Buman 1.0 - App android + sistema para Restaurante en C#
Proyecto REAL

What you will learn
Crearemos un Sistema para Restaurante. Comercial
Why take this course?
🎉 Aprende a Crear tu Propio Sistema para Restaurante con C# y Android! 🌐✨
¡Transforma tu Pasión por la Programación en un Proyecto Real!
🚀 Buman 1.0 - App android + Sistema para Restaurante en C#
Este curso es el towel de tu viaje hacia la maestría en desarrollo de sistemas integrados para restaurantes utilizando C# y SQL Server. Acompañate al instructor Codigo 369 en una aventura where-you-code, aprendiendo desde los fundamentos hasta implementar un sistema completo que automatizará procesos críticos en la operación de un restaurante moderno.
¿Qué Aprenderás?
🔑 Módulos a Desarrollar:
- Ventas: Gestiona las transacciones con eficiencia y rapidez.
- Cobros: Recibe pagos de manera segura y organizada.
- Caja: Mantén tus ingresos y egresos en un registro fácil de usar.
- Empresa: Administra la configuración y el perfil de tu negocio.
- Reportes: Obtén análisis clave para tomar decisiones informadas.
- Mesas: Organiza las reservas y gestiona el aula con facilidad.
- Copias de Seguridad: Protege tus datos importantes.
- Instaladores Portables: Instala tu sistema en cualquier lugar con facilidad.
- App android para recepción de pedidos: Interactúa con clientes y tomá pedidos desde cualquier lugar.
- Licencias: Probarás la app durante 30 días con licencias de prueba y, una vez validada, con licencias de pago.
- Temas claro y oscuro: Personaliza la apariencia de tu aplicación para diferentes preferencias visuales.
- Permisos según roles de usuario: Define quién puede hacer qué tipo de cambios en el sistema.
Desarrollo de la App Android:
📱 Características de la App Android:
- Modulo de pedidos: Registra y gestiona los pedidos de manera eficiente.
- Conexión por IP: Mantén tus pedidos sincronizados sin importar la ubicación.
- Vista de mesas: Administra las reservas con un clic.
- Buscador de productos: Encuentra lo que necesitas rápidamente.
- Generación de apk: Distribuye tu app de manera sencilla.
- Publicación de la apk en la Play Store: Haz que tu app esté disponible para todo el mundo.
- Enlace a SQLServer: Asegúrate de que tus datos estén seguros y accesibles.
Funcionamiento sin Internet:
🔁 Sistema Móvil y de Escritorio Independientes: La app móvil dependerá del sistema de escritorio principal para operar, ya que ambos comparten la misma base de datos centralizada. Esto significa que puedes mantener un flujo sin interrupciones de servicio, esencial en situaciones como las actuales donde la distancia y la seguridad son prioridades.
Objetivos del Curso:
🎯 Al finalizar este curso, podrás:
- Disminuir el uso de ticketeras en cocina: Implementa un módulo de cocina que gestione los pedidos de manera eficiente.
- Mantener distancia física con el mozo: Adapta tu sistema para cumplir con las normativas de distanciamiento social.
- Mejorar la administración de pedidos: Automatiza y organiza los pedidos de manera efectiva.
- Mejorar el proceso de separación de cuentas: Asegúrate que cada cliente o tabla quede correctamente separada.
- Mejorar el proceso de cobros: Simplifica y seguriza las transacciones financieras.
- Simplificar la conexión entre la app móvil y la aplicación de escritorio: Asegúrate de que ambos sistemas trabajen de manera coherente y sin errores.
🛠️ Herramientas y Tecnologías Utilizadas:
- Xamarin: Utiliza este potente framework para desarrollar tu app android con C#.
- Visual Studio 2019: Tu entorno de desarrollo integral, ya que Xamarin está integrado de forma nativa.
¡No esperes más! Inscríbete ahora y comienza a transformar tu visión en realidad con Buman 1.0. Aprende, construye y lanza el sistema de restaurante del futuro. 🚀🍔💻

