Learn Python Programming Masterclass

This Python For Beginners Course Teaches You The Python Language Fast. Includes Python Online Training With Python 3

4.61 (101913 reviews)
Programming Languages
Learn Python Programming Masterclass
64 hours
Jan 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Have a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.

Have the skills and understanding of Python to confidently apply for Python programming jobs.

Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches - Machine Learning, Data Science, etc..

Add the Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills to your résumé.

Understand how to create your own Python programs.

Learn Python from experienced professional software developers.

Understand both Python 2 and Python 3.

Why take this course?

Whether you want to:

- build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job

- move to a more senior software developer position

- get started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialises in

- or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.

…then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.

This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.

The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world – Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.

And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and that’s what you will get from this course.

By the end of the course you’ll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.

Here’s what a few students have told us about the course after going through it.

“I had very limited programming experience before I started this course, so I have really learned a lot from the first few sections. It has taken me from essentially zero programming skill to a level where I'm comfortable using Python to analyze data for my lab reports, and I'm not even halfway done the course yet. There are other courses out there which focus on data analysis, but those courses are usually targeted at people who already know how to program which is why I chose this course instead. “ – Christian DiMaria

“I have been puttering through your Python course . In that time, though, and without finishing it yet I've been able to automate quite a bit at my work. I work in a school system and unifying data from our various student information systems can be incredibly frustrating, time consuming, and at times challenging. Using your course, I've learned enough to write applications that turn massive text files into dictionaries that get "stitched" together like a database and output to properly formatted CSV files and then uploaded via SFTP to various systems for secure processing. Our teachers, students, and the tech department have greatly benefitted from this automation. I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for helping me learn this skill.” – Keith Medlin

“This course was great. Within 3 weeks I was able to write my own database related applications.” – Theo Coenen

And there are many more students who love the course – check out all the reviews for yourself.

Will this course give you core python skills?

Yes it will.  There are a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and that’s what you will learn in this course.

Will the course teach me data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence?

No, it won’t do that – All of these topics are branches of Python programming.  And all of them require a solid understanding of the Python language.

Nearly all courses on these topics assume that you understand Python, and without it you will quickly become lost and confused.

This course will give you that core, solid understanding of the Python programming language.

By the end of the course you will be ready to apply for Python programming positions as well as move on to specific areas of Python, as listed above.

Why should you take this course?

There are a lot of Python courses on Udemy – Your instructors, Tim and Jean-Paul are pretty unique in that between them they have around 70 years of professional programming experience.  That’s more than a lifetime of skills you get to learn Python from.

You can enrol in the course safe in the knowledge that they are not just teachers, but professional programmers with real commercial programming experience, having worked with big companies like IBM, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu and Saab in the past.

As such you will not only be learning Python, but you will be learning industry best practices for Python programming that real employers demand. 

And if that’s not enough take a read of some of the many reviews from happy students – there are around 100,000 students who have left around 19,000 reviews.

This is one of the most popular courses on Python programming on Udemy.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn

(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)

·       All the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating

·       You will learn the answers to questions like What is the Python For Loop, what is Python used for, how Python switch the traditional syntax of code, and more.

·       Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and many other aspects of Python, including tKInter (for building GUI Interfaces) and using databases with Python.

·       Although this is primarily a Python 3 course, a python developer will need to work with Python 2 projects from time to time – We’ll show the difference in both versions to make sure you understand how things work differently in each version.

·        How to develop powerful Python applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier.  IntelliJ has both a FREE and PAID version, and you can use either in this course.  PyCharm will also work just fine.

(Don’t worry if you want to use another IDE. You’re free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course).

Does the course get updated?

It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning it’s crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.

A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated.  Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python can be counter productive and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.

For example if you apply some parts of Python 2 to Python 3 code, you will get completely different results.

We cover differences like this in the course and also continually update the course as well.

What if you have questions?

As if this course wasn’t complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).

This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.

