Conviértete en Full Stack Dev: React/API Net C#/SQL/Mat UI
Sé un profesional, construye Apps reales y transforma tu habilidades.

What you will learn
Instalaremos los entornos de desarollo y extensiones necesarias
Implementarás Material UI para que tu proyecto se destaque del resto
Aprenderás los conceptos básicos de Javascript ES6 y React
Implementarás Axios para conectarnos a nuestra API Net C#
Aprenderás a desarrollar Functional Components
Entenderás el funcionamiento de un componente controlado y no controlado
Sabrás implementar ciclos de vida mediante Hooks: useState, useRef, useEffect
Implementarás Context en React
Desarrollarás desde cero una API Rest en Net C# (Models, Controllers, DbContext y Settings)
Implementaremos JWT, SHA y LocalStorage para sesiones de usuario y seguridad
Aprenderás a desplegar tu aplicación completa en IIS
Why take this course?
🌟 Conviértete en Full Stack Developer: React/API .NET Core/SQL/Material UI 🌟
Sé un profesional, construye Apps reales y transforma tu carrera.
¡Bienvenido al emocionante viaje hacia la maestría en desarrollo full stack con nuestro curso de React! Aquí te tomarás el control del lenguaje de programación JavaScript ES6, navegarás por los poderosos React Hooks y Functional Components, y explorarás la jerarquía de componentes que son la esencia de React.
Frontend Expertise: Dominarás el uso de Hooks como
yReact Router
, y te familiarizarás conStyled Components
para crear interfaces de usuario impactantes y profesionales con Material UI. -
Backend Mastery: Crearás una API REST robusta, construirás controladores y modelos de datos, y conectarás todo esto a React mediante Axios. Aprenderás a implementar medidas de seguridad esenciales como SHA, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) y LocalStorage para proteger los datos y la información del usuario.
Real World Application: No solo te enseñaremos cómo escribir código, sino cómo desplegarlo a producción. Aprenderás sobre el hosting de aplicaciones y cómo publicar tu proyecto con un proveedor de alojamiento web que cumpla con tus necesidades actuales y futuras.
Este curso está diseñado para todos los niveles, desde principiantes hasta desarrolladores intermedios que buscan refinar sus habilidades. Te aseguramos soporte constante y te proporcionaremos acceso a contenido actualizado para que siempre estés al día con las mejores prácticas y tecnologías.
Herramientas y Tecnologías que Dominarás:
- Editor de Código: Visual Studio Code
- Frontend: React, JavaScript (ES6), React Hooks, Functional Components, Props, React Router, Styled Components
- Backend: API REST, Modelo de datos, Axios
- Seguridad: SHA, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), LocalStorage
- Lenguaje de Programación: .NET Core (C#)
- Diseño de Interfaz de Usuario: Material UI
¿Listo para el Desafío? 🚀
Prepárate para impulsar tus habilidades y destacarte en el mundo del desarrollo tecnológico. Con cada lección que completes, estarás un paso más cercano a transformarte en un Full Stack Developer excepcional.
¡Un futuro lleno de posibilidades te espera! 🎉
Al inscribirte en este curso, no solo adentrarteás en el aprendizaje de las tecnologías más demandadas del mercado, sino que también tendrás la oportunidad de construir proyectos reales y aplicar todo lo que has aprendido. ¡Es hora de convertirte en el desarrollador full stack que siempre quisiste ser!

Our review
🏆 Global Course Rating: 4.50
Overview of the Course
This course has received positive feedback from recent reviewers, with a consistent theme emphasizing the quality of instruction and the course's solid foundational content. The majority of users find the curriculum valuable, especially for those with pre-existing knowledge in React and C#. The instructor, Mariano, is commended for his clear explanations and apparent expertise in the subject matter.
Pros of the Course
- Quality Instruction: Reviewers have praised Mariano's teaching style and his deep understanding of the course content.
- Comprehensive Content: The course covers a wide range of topics, making it suitable for learners looking to grasp both frontend and backend development with React and C#.
- Real-world Application: Users have confirmed that the skills taught are applicable in practical scenarios.
- Engaging Presentation: Mariano's ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner has been singled out as one of the course's strengths.
Areas for Improvement
- Content Updates Needed: A few reviewers have pointed out that the course's content is slightly outdated, particularly with the latest versions of React and .NET Backend (e.g., .NET 6).
- Version Discrepancies: There is a noted discrepancy between the course materials and the most current practices, especially concerning the use of
in .NET projects. - Need for Explicit Updates Instructions: While the content is relevant, there is a need for guidance on how to update the course material for those who have prior experience and wish to follow the latest versions. For beginners, it's recommended to use the versions of technology discussed in the videos.
- Keep Content Updated: It is suggested that future updates include the most recent versions of React and .NET, ensuring that the course remains current and relevant for learners.
- Supplement with Latest Practices: Include additional resources or sections that address the changes in React and .NET to help learners who prefer using the latest technology.
- Course Structure Clarity: Clearly outline which parts of the course are suitable for learners who want to use older versions versus those who wish to implement the latest practices.
Final Verdict
Overall, this course is highly recommended for individuals with foundational knowledge in React and C# as it is structured well and teaches essential concepts effectively. For advanced learners or those looking for the most current frameworks and libraries, it is advised to supplement the course content with up-to-date resources or wait for an updated version of the course that incorporates these changes.
🔍 Note to Future Learners: The course is a solid starting point for those new to React and C# development but keep in mind that some aspects, specifically the backend technologies, have evolved since the recording of the course. It is beneficial to remain aware of these updates and integrate them as needed.


Enrollment distribution

Submit by | Date | Coupon Code | Discount | Emitted/Used | Status |
- | 13/02/2022 | REACT_FEB92022 | 86% OFF | expired | |
- | 02/03/2022 | FEB3_22 | 86% OFF | expired | |
- | 27/10/2023 | OCT3_2023 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 05/11/2023 | NOV1_2023 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 17/11/2023 | NOV2_2023 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 12/01/2024 | ENE1_2024 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 19/01/2024 | ENE2_2024 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 06/02/2024 | FEB1_2024 | 85% OFF | expired | |
- | 04/03/2024 | MAR1_2024 | 85% OFF | expired |