Ada369 1.0 - Sistema de ventas Profesional en C# y SQLserver
Aprende a crear un Sistema de Ventas en C# y SQLserver desde 0

What you will learn
Desarrollo de un punto de venta
Instalación de SQLServer de forma automatica
Creación de Instaladores portables
Licencias temporales
Arquitectura 3 capas
Importaciones desde Excel a SQLServer a través de form
Why take this course?
🚀 Ada369 1.0 - Sistema de Ventas Profesional en C# y SQL Server 💻
Versión 1.0:
¡Bienvenido al curso definitivo para convertirte en un experto en desarrollo de sistemas de ventas! Aprende desde cero y con detalle cada aspecto del sistema, que incluirá los siguientes módulos clave:
- 🛒 Modulo Ventas - El corazón de tu sistema.
- 💰 Modulo Cobros - Gestiona las transacciones de manera eficiente.
- 🧾 Modulo Pagos - Mantén un control detallado de cada operación financiera.
- 📊 Modulo Kardex - Monitorea el inventario de tus productos en tiempo real.
- ➡️ Modulo Inventarios - Realiza seguimiento y gestiona el stock de manera efectiva.
- 💰 Modulo de Caja - Asegura la transparencia y seguridad de las operaciones de caja.
- 🏢 Modulo de Empresa - Configura y personaliza tu perfil empresarial.
- 📈 Reportes - Genera informes clave para tomar decisiones estratégicas.
- 🔒 Copias de Seguridad - Implementa estrategias de respaldo y recuperación de datos.
- 🚀 Instaladores Portables con base de datos incluida - Distribuye tu sistema fácilmente.
- 🔐 Seguridad con Encryptaciones - Protege la información sensible de tus clientes y tu empresa.
- 🎠 Devolución de productos - Gestiona las devoluciones con confianza y profesionalismo.
- ✉️ Envío de reportes a correo electrónico - Automatiza el proceso de distribución de informes.
- 🔄 Recuperación de contraseñas por correo electrónico - Facilita el acceso a usuarios que han olvidado su contraseña.
- ✅ Restauración de base de datos - Mantén la integridad de tus datos en caso de fallos.
- 📱 Instalación automática de SQLServer - Asegura una instalación sin problemas de tu base de datos.
- 🔒 Licencias temporales - Ofrece un uso prueba de tu sistema.
- 🆕 Notificaciones - Recibe alertas y actualizaciones en tiempo real.
- ✨ Cambio de temas oscuro-claro - Personaliza la apariencia de tu interfaz de usuario según sus preferencias.
- ⚛️ Arquitectura en 3 capas - Construye un sistema robusto y mantenible.
Versión 2.0:
¡Descubre el futuro del comercio electrónico con la implementación de la facturación electrónica! Ahora, este curso se enriquece con un proyecto avanzado que incluye:
- 📁 Creación de archivos xml - Prepara los archivos necesarios para la transmisión de datos.
- 🚀 Descarga de firma digital desde SUNAT - Asegura la autenticidad y validez de tus facturas.
- 💫 Firmado de xml - Firma electrónica para garantizar la integridad de las transacciones.
- ⚗️ Zipeado de xml - Organiza y envía tus documentos de manera segura.
- 🌐 Aplicación móvil en la nube - Accede a tu sistema desde cualquier dispositivo móvil.
- 📲 Gestión remota de la facturación electrónica - Administra tus facturas y transacciones desde cualquier lugar.
- 📱 Consumo de servicios: Sunat - Conecta tu sistema con los servicios de facturación electrónica.
- 📈 Versión de UBL: 2.1 - Utiliza el estándar universal de facturación electrónica.
Tecnologías y Soporte:
- C# y SQL Server - Las herramientas principales para desarrollar un sistema robusto y funcional.
- Telegram - Un grupo de soporte dedicado para resolver tus dudas y asistencia en tiempo real.
- API de Sunat - Integra tu sistema con las necesidades actuales de facturación electrónica.
¡Inscríbete hoy y transforma tu carrera profesional con Ada369! 🌟
Con este curso, estarás preparado para enfrentar el desafío de desarrollar y gestionar un sistema de ventas completo y seguro, listo para adaptarse a las necesidades del comercio electrónico moderno. ¡No te quedes atrás, abre camino con Ada369!

