Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template

with In-App Purchases - Swift 5.1, iOS 12, Xcode 10 ready

4.20 (73 reviews)
Mobile Apps
Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template
6 733
3 hours
Aug 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Set up and submit an iMessage App to the App Store for iMessage apps with In-App Purchases.

Learn the basics of the iTunes Connect Developer Portal

Why take this course?

以上是 Sticker for Messages 应用程序的更新历史,从初始版本 1.0.0 发布于 2016 年 11 月,到最新的版本 10.1.0(截至您提供的信息日期)。每个版本都包含了特定的功能改进、bug 修复和设计更新。这些更新旨在提高用户体验、解决已知问题以及适应最新的 iOS 系统版本和设备。

如果您打算为此项目创建一个新的版本,并且现有的代码基于 Xcode 8 或更早版本,您将需要根据最新的指导(截至 Xcode 9 和 iOS 11)来进行一些重大更改。这包括但不限于:

  • Swift 4 兼容性更新。
  • UI 调整以适应 iPhone X 的全屏显示模式。
  • 移除对非自动续订购物的支持,如果这在您的新版本中不再适用。
  • 更新图标和UI元素以符合 iOS 11 的设计指南。
  • 添加新的功能,例如选择贴片大小、自定义吸附点等。
  • 修复已知的 bug 和性能问题。
  • 更新文档和注释以反映新的代码结构和功能。

在开始这些更改之前,您应该确保备份现有项目的当前状态,以便在新版本开发过程中可以恢复。此外,考虑到 Apple App Store 的要求和用户体验,请确保遵守所有相关的隐私政策、设计指南和开发最佳实践。


Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template - Screenshot_01Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template - Screenshot_02Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template - Screenshot_03Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template - Screenshot_04

Our review

Overall Course Rating: 3.20

Course Review Synthesis:


  • High-Quality Content: The course materials are EXCELLENT, according to some students, who report learning a lot about app development and finding the project continually updated with support from a knowledgeable and responsive instructor.

  • Responsive Instructor: The instructor is noted for providing excellent follow-up solutions when issues arise. This responsiveness is highly appreciated by students encountering "inevitable snafus."

  • Comprehensive Base: The course provides an excellent base with clear code and instructions that are easy to apply, allowing one student to transform their sticker app into one with in-app purchases.

  • Community Support: There are instances of students helping each other out, which contributes to a positive learning environment.


  • Technical Issues: A number of significant technical problems have been reported, including outdated content, critical bugs not addressed by the course author, and poor communication from support.

  • User Experience Flaws: The application's instructions are described as "shockingly bad," with language barriers causing issues, particularly in technical contexts like terminal use where spelling and clarity are vital.

  • Platform Compatibility: There are challenges with downloading and watching videos on iPad devices, with some users experiencing persistent playback issues that required multiple attempts to resolve.

  • Inconsistent Support: The support provided has been inconsistent, with one instance of a highly unsatisfactory response from the support team after a detailed inquiry, and other students waiting for answers without success.

Summary: The course has its strong points, including comprehensive content and an engaged instructor who assists with troubleshooting. However, it is let down by significant technical issues, poor communication, and compatibility problems on certain platforms like the iPad. The quality of the course content and the potential for learning are clear, but these are overshadowed by the frustration caused by outdated materials, unresponsive support, and technical glitches that hinder the learning experience. It's important to weigh the positive aspects against these negative points when considering enrollment in this course.

Note: The review above is a synthesis of the provided feedback from recent students who have taken the course. It reflects a wide range of experiences, from extremely negative to very positive, indicating that the quality of the learning experience may vary significantly depending on several factors including the student's technical setup and the responsiveness of the course author.


20/06/2019100% OFF

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