
Complete R Programming course: Beginner to Advanced Level

Master R: Clear Understanding of Data Aggregation, Tidyverse, reshape, tidyr, dplyr, data.table packages and so on!

4.11 (9 reviews)
Programming Languages
Complete R Programming course: Beginner to Advanced Level
7.5 hours
Aug 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Advanced data analytics with dplyr package

Advanced analytics with datatable package

How to perform sorting, subscripting, Merging of R Data structures

Data Aggregartion using dplyr and data table packages

Data Aggregation with aggregate function

Data Analysis with Apply family of functions: apply(), sapply(), tapply(), lapply()

Importing data into R using tidyverse package

Restructuring real datasets with reshape package

Restructuring real world datasets with melt and cast functions

Restructuring real datasets with tidy package package

Restructuring real world datasets with gather and spare functions

How to work with categorical data

what are factors in R?

Regular expression with grep & gsub function

if statements: nested in statements

How to use the switch function in r

Complete explanations of the for loops and while loops using R

How to use loops within your own functions

How to create, manage and subscript R Data Structures

Complete explanation and Application of Vectors, Matrices and Arrays with real datasets

Complete explanation and Application of Dataframes and Lists

Calling R Functions & How to write your own functions

R for Complicated mathematics formulae

Master R 4.2

What is the Pipe Operator & How to use it

Why take this course?

🌟 Complete R Programming Course: Beginner to Advanced Level 🌟

Course Instructor: Learn by Coding Along!

Are you embarking on your R programming adventure? Are you a complete beginner in programming and eager to dive into data analysis? 🚀 This course is perfect for you!

Why Master R with This Course?

This comprehensive course is designed to take you from the basics to advanced concepts of R, ensuring a thorough understanding of writing elegant and efficient code. We'll be utilizing the latest version of R and RStudio to cover all the essential topics needed for careers in high-demand fields like:

  • Data Analyst 📊
  • Quantitative Analyst 💫
  • Data Scientist 🧠
  • Financial Analyst 💰 ... and many more!

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation in R and will be able to:

  1. Understand the Basics of R

    • Grasp R data types
    • Perform basic math operations
    • Handle complex arithmetic formulas with ease
  2. Work with Advanced Data Structures

    • Master vectors, matrices, arrays, and data frames
    • Manage lists effectively
  3. Analyze Categorical Data

    • Learn what categorical data is
    • Understand factors in R programming
    • Apply regular expressions using grep and gsub functions
  4. Develop Functions in R

    • Learn to call and write R functions
    • Implement if statements, including else if & else cases
    • Master nested if statements and the switch function
  5. Incorporate Loops into Your Code

    • Comprehend the use of for and while loops
    • Work with nested loops
    • Utilize loops within functions
  6. Explore the Apply Family of Functions

    • Discover how to apply functions across multiple elements in R
    • Learn different types of apply functions, including lapply and sapply
  7. Import Data Seamlessly with Tidyverse

    • Efficiently read CSV and Excel files into R
  8. Master Data Manipulation & Transformation in R

    • Sort data, remove duplicates, and merge datasets
    • Restructure data using the reshape and tidyr packages
    • Perform data aggregation and melting/spreading of data frames
  9. Utilize the dplyr Package

    • Learn sorting, subscripting, merging, and aggregating
    • Understand the pipe operator in R
  10. Employ the data.table Package

    • Set keys and understand subscripting
    • Master merging and aggregation with data.table

📚 Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain proficiency in R, a versatile tool for statistical computing and graphics
  • Understand the principles of programming and data manipulation
  • Acquire the skills to analyze and visualize data effectively
  • Prepare yourself for a career in data analysis or any field that demands strong analytical skills and programming knowledge

Embrace the opportunity to become an R expert! 🔍💻

Sign up now and embark on your journey towards mastering R. With hands-on coding, real-world examples, and a supportive community of learners, you're set for success. Let's get started on transforming your data skills to the next level! 🚀🎉

Enroll in "Complete R Programming Course: Beginner to Advanced Level" today and unlock new opportunities tomorrow!


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