Our review
📚 Course Overview: The online course in question is designed for individuals interested in learning about programming with C# and understanding the intricacies of building systems. The instructor, Ing. Franklin from Academia App, has been praised for his comprehensive teaching style and detailed explanations. The course covers a wide range of topics, from fundamental concepts to more advanced system development.
👩🏫 Instructor Quality: The feedback on the instructor's quality is overwhelmingly positive. Students find the instructor highly knowledgeable with a deep understanding of the subject matter and capable of imparting this knowledge effectively. The clarity of instruction and the level of detail provided have been commended.
📚 Content Detail & Completeness: The course content is described as very complete, with an emphasis on real-world application and the potential to commercialize the skills learned. It is noted that while some aspects of the course are very detailed, others may require improvement in presentation and step-by-step guidance.
🛠️ Technical Aspects & Materials: Some students experienced issues with downloadable materials, including one instance of a virus upon downloading support materials. However, many students highlighted the valuable knowledge imparted, noting that despite some hiccups with materials and missing explanations for certain actions within the course, the overall educational value is significant.
🤝 Community Support: The course benefits from a supportive community, which extends beyond the formal instruction to provide additional help and solutions for personal and professional projects. Students appreciate the sense of camaraderie and the collective learning experience.
🚀 Practical Application & Recommendation: The course is highly recommended for both beginners who want to start with C# and POO, as well as more experienced programmers looking to deepen their understanding. Several students have mentioned that this course is one of the most beneficial they have taken on Udemy, with educational, laboral, and commercial implications.
💡 Key Takeaways:
- The course offers a detailed and comprehensive learning experience.
- Ing. Franklin's teaching style is highly praised for clarity and comprehensiveness.
- Some technical issues with materials need to be addressed.
- Real-world application and system development are emphasized.
- The community aspect of the course adds significant value.
- The course is a solid recommendation for C# programmers of all levels.
📢 Student Feedback: The general sentiment from students is one of appreciation for the knowledge shared and the quality of instruction provided by Ing. Franklin. Many students have reported that the skills and understanding they gained from this course have already proven useful in their personal and professional projects.
In summary, while there are some technical issues to be resolved with the course materials, the overarching consensus is that this course is an excellent resource for learning C# and building systems, with a strong emphasis on practical application. The instructor's dedication to student learning and the supportive community make it an exceptional choice for individuals looking to advance their programming skills.


Enrollment distribution

Submit by | Date | Coupon Code | Discount | Emitted/Used | Status |
- | 04/12/2019 | DE75A2A118531B227432 | 95% OFF | expired | |
Angelcrc Seven | 03/04/2020 | C610941905C120738499 | 100% OFF | 40000/1074 | expired |
Lee Jia Cheng | 03/05/2020 | 526AF2B88D0BCF6027DD | 100% OFF | 40000/4762 | expired |
- | 03/07/2020 | AF47092C4C03801FAD13 | 100% OFF | 40000/6247 | expired |
- | 04/07/2020 | A87EFFE9F242054742B3 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 11/03/2021 | 3ACC3EA018280A5A6AFB | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 14/04/2021 | 90AF87193669348ED19A | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 21/05/2021 | ADA3692 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 11/06/2021 | 942F0C4A036F3BB47DE2 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 01/07/2021 | EEC2BEC1429F9860C756 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 13/07/2021 | E51C39DD1D9BEEC8A792 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 03/08/2021 | 7540B070A29908D5C495 | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 23/08/2021 | C4566397E4A08D74DF7C | 100% OFF | 40000/12066 | expired |
- | 16/11/2021 | ESCORPIO | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 24/05/2022 | PROGRAMADOR | 95% OFF | expired | |
- | 15/08/2022 | EA85CE833F12AE55E94D | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 04/10/2022 | 140BDC23E5CC5F112CC6 | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 17/10/2022 | 5C6186933E5D6F89EFF3 | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 08/02/2023 | LOVE369 | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 27/03/2023 | ADIOSTONGO | 83% OFF | expired | |
- | 18/04/2023 | DECISIONES | 88% OFF | expired | |
- | 25/07/2023 | JULIOHOT | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 10/08/2023 | AGOSTOMAGICO | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 11/09/2023 | CERDYN | 100% OFF | 1000/757 | expired |
- | 14/11/2023 | NOVIEMBREGO | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 05/12/2023 | ELGRINCH | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 02/01/2024 | NEW2024 | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 08/03/2024 | LIBERTAD | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 20/03/2024 | FRUTAFRESCA | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 18/04/2024 | MANAFULL | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 21/04/2024 | B5F0AFA6F9CDB5D9CFB0 | 100% OFF | 1000/931 | expired |
- | 18/07/2024 | ECOBANK | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 06/08/2024 | EXCLUSIVOUDEMYAGOSTO | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 07/09/2024 | SEPTIEMBRESINFAP | 82% OFF | expired | |
- | 21/09/2024 | ASPIRANTEAOFICIAL | 82% OFF | expired |