar tu forma de pensar y escribir código. 🖥️👨‍💻 Con este curso, estarás en camino para convertirte en un desarrollador que admira su propio trabajo y el de sus compañeros, día tras día.

No esperes más, la excelencia en el desarrollo software está a tu alcance. 🌟✨


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Our review

👩‍🏫 Course Overview: "Principles SOLID and Clean Code" is a course that introduces the SOLID principles and Clean Code concepts in an accessible manner, with practical exercises aimed at improving productivity. The course has been highly rated by recent reviewers, who have praised its explanatory approach, particularly highlighting the clarity of theories and the usefulness of examples and hands-on practices.


  • Comprehensive Explanation: The course offers clear explanations of theoretical concepts and abundant practical examples, making it easy to understand complex topics.
  • Effective Learning: Reviewers have found the course effective in teaching principles and applying them, with many noting a significant improvement in their understanding of code practices.
  • Real-World Applicability: The principles taught are not only theoretical but also have real-world applications that can be immediately applied to current projects.
  • High-Quality Content: The course content is considered very complete and the examples provided are of high quality, contributing to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Engaging and Clear Instruction: Instructors like Fernando are praised for their clear and concise teaching style, which makes learning more enjoyable and effective.
  • Versatility: The course is recommended not only for beginners but also for those who have prior knowledge in programming and wish to refine their skills or prepare for technical interviews.


  • Practical Exercise Improvements: Some reviewers suggest that the practical exercises, particularly those involving implementing SOLID principles, could be improved for a better learning experience.
  • Directory Structure in Practicals: A few reviewers pointed out that the structure of code directories and file naming conventions should be covered more thoroughly to enhance the efficiency of the learning process.
  • Expectation Management: A couple of reviewers expressed that their initial expectations about mastering Clean Code were exceeded, as the course revealed new insights even for those who thought they already knew the subject well.

Testimonials and Recommendations:

  • "Very Clear and Complete Content": A learner from Argentina shares that despite initially thinking he knew all there was to know about Clean Code, he found new knowledge and highly recommends the course for a comprehensive understanding of clean coding practices.
  • "Clarity in Explanation": Another reviewer appreciates the clarity with which concepts are explained and encourages continued learning from the instructor, emphasizing the value of always being open to new insights.
  • "Practical Application of Theories": Reviewers express that they have replanted concepts they thought they were familiar with, thanks to the practical application of theories presented in the course.

Summary: This course is highly recommended by reviewers for its engaging instruction and practical approach to teaching SOLID principles and Clean Code. It is suitable for a range of skill levels, from beginners to seasoned developers looking to refine their skills or prepare for technical interviews. The emphasis on real-world application and the clarity with which the course is delivered have made it a favorite among learners. Some areas for improvement in the practical exercises and code organization are noted, but overall, the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.



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Enrollment distribution

Principios SOLID y Clean Code - Distribution chart


29/06/202283% OFF
29/08/202283% OFF
07/10/202278% OFF
09/05/202378% OFF
24/06/202375% OFF
13/05/202468% OFF
11/10/202425% OFF
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