Python 3零基础完全入门与提高


4.66 (1765 reviews)
Programming Languages
Python 3零基础完全入门与提高
16 hours
Jul 2023
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🚀 **《Python3面向对象编程》— Python 3.8+零基础完全入门与提高** 你好,拓展你的技术视野的朋友们!👋 我是这门课程的讲师,肖鹏,一名拥有10年Python开发经验的Cisco网络开发工程师。在新浪博客“麦兜搞IT”上,我已经分享了超过150篇关于Python的博客文章,赢得了数百万用户的阅读赞赏。2015年,我的第一本译著《Python3面向对象编程》出版,今天,我带你们一起深入学习Python 3.8+,让你的编码技能飞跃至新高度。📚✨ 🚀 **课程亮点** - **直观易懂的解释**:Python是一种结合了解释性、编译性、互动性和面向对象的高层次脚本语言,它以其出色的可读性和独特的语法结构受到青睐。 - **交互式学习体验**:Python是一种交互式语言,你可以在命令提示符下即时执行代码,让学习变得更加直观和有趣。 - **面向初学者的设计**:无论你是编程新手还是想要转型到Python,这门语言都是一个优秀选择。它支持广泛的应用,从基础文本处理到复杂的网络开发和数据分析。 🎓 **课程大纲** 1. **课程介绍与开发环境搭建** 🏗️ - 了解Python的历史及其应用领域 - 安装和配置你的Python开发环境(IDEs) 2. **基本数据类型** 🔢 - 学习Python的基本数据类型:数字、字符串、布尔值等 - 理解数据类型之间的转换 3. **列表和元组** 📋 - 掌握如何使用列表进行集合和排序操作 - 了解元组的不变性特性及其应用场景 4. **字典和集合** 🧩 - 学习字典的键值存储和访问 - 探索集合的基本操作,以及它们与列表的区别 5. **条件语句和循环语句** 🤔 - 掌握Python的控制流结构:if, elif, else及其嵌套使用 - 学习for和while循环以及循环中的迭代器 6. **函数** 🔍 - 定义和调用自定义函数 - 理解参数和返回值的概念 7. **面向对象基础** 👥 - 初探Python中的类(class)和实例(object) - 学习面向对象编程的核心概念:继承、封装和多态 8. **模块和包** 📦 - 导入Python标准库中的模块和自定义模块 - 了解如何组织代码,使其易于管理和重用 9. **输入输出和文件** ✍️ - 学习如何与用户交互,读写文件 - 理解Python的文件操作函数和异常处理 10. **函数式编程** 🔁 - 探索Python中的函数式编程特性 - 学习高阶函数和匿名函数(lambda表达式) 11. **异常和处理** ❌ - 捕获和处理Python代码中的错误和异常 - 理解try, except, finally等语句块的使用场景 12. **提高:性能优化和调试** 🚀 - 学习Python代码性能分析和优化技巧 - 掌握调试工具,追踪程序中的bug 通过这门课程,你将全面了解Python的基础知识,并能够独立完成实际项目。让我们一起探索Python的强大能力,搭建你的编程技能之旅,开启高效代码和创新应用的新篇章!🚀🌟 立即加入我们,开始你的Python之旅吧!🎉

Our review

course title: **Python Programming for Beginners** **Overall Rating:** 4.68/5.0 ### Course Review Summary The course has received overwhelmingly positive reviews with a high satisfaction rate, particularly noted for its effectiveness in teaching Python to beginners and those looking to refresh their knowledge. The instructor, Xiao Peng, is commended for his clear and detailed explanations and his dedication to updating the course content, even years after its publication. **Pros:** - Comprehensive coverage of Python fundamentals suitable for beginners. - High-quality content with attention to detail in explaining various concepts. - The instructor's willingness to respond to questions and keep the course updated. - Suitable pace for quick learning, with some students completing the course in as little as 4 hours by watching at 1.5x speed. - Affordable compared to other similar courses offered on platforms like Coursera. **Cons:** - Some students found the language and presentation style of the instructor to be a limitation, as it could have been clearer or more polished. - A few users expressed a desire for more examples and additional exercises to reinforce learning. - The visual aids provided in the slides were considered simple and not always sufficient to illustrate complex concepts. **Notable Mentions:** - Recommended for those new to Python, especially for data analysis applications as mentioned by one student, Mike. - Some advanced learners who already have a grasp of Python may find the course too basic or repetitive. - A suggestion from a student for future improvements includes adding more diagrams and visual explanations, particularly for complex topics like decorators, to aid in understanding relationships and flow within functions. **User Experience:** The majority of students who took the time to review the course expressed gratitude for Xiao Peng's teaching methods and found the course to be a valuable resource for learning Python. The course is praised for its real-world applicability, especially for data analysis tasks. However, some advanced learners may not find it challenging enough based on their existing skill level. ### Recommendations for Improvement: - Enhance visual aids with diagrams and charts to better explain complex concepts. - Provide more practical examples and exercises to solidify the learning experience. - Consider offering additional courses or modules for advanced learners who wish to delve deeper into Python programming. **Final Verdict:** This course is highly recommended for beginners and those looking for a refresher on Python, with the caveat that some may find it too basic depending on their existing knowledge and experience. The quality of instruction and content, combined with the affordability of the course, make it a valuable asset for the Python learning community.



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