Our review
Course Overview:
The online course in question has received a high rating of 4.67 from recent reviews, indicating a strong positive reception among its participants. The course covers the development of real-world systems and is highly commended for its didactic approach, clear explanations, and the instructor's depth of knowledge. It is also noted for being suitable for beginners in programming, as well as for more experienced individuals.
- Highly Rated: Averaging 4.67 out of 5 stars from recent reviews.
- Educational Value: Students report gaining valuable knowledge and a deep understanding of the material, particularly appreciating real-world applications and practical project work.
- Clear and Detailed Instructions: The instructor is praised for providing explanations that are both detailed and easy to understand, accommodating learners at various levels of expertise.
- Structured Content: The course is described as well-structured with clear progression from concept to application.
- Engagement: Many students express a newfound enthusiasm for programming or rekindle their passion due to the engaging and pedagogical approach of the course.
- Supportive Community: There's a sense of community among learners, with some sharing tips and encouraging each other.
- Instructor Expertise: The instructor is recognized as being well-prepared and knowledgeable in the subject matter.
- Unclear References: Some students mention that initial guidance on how to approach learning encryption would be beneficial, suggesting a need for reference material or additional instruction at the beginning.
- Content Completeness: A few reviews highlight that some aspects of the course promised in the description were not fully covered, leaving students with incomplete tools for implementing the systems discussed.
- Pacing and Repetition: Some students feel that the content could be streamlined to avoid repetition or overly detailed explanations that might not be necessary for all learners.
- Technical Issues: A couple of reviews point out technical challenges related to library usage and compatibility with current tools, which could potentially cause confusion or delays in learning.
- Expectation Mismatch: There are instances where the course's scope as described does not align with what was delivered, leading to some dissatisfaction among learners.
- Video Quality: One reviewer suggests that the videos could be improved for clarity and coherence.
- Price Sensitivity: With a focus on paid content, a few students express that the course would be more valuable if it were free, due to the perceived impact of technological obsolescence or changes in tooling.
General Feedback:
Overall, the course is seen as a positive learning experience with many students finding it useful for their professional development and personal growth in programming and systems design. However, some learners have suggestions for improvement regarding content completeness, pacing, and addressing new technologies to ensure the material remains relevant and valuable for future students.
Based on the reviews, it is recommended that the instructor consider revising parts of the course to address the noted issues. This could involve providing clearer references for initial learning, ensuring all promised content is covered, streamlining explanations without losing educational depth, and updating resources to reflect current technologies and methodologies. With these enhancements, the course has the potential to be an even more valuable resource for aspiring and experienced programmers alike.


Enrollment distribution

Submit by | Date | Coupon Code | Discount | Emitted/Used | Status |
Angelcrc Seven | 02/04/2020 | 2FEA8C5E20BF4456FD38 | 100% OFF | 40000/6398 | expired |
Lee Jia Cheng | 03/05/2020 | 9EB00B19C92FB11C0ECB | 100% OFF | 40000/4264 | expired |
- | 06/06/2020 | 5DFCEAD1222F25528DD1 | 100% OFF | 40000/1492 | expired |
- | 03/07/2020 | C0FCFE0BCB901F4EF247 | 100% OFF | 40000/1094 | expired |
- | 04/07/2020 | 185884103CAC0597F8A9 | 95% OFF | expired | |
Angelcrc Seven | 02/08/2020 | 60EF945B4BFD3201775E | 100% OFF | 40000/510 | expired |
- | 19/11/2020 | 96A6B526EE7DBCDA0D93 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 14/04/2021 | AF6F27449A018D29946D | 100% OFF | 40000/8060 | expired |
- | 02/06/2021 | EA3756E3A528BC8B39D5 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 11/06/2021 | B3484C326968B3633BFA | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 05/07/2021 | C2AF483A20340D3C7A0C | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 14/07/2021 | FE9EA81B50F60121F110 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/08/2021 | 8C67E60E52B1481D05C3 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 16/11/2021 | ESCORPIO | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 11/01/2022 | D51EA04BBE53BEF5D9F8 | 100% OFF | 1000/877 | expired |
- | 24/05/2022 | CEBD8E78CE5419B0ECA2 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 15/08/2022 | 2D42C3F628F1AEC48F27 | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 12/09/2022 | 9E98FD277F8F3958AFB8 | 100% OFF | 1000/933 | expired |
- | 03/10/2022 | 8816D134B32035E132E6 | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 17/10/2022 | 3A756774E827352E65BD | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 16/01/2023 | 5C18990F75C3E872153F | 100% OFF | 1000/855 | expired |
- | 12/02/2023 | 08407E10FAF3A00BC00E | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 06/03/2023 | MARZOSINELLA | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 10/04/2023 | ABRILHOT | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 18/04/2023 | DECISIONES | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 13/06/2023 | TRANSFORMERSJUNIO | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 25/07/2023 | JULIOHOT | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 10/08/2023 | AGOSTOMAGICO | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 15/09/2023 | CERDYN | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 14/11/2023 | NOVIEMBREGO | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 18/01/2024 | NOLOSETUDIME | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 08/03/2024 | LIBERTAD | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 20/03/2024 | FRUTAFRESCA | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 18/04/2024 | MANAFULL | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 19/07/2024 | ECOBANK | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 20/09/2024 | ASPIRANTEAOFICIAL | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 17/12/2024 | NAVIDADCHILL | 83% OFF | expired |