That’s just one reason why Tim was voted top 10 in the  Udemy instructor awards (out of a whopping 18,000 instructors), and quickly became a top-rated, bestselling instructor on the Udemy site.  

Student Quote: “Tim and JP are excellent teachers and are constantly answering questions and surveying students on new topics they will like to learn. This isn't a Python course it’s THE Python course you need.” – Sean Burger

There’s no risk either!

This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let Tim or J-P know and they will refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.

You either end up with Python skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…

You literally can’t lose.

Ready to get started, developer?

Enrol now using the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.

See you on the inside (hurry, your Python class is waiting!)


Course Introduction

Introduction To The Course
Remaster in Progress
Video Quality
How to Get Help
Important Tip - Source Code

Install and Setup

Python for Windows
Installing IntelliJ IDEA for Windows
Python for Mac
Install IntelliJ IDEA for Mac
Python for Linux
Install IntelliJ IDEA for Linux
Configuring IntelliJ IDEA

Stepping into the World of Python

Our First Python Program
Printing in Python
Printing text
Printing the result of a calculation
Strings in Python
The Escape Character
Printing tabs
More on Escape Characters in Strings
Variables and Types
Python is a Strongly Typed Language
Numeric Data Types in Python
Numeric Operators
Integer division
Operator Precedence
The str String Data Type
Negative Indexing in Strings
Slicing with Negative Numbers
Using a Step in a Slice
Slicing Backwards
Challenge Solution and Slicing Idioms
String Operators
String Replacement Fields
String Formatting
Python 2 String Interpolation
Section Summary
The Basics of Python

Program Flow Control in Python

Introduction to Blocks and Statements
if Statements
Using a Debugger in IntelliJ or Pycharm
More on if, elif and else
if, elif, and else in the Debugger
Using if with strings
Simple condition
Adding a Second Guess
Conditional Operators
Challenge Solution
Using and, or, in Conditions
Simplify Chained Comparison
Boolean Expression True and False
Truthy Values
in and not in
if Challenge
Solution to if Challenge
for loops
Stepping through a for loop
for loops Extracting Values from User Input
Extracting capitals
Iterating Over a Range
For loop
More About Ranges
For loop with step
Nested for loops
Initialising Variables and None
while loops
More on while loops
Break in a while loop
The Random Module and Import
Challenge Solution
Binary Search
Hi Lo Game
Pass Statement and Complete the Hi Lo Game
Testing the Hi Lo Game
Augmented Assignment
augmented assignment in a loop
PEP8: The Python Style Guide
Refactoring Code
else in a loop
else in the Hi Lo Game
Conditional Debugging
Another else Example
Section Summary and Challenge
Section Challenge Solution
Optional Extra Challenge Solution
Changing the Condition
End of Remaster
Flow Control Quiz

Lists, Ranges & Tuples in Python

Lists In Python
More About Lists
Challenge - Lists
Understanding Iterators
Understanding and using Ranges
More About Ranges
Ordered Sets With Tuples
More On Ordered Sets With Tuples
Lists, Ranges and Tuples

The Binary number system explained

Introduction to the Section
Binary Basics
What is binary
Hexadecimal and Octal and the Challenge

Python Dictionaries and Sets

Introduction to the Section
Python Dictionaries
Dictionaries Part 2
Dictionaries Part 3
Dictionaries Challenge
More on Dictionaries
The Second Dictionary Challenge
Python Sets Part 2 and Challenge

Input and Output (I/O) in Python

Introduction to the Section
Reading and writing text files
Writing Text Files
Appending to Files and Challenge
Writing Binary Files Manually
Using Pickle To Write Binary Files
Manipulating Data With Shelve
Updating With Shelve
Shelve Challenge
Challenge Continued

