Making a Top Down 2D Pixel Art RPG in Godot

Learn key topics in making RPGs

4.06 (9 reviews)
Game Design
Making a Top Down 2D Pixel Art RPG in Godot
5.5 hours
Dec 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn many core concepts of using the gdscript language to build Godot games

Build 2D RPG levels with collisions, layer sorting, and level transitions

Use Tiled and Tiled to Godot Exporter to improve your level building process

Create a working 2D character controller with a follow camera

Spawn characters into your levels on the fly

More content to come in the near future

Why take this course?

🌟 Course Title: Making a Top Down 2D Pixel Art RPG in Godot

Course Headline: Dive into Game Development with Unity's Godot Engine – From Zero to Your Own RPG!

Course Description:

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of game development with our comprehensive "Making a Top Down 2D Pixel Art RPG in Godot" course. In this hands-on adventure, you'll be crafting your very own classic 2D RPG from scratch using the powerful and versatile Godot engine, renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust features.

What You'll Experience:

  • Understanding the Basics: We'll kick things off by familiarizing ourselves with the core concepts of Godot, including setting up your first scene, handling player input, and ensuring your game looks great on any resolution with dynamic window resizing.

  • Mastering Movement Mechanics: Learn how to control your character's movement and animations using an intuitive state machine. We'll explore how to transition between different directions and movement states, making your player feel responsive and lively.

  • Interactive World Building: Discover how to populate your game world with interactive objects and handle basic collision detection. You'll be able to create a rich, immersive environment where every action has a tangible effect.

  • Bringing Characters to Life: Setting up various animations for your player character becomes second nature as we delve into sprite sheets and the art of animation. You'll master the techniques needed to animate your characters with precision.

  • Exploring State Machines: Understand the power of state machines by learning how to implement different modes for your characters, allowing them to react dynamically to the game world.

  • Camera Work: Implement a smart camera system that follows your player character while maintaining a consistent view within the boundaries of your game maps.

  • Level Design Excellence: Construct 2D RPG levels with intricate collisions, layer sorting, and seamless transitions between different areas. We'll also cover how to use Tiled for detailed level design, and the Tiled to Godot Exporter to streamline your workflow.

  • Character Controller and Spawning: Create a robust 2D character controller that can handle complex inputs and interactions, and learn how to dynamically spawn characters into your levels on the fly.

Why Choose Godot?

Godot stands out for several reasons: it's free, open-source, and offers real-time script execution with GDScript – a Python-like language that's both powerful and easy to learn. This means you can test your game logic quickly without the need for compilation, allowing for rapid development and iteration.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is designed for anyone with a passion for game development and a desire to learn how to create engaging top-down RPGs. Prior programming knowledge will be beneficial, but not mandatory, as we'll cover the fundamentals of GDScript along the way.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation in creating games with Godot and Tiled, and you'll have built an entire top-down 2D pixel art RPG from scratch. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced developer looking to expand your skillset, this course is packed with the knowledge you need to bring your game development visions to life. Join us, and let's create something amazing together! 🚀🎮

Enroll Now and Start Your Game Development Journey with Godot!


January 7, 2022
Course focuses on half-baked approaches of various top-down 2D RPG aspects, such as how to format the camera for pixel art and create a player controller, make a tilemap, changing scenes with colliders, etc. which are common-knowledge fundamentals you can look up for free with a few tricks thrown in. While useful, the course can't be followed step-by-step as intended due to lots of backpedaling and cuts to new methods or assets the instructor added in post production or entirely out of order! Does not teach a complete game, only a few beginning aspects to get a sprite running around and picking up objects. When paying for the course, I was hoping the class would actually teach, from start to finish, how to at least make a tangible short demo with combat, dialogue, or a fetch quest at minimum. Felt like the course was vastly incomplete but the uploader does not seem to be working on it anymore.
January 3, 2022
pros: - Good speed. not too slow, not too fast.. perfect - Explains things with comparisons and refers to other languages for people who already know how to code - Does not blatanly copy the Godot docs and actually improves upon the docs by using nice shortcuts that reduce the amount of code that needs to be written cons: - Blury videos - Mistakes are not properly cut out and so that makes the tutorial supper confusing if you are attempting to follow the instructor - Lacks basic game things like making weapons along with coding them. - Sometimes some videos start with new files added without the teacher giving any indication that the student should make these files. - Sometimes the teacher will speed through a code line while reading what he is typing and leaving out what the API that is being used does (referring to built-in functions, not custom ones that you make during the course). - Course lacks content… the price reflects it in a way but i can’t help but want more. - What about UI elements? things like the player inventory showing up on a UI or some health or something.. - I also expected some basic ranged weapon as i would have loved to see how one would go about launching some projectiles and capturing when it hits something. Overall it seems like this course was rushed? it still contains the sub-title “Classic Platformer Design in a Free Game Engine for Beginners” even tho we are not working on a platformer. The image quality is also very poor. i tested the image. quality on multiple devices and browser with no avail. It also seems like some youtube tutorial series give more content than this course.



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