Fundamentos Cisco Networking Parte 1
Curso enfocado para prepararte y obtener conocimientos fundamentales de Cisco Networking

What you will learn
Conceptos fundamentales de Cisco Networking
habilidades de ruteo y switching
Conocimientos de temas fundamentales de networking
Why take this course?
🚀 Curso Fundamentos Cisco Networking Parte 1: ¡Domina las Bases de la Red de Cisco! TDM (Tu Mente Digital): Tu viaje hacia el dominio del networking con Cisco comienza aquí. Este curso está diseñado para proporcionarte una sólida base en los conceptos y habilidades prácticas necesarias para tus aspiraciones en el campo de la red de Cisco. Aunque el enfoque original estaba alineado con la certificación ICND1, con la nueva actualización curricular de Cisco, te equiparás con conocimientos que superan lo básico y te preparan para cualquier desafío en este campo.
🎓 Conoce el Contenido del Curso:
- Estructura Aprendizaje Paso a Paso: Desde los fundamentos hasta la configuración de equipos, el curso está meticulosamente diseñado para llevarte por un camino de aprendizaje progresivo.
- Material de Calidad: Accede a una colección de videos instructivos que combinan teoría y ejemplos prácticos en equipos reales. Además, te familiarizarás con términos clave en inglés para un entendimiento más profundo de los conceptos.
- Asesoría Experta: Aprende bajo la guía de un instructor con más de 10 años de experiencia en el mundo del networking. Tu éxito es su misión.
🕒 Inversión de Tiempo Valiosa: Este curso representa una inversión de tiempo de aproximadamente 28 horas y 57 minutos, distribuidos de manera efectiva para maximizar tu aprendizaje. Cada capítulo ha sido cuidadosamente desglose para optimizar tu experiencia de aprendizaje.
📚 Aprende Conflexiones y Buenas Prácticas: A través de este curso, te asegurarás no solo de entender los conceptos fundamentales sino también de adquirir las habilidades necesarias para configurar eficientemente tus equipos de red.
🎯 Prepárate para el Futuro: Con este conocimiento, estarás bien equipado para enfrentar las certificaciones futuras y para aplicar tus habilidades en el real mundo de la red de Cisco.
¡No Dejes Pasar Este Oportunidad! Inscríbete ahora y comienza tu viaje hacia el dominio del networking con Cisco. Con este curso, estarás en el camino correcto para alcanzar tus metas profesionales.
✍️ Nota Importante: Aunque los videos al principio pueden mencionar las leyendas de ICND1 100-101 o ICND1 100-105, recuerda que este curso va más allá de una preparación para una certificación específica. Estás aquí para obtener conocimientos fundamentales y prácticos en Cisco Networking que te serán valiosos independientemente del examen que decidas tomar en el futuro.
🎓 ¡Inicia Tu Aventura en Cisco Networking Hoy Mismo! 🚀
Our review
📚 Overview of the Course:
The course has received an overall rating of 4.79 from recent reviews, indicating a high level of satisfaction among students. The general consensus is that the course is good and practical for those with previous knowledge in networking who wish to complete certain topics. It is also noted that while the course is theory-heavy with some practical elements, it could benefit from additional hands-on activities to complement the learning experience.
🔍 Pros of the Course:
- The course is considered comprehensive, covering not only the necessary content for certification but also providing additional insights that are not commonly discussed by other instructors. (Reviewer 6)
- The instructor is commended for their clear and understandable explanations, making the complex topics accessible. (Reviewer 12, 13)
- The course structure is found to be suitable for those preparing to take the certification exam, with a good attitude from the instructor and practical examples that are well-explained. (Reviewer 14, 15)
- The course is deemed very complete, offering theory and practice in Cisco IOS implementation, with nearly all concepts explained and demonstrated clearly. (Reviewer 17)
- The instructor's knowledge and approach to teaching are highly appreciated, and the course is recommended wholeheartedly. (Reviewer 18)
- Clear explanations and an attempt to cover a wide range of topics are recognized as strengths of the course. (Reviewer 20)
- The course starts with a good introduction, and there is hope that it will continue to improve and update with more practical exercises as it progresses. (Reviewer 21)
- The course's approach to explaining points that are not covered in other courses is seen as a significant advantage. (Reviewer 22)
🛠️ Cons of the Course:
- Some reviewers suggest that the course could be better suited for beginners if it included laboratories for GNS3 or Packet Tracer to reinforce learning. (Reviewer 1)
- The presence of errors in the course content and videos, as well as unclear explanations in some cases, is noted. (Reviewer 1)
- The quality of the videos is criticized, with complaints about writing over the presentations that is hard to understand. (Reviewer 23)
- Some users express that they are not fully comfortable with the course due to information being presented too quickly or in large quantities. (Reviewer 24)
- A few reviews mention the need for a clearer distinction between the OSI model and the TCP/IP model, with suggestions to explore differences and specific problem-solving scenarios. (Reviewer 25)
📈 Room for Improvement:
- The course could benefit from more practical exercises and hands-on opportunities to complement the theoretical aspects. (Reviewers across multiple submissions)
- Improving the quality of video presentations, including reducing unnecessary writing on screen during explanations, would enhance the learning experience. (Reviewer 23)
- Addressing the speed and volume of information presented could help students who are newer to the subject matter or those who prefer a more gradual approach to learning. (Reviewer 24)
🔝 Final Thoughts:
Overall, the course is highly regarded for its comprehensive content and clear explanations, with many learners finding it beneficial for preparing for certification exams. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in terms of practical exercises and video quality, the positive feedback suggests that this course is a valuable resource for those looking to advance their understanding of networking concepts.