Créez 4 Apps et Jeux en Réalité Augmentée-Vuforia-Unity

Maîtrisez la réalité augmentée avec Unity 3D et Vuforia 7.x/8.x - Solution multiplateformes Android UWP et iOS

4.52 (108 reviews)
Game Development
Créez 4 Apps et Jeux en Réalité Augmentée-Vuforia-Unity
15 hours
May 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Créer 4 application/jeux en réalité augmentée

Développer avec le SDK de Vuforia

Réaliser un jeu complet de Tower Defense en AR

Placer parfaitement les modèles 3D sur le sol et exploiter les autres fonctionnalités de Vuforia

Mettre à jour le sdk de Vuforia

Déployer le jeu sur un smartphone Android

Why take this course?

¡Hola! Me parece que has proporcionado un resumen detallado de lo que se incluye en el curso "Realidad Aumentada con Vuforia y Unity 3D". Este curso está diseñado para llevarte desde los fundamentos hasta la creación de un juego completo utilizando Vuforia, una de las SDKs más completas y robustas en el mercado para desarrollo de realidad aumentada (AR) con Unity 3D.

El curso está dividido en varias secciones:

  1. Primera introducción a la AR: Aquí te explicarán qué es la realidad aumentada, cómo funciona y para qué puedes utilizar Vuforia y Unity 3D.

  2. Premiers pas con Vuforia: Aprenderás a configurar tu entorno de desarrollo, cómo crear una base de datos (database) y un marcador (marker) de tipo ImageTarget con Vuforia.

  3. Desarrollo de juegos y aplicaciones AR: Progresarás desde conceptos básicos hasta la creación de un juego interactivo, incluyendo la gestión de recursos, animaciones 3D, efectos de particulas y más.

  4. Creación de un Terrain: Te guiarán para crear terrenos y paisajes dentro del entorno de Unity 3D.

  5. Deploy para Android: Aprenderás a preparar tu aplicación AR para ser desplegada en dispositivos Android.

  6. Otras tecnologías Vuforia: Se menciona que estarás al tanto de las últimas actualizaciones y otras tecnologías ofrecidas por Vuforia, como el Extended Tracking introducido en la versión Mars 2018.

El curso también destaca que está diseñado para ser dinámico y reaccionar a tus necesidades, con actualizaciones y contenido adicional que se agrega según avances las tecnologías y los comentarios de los estudiantes. Además, te ofrecen recursos como sonidos para acompañarte en tu aprendizaje y te invitas a contactar al instructor si encuentras dificultades durante el curso.

El curso concluye motivando que es una forma de asegurarte de estar a la vanguardia en AR con Vuforia y Unity 3D, y te anima a inscribirte para comenzar tu viaje en el desarrollo de realidad aumentada.

Si tienes alguna pregunta específica o necesitas más detalles sobre el curso, estaré encantado de ayudarte.

Our review

Overview of Course Evaluation

The online course titled "Vuforia AR SDK Development with Unity" has received a high level of satisfaction from its recent participants. The average global rating stands at an impressive 4.60 out of 5 stars. Below, we'll delve into the various aspects of the course as reflected in the reviews:


  • Quality Content and Instruction: Reviewers have commended the course for its quality content where participants actually learn to code with Vuforia SDK, as opposed to just receiving an overview. The instruction is clear and engaging.

  • Comprehensive Learning Materials: The course includes complete and clear explanations, which are particularly appreciated by those who are new to C# or are enhancing their skills.

  • Real-World Application: Participants appreciate the practical approach of the course, which involves working on real projects like "BrickShooter," "Cute Cat Concept," and "Ikea Place Like." These hands-on experiences allow learners to apply theoretical knowledge in a tangible way.

  • Dedicated Support and Resources: The instructor is responsive and provides additional resources, such as game controllers and event handling tutorials, which are valuable for understanding the concepts taught.

  • Well-Structured Tutorials: The live coding sessions are seen as a practical learning method, especially for beginners. These sessions demonstrate how to tackle common problems encountered during development.


  • Outdated Content Concerns: A few reviews suggest that there may be a need for an update to the course content to cover recent versions of Unity and Vuforia SDK, ensuring that the skills learned remain relevant in the current technological landscape.

  • Lack of Full Code Examples: Some participants have pointed out that while code for the first three projects is provided, there were no source codes or prefabs available for later projects like the Tower Defense game. This can make it more challenging to understand and replicate the instructor's work.

  • Long Hours for Basic Prototyping: It was noted that creating a basic prototype, as demonstrated in the course, typically takes 2-3 hours, but the actual video content spans over 5 hours. This suggests that some sections could be streamlined or condensed to save time for learners.

  • Source Code from the Instructor: A common suggestion is for the instructor to provide his own source code examples. This would offer a solid starting point for learners and allow them to compare their work with a proven solution.

  • Language Clarity: Some reviewers recommend that the course could be improved by alternating between French and English, or by sticking primarily to one language to avoid confusion from mixed language use.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Frequency of Updates: To keep the course content current with the latest versions of Unity and Vuforia SDK, regular updates would be beneficial.

  • Supplementary Materials: Providing complete source codes for all projects, as well as other materials like prefabs, could greatly enhance the learning experience.

  • Efficiency in Tutorials: Some sections of the course could be shortened to reflect a more accurate timeline of development work, ensuring that the instructional content aligns with the effort required by learners.


Overall, the "Vuforia AR SDK Development with Unity" course is highly regarded for its educational value and clear presentation. With some updates and improvements to the structure and content, it could become an even more compelling resource for those looking to master AR development with Unity and Vuforia. The positive feedback from learners indicates that with a few tweaks, this course has the potential to be an excellent tool in the professional development of AR designers and developers.

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