Modules and Functions in Python

Introduction to the Section
Modules and import
The standard Python library
WebBrowser Module
Time and DateTime in Python
Time (Continued) and Challenge.
Check Path In Windows
Check Path on a Mac
FAQ: Installing packages in IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm
Installing the pytz module (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Using Timezones
More on Timezones
Timezone Challenge
Introduction to Tkinter
TkInter - Pack Geometry Manager
TkInter - Grid Geometry Manager
Advanced GUI Example Part 1
Advanced GUI Example Part 2
Advanced GUI Example Part 3
Tkinter Challenge
Functions in Python
Functions Part 2
Functions Part 3
Parabola - More on Functions
Scope in Functions
Fix Function and Draw Circles
Enhanced Circles and Challenge
Blackjack Setup
Load Cards
Deal Cards
Global Variables
Global Keyword
Test Blackjack Game
Blackjack Challenge
Importing Techniques
Underscores in Python code
Namespaces, more on Scope and Recursion
Recursion with OS Module and Filesystem and Nonlocal keyword
Nonlocal keyword, Free and LEGB

Object Oriented Python

Object Orientated Programming and Classes
Instances, Constructors, Self and more
Class Attributes
Methods Part 1
Methods Part 2
Non Public and Mangling
DocStrings and Raw Literals
Album class and More on DocStrings
Artist class and import Albums
Load data and Write Checkfile
Compare Files and Algorithm Flowcharts
Implement Revised Load_Data Algorithm
Write OOP Version
Getters and Properties
Remove Circular References Challenge
Getters and Setters
Data Attributes and Properties
Alternate Syntax for Properties
Subclasses and Overloading
Calling Super Methods
Changing Behavior of Methods
Overriding Methods
Inheritance Challenge
Duck Test
Composition Continued
Test Code and Challenge

Using Databases in Python

Introduction to Databases
Database Terminology
Sqlite3 Install on Windows
Sqlite3 Install on a Mac
SQLite3 Install on Ubuntu Linux
Introduction to SQLite
More with SQL using SQLite
Querying data with Sqlite
Order by and Joins
More complex Joins
Wildcards and Views
Housekeeping and the Challenge
SQL in Python
Connections, Cursors and Transactions
SQL Injection Attacks
Placeholders and Parameter Substitution
Exceptions Challenge
Exceptions Continued
Raising Exceptions
More on Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Rolling back Transactions
Adding Database code to the Account Class
GUI Database Editing Overview
Ultimate Edition Database View
Community Edition Database Plugin
Update Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
Displaying Time in Different Timezones
SQLite3 strftime Function
Problems Storing Timezones
Rolling Back Transactions
Simple Database Browser
Star Args
More on KWArgs
Scrollable Listbox
Populating a Listbox from a Database
Show Songs from Album
The DataListbox Class Code
Linking our DataListBoxes
Linking our DataListBoxes Continued
DataListbox Challenge
Section currently being added to regularly

Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions

Generators and Yield
Next and Ranges
Generator Examples - Fibonacci numbers and Calculating Pi
The os.walk Generator
Searching the Filesystem
Reading Mp3 Tags
List Comprehensions
List Comprehensions and Side-Effects
Challenge Solutions
Conditional Comprehensions
Conditional Expressions
Challenge 1 Solution
Challenge 2 Solution
Nested Comprehensions
Nested Comprehensions Challenge
The timeit Module
More on timeit
timeit Continued and Challenge
timeit Challenge
Map Intro
Map Challenge Completion
The Filter Function
The Reduce Function
any and all
Named Tuples
any and all with Comprehensions


Virtual Environments
Content Coming Soon

Course Remaster in Progress

Introduction to Sequence Types
Immutable Objects
Mutable Objects
Binding Multiple Names to a List
Common Sequence Operations
Operations on Mutable Sequences


Introduction to the course

ARCHIVED-Python Setup for Windows

Install Python on Windows
IDLE On Windows with a cool demo app!
Installing IntelliJ on Windows
Configuring IntelliJ and Pycharm on Windows
Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available
Move to next section!

ARCHIVED-Python Setup for Mac

Downloading And Installing Python On Mac OS X
IDLE on Mac OS X with a cool demo app!
Installing Intellij on Mac
Configuring IntelliJ and Pycharm on Mac
Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available
Move to next section!

ARCHIVED-Python Setup for Linux

Downloading And Installing Python On Ubuntu Linux
IDLE on Ubuntu Linux with a cool demo app!
Installing Intellij on Linux
Configuring IntelliJ and Pycharm on Linux
Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available

ARCHIVED-The Basics of Python

Your Programming Careers Questions Answered
Important Videos To Watch on Youtube
Getting To Know Python
Printing text
Printing the result of a calculation
Understanding More About Python
Printing tabs
Storing Items In Variables
Integer division
More About Variables And Strings
String Formatting - Displaying Numbers And Strings
Quiz: The Basics of Python

ARCHIVED-Program Flow Control in Python

An Introduction To Program Flow Control
Test Conditions With If, ElIf & Else
Using if with strings
More Advanced If, ElIf & Else Processing
Simple condition
Challenge - If Then Else
For Loops
For loop
Extending For Loops
Extracting capitals
For loop with step
Understanding Continue, Break And Else
Augmented Assignment
augmented assignment in a loop
Challenge - Program Flow - Part 1
Challenge - Program Flow - Part 2
While Loops
Challenge - While Loop

Extra Information - Source code, and other stuff

Source code for all Programs
Bonus Lecture and Information


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Our review

--- **Global Course Rating:** 4.61 Based on recent reviews, the course has been highly regarded by learners with varying backgrounds in programming. The majority of reviewers appreciate the course's thoroughness and the clarity with which the content is presented, especially commending the instructor's ability to make learning programming enjoyable and understandable. **Pros:** 1. **Instructor's Engagement and Humor:** The instructor's sense of humor and engagement are highly praised, making the course not only informative but also entertaining. 2. **Comprehensive Content:** The course offers a wide range of detailed information, which is appreciated by learners who believe they receive a lot of value for their investment. 3. **Structured and Clear Presentation:** The subsections are well-organized, making it easier for beginners to grasp the concepts step by step. 4. **Best Practices:** The course emphasizes best practices in Python coding, which is beneficial for beginners to develop good habits from the start. 5. **Interactive and Hands-On:** Many learners find the course interactive and appreciate the opportunity to get hands-on experience with Python. 6. **Supportive Learning Community:** Some reviewers mention the supportive community around the course, which can be a valuable resource for learners. 7. **Well-Suited for Absolute Beginners:** Even those with no prior programming experience find the course suitable and beneficial for learning Python. 8. **Recommendations and Recognition:** The course is highly recommended by several reviewers who acknowledge its quality and effectiveness in teaching Python. 9. **Value for Money:** The course is considered a great value, with some learners suggesting it would be worth much more. 10. **Variety of Learning Styles:** The course seems to cater to different learning styles, from visual learners to those who prefer hands-on experience. **Cons:** 1. **Pacing Concerns:** Some reviewers find the talking speed a bit fast and would prefer it to be slower for better comprehension. 2. **Up-to-Date Content:** A few learners point out that some parts of the course use outdated coding practices, such as not utilizing f-strings introduced in 2015 or 2016, which could be a concern for those looking to learn current conventions. 3. **Repetition:** There are mentions that the instructor repeats himself quite often, but this is seen by some as beneficial for reinforcing concepts. 4. **Introduction Phase:** A few reviewers have not yet reached the core content of the course and can only comment on the introductory material. **General Feedback:** - The course is well-liked among learners, with many praising its comprehensive approach to teaching Python. - The instructor's ability to make complex topics understandable is a significant strength of the course. - Some aspects of the course could be updated to reflect current coding standards and practices for a more modern learning experience. - Overall, the course is seen as a valuable resource for individuals looking to learn or improve their Python skills, whether they are complete beginners or have some programming background. **Recommendation:** This course is highly recommended for those seeking to understand Python thoroughly. It's also beneficial for learners who value a structured and detailed approach to learning coding. However, for those interested in the most current Python practices, it might be advisable to supplement this course with additional resources that cover recent updates in the language.


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Enrollment distribution

Learn Python Programming Masterclass - Distribution